Zoom is an excellent tool for the distance learning classroom! Below are resources to help you use Zoom in your classroom. If you have questions or need help in anyway, please contact the Network Director.

Zoom Support & Tutorials


If you are having issues opening a Zoom Meeting, you can do a quick test by going here: https://zoom.us/test to see if it is your computer with the issues. If you need to download the Zoom software, you can go here: https://zoom.us/download


Zoom offers a variety of support options! Below are just a few that you might find beneficial to your classroom: 

Zoom Privacy & Security


Zoom has been working diligently to ensure the safety of it's product. Especially after concerns were raised when the world starting using it due to the pandemic. They have addressed these concerns and are continually working to make sure their product is safe and secure for all users.  If you would like to see their policies and HIPAA addressed statements, CLICK HERE.

K-12 Statement

Also, they have made a K-12 Statement that has a lot of information for those in that setting that might interest you. CLICK HERE.