Gel Electrophoresis


The following protocol covers the basics of pouring an agarose gel and running a DNA product.


  • Choose the concentration of agarose appropriate for the DNA you are trying to separate. In general, a 1% gel will work fine.

Gel concentration based on DNA size

  • Mix Agarose into TAE to get the appropriate concentration and volume depending upon tray size. Use Low EEO grade agarose. It is possible to just use TE also.
  • Microwave the mixture. Generally 1 minute for every 100 ml.
  • Remove from microwave and let cool slightly
  • Add Ethidium Bromide to gel at a concentration of 0.5 µg/ml
  • Allow gel to cool more. If it is too hot, the seals on the gel tray will leak.
  • Pour Agarose into gel tray and place combs at appropriate distances.
  • Let cool until hardened.
  • Place gel tray in running box and cover gel with TAE.
  • Load wells with DNA mixed with loading dye. Load one well with a DNA ladder. Generally small wells hold up to 20 µl, while larger wells hold up to 50 µl
  • Cover electrophoresis chamber and plug into a power box. Turn on power generally at 100 to 300 volts (supposed to have 1 to 5 V/cm of gel, measuring length of gel from anode to cathode). IF the power is too high, the gel will melt.
  • Watch gel and turn off power based on how far the loading dye has travelled.
  • Note: If you forget to put Ethidium bromide in the gel, the gel can be bathed in TAE containing Ethidium bromide for 20 minutes and then imaged.