Teaching Students at Home

If you have students that are participating in class from their home, below are some tips that might be helpful in this unique situation!

  • Include ALL Students! - this sounds obvious, but when there are multiple screens and kids in the room, it's easier to just talk to the students in the room. Be sure to include the remote students as much if not more than the in-class students.

  • Class Interaction - include ways to have students in-class and remote participate together and get to know each other. Students need to interact with each other no matter how they are in the class. Find ways for interaction HERE.

  • Video ON - When possible, require that the student's have their video turned on as much as possible, unless you have instructed them to turn it off.

  • To Mute or Not to Mute - it is up to you if the students mute, but for instruction time it is usually best for students to mute so that audio is good for the them to hear you. Watch the students to be sure they aren't doing something other than listening. For work time, have students unmute so that you can hear if they are talking, also so that they can hear any questions that are asked during that time.

  • Be On Camera! - Whether you are giving instruction or students are working quietly, you, the instructor, need to be on camera as much as possible. This helps the remote students maintain that they are actively participating in the class and builds the relationship with you.

  • Communicate!! - Don't be afraid to ask them to adjust their camera, show you their work, or be quiet. Treat them as if they are in the room and one of your regular students. Communicate with them throughout the class. This will help resolve most issues that can arise in a distance learning class.