Member Information

Fee Structure and Services for South Central Kansas Distance Learning Network

Services Provided

● Assistance with installation and troubleshooting equipment

● Scheduling of classes and special programs

● Creating collaborative schedule

● Assistance with search for teachers/classes over IDL

● Assistance with student‑to‑student and class‑to‑class collaborations

● Notices of special programs and events

● Training for instructors teaching over IDL

● Training adult facilitators for sites receiving courses

● Professional development for IDL usage

● Liaison with communications companies

● Presentations to BOE’s etc.

● Broad networking with state IDL groups and nationwide

● Equipment purchasing recommendations and assistance

● Latest innovations in distance learning

● Technical helpdesk support during normal school hours

● Access to Zoom including Pro Accounts and Training

Network Membership Fees

Full Member (send and receive classes over the network; special programs)

$4000 Sending Class Only

$6000 Receiving Class

Associate Member (no classes; special programs) $2000

Class Fees

Class Flat Fee (per class/per year; in addition to class fees)

Network District $1500

Non-Network District $3000

District payment to the network for receiving classes (per class/per semester):

1-5 students $1000

6-10 students $1250

11+ students $1,750

District reimbursement from the network for sending classes (per class/per semester):

1-5 students $750

6-10 students $1000

11+ students $1,500

All class fees are paid to and are received from the network. Each district determines what will be done with its class reimbursement fees and this may not be the same from district to district.

SCKDLN Instructor Fee (Art – Kuehny)

The Art class from Miss Kuehny is an instructor hired by the network and has a different fee structure. The fee for this class will be the costs associated with hiring and the administrative fees divided by the sites receiving the class. Each site must sign a year’s commitment and will be billed semesterly. The cost will be on the yearly agreement. Network schools will not pay the Class Flat Fee for this class. Non-network (nomad) schools will still pay $1,500 per semester in addition to the class fee.

Additional Fees (Classes taken outside the network)

Districts taking out-of-network classes will pay the regular network fees per class per semester (see the above price structure) and will also be billed for any additional class fees above the normal network price.

Examples: 1) A district takes a class from the ICAN Network for $500 per semester. The district will be billed $750 from our network. The network will pay ICAN $500 and retain $250. 2) A district takes a class from Greenbush for $2,000 per semester. The district will be billed by our network for the entire amount which will be paid to Greenbush from our network.


All billing will come from the network. If a district receives a bill from a different network, it should be submitted to the network billing agent. (This information needs to be communicated to other network directors by our network).

Non­Member Technical/Consulting Fee ‑ $50/hour, ½ minimum plus expenses


Approved 3/23/10

Pricing adjusted May 2012

Pricing adjusted May 2015

Pricing adjusted May 2017

Pricing adjusted May 2021

Additions May 2022