Google Add-ons & Extensions

As with many downloads or Chrome extensions, you will need to check with your administrator and/or technology team to make sure you have permission to add these. If you have an Add-on or Extension that is worth noting, contact the Network Director to add them to the list below for other educators to take advantage of!


To access add-ons, go to the settings in most Google Suite applications that it will be "adding onto". For instance, in Gmail, go to Settings, then select the Add-ons tab. In Google Forms, go to the puzzle looking piece, or the 3 dots, then select Add-ons.

  • gMath - enters graphs, charts, and equations into Google Docs and Spreadsheets.

  • formLimiter - limits the number of times a form can be filled out.

  • Automagical Forms - converts PDF's, docs, and Slides into Google Forms

  • Doc To Form - converts Google documents into Google Forms easily

  • Pear Deck - make Google Slides interactive, add questions, etc..

  • Highlight Tool - additional customized highlighting, and option to export highlighted text to separate doc


Extensions for Chrome can be found on the Chrome Web Store. Then you can search for an individual one or what's out there!

  • Picture-in-Picture - pulls videos out of internet page to move around screen to show other content at the same time.

  • Grammarly - catches mistakes in your writing on most Google platforms, documents, and browsers

  • Screencsatify - Screen recorder for Chrome. Capture, edit and share videos

  • Loom - video messaging for work

  • The Great Suspender - suspends tabs in Chrome that are not being used so that they aren't slowing your browser.