Starr Lab In The News

November 2020: Dr. Starr, guest speaker at the Ovarian Cancer Midwest Focus (OCMF) Conference, present his lab's work on the "Treatment of Advanced Ovarian Cancer Using Gene-edited NK CAR cells."

Naturally kill “stressed cells”, i.e. virally infected, transformed cells, MHC low, identify target cells through binding membrane bound receptors or antibodies (antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity). Target cells are killed by membrane disruption or engagement of death receptors. However, there are major shortcomings of NK cells:

  1. Persistence (< 3 weeks in mice and humans),

  2. In vivo expansion,

  3. Intransigence to genome editing

  4. Immunosuppression by TME,

  5. Require IL15 for survival

The Starr Lab's approach and previous work overcome many of these shortcomings. Their current aims with these NK cells are to:

  1. Determine the functional effects of CISH KO combined with feeder cell activation/expansion on NK function, cytokine response and persistencem,

  2. Assess NK targeting and activation potential of MSLN-CAR alone or in combination with CISH KO

  3. Perform a clinical trial to test the hypothesis that removal of inhibitory signaling via CISH KO, enhancing targeting via MSLN-CAR and improved activation via feeder cells will produce NK cells that can be safely administered and are capable of controlling advanced EOC.

August 2020: The Starr lab contributes to work by the Bagchi lab at the Sanford-Burnham Institute that identifies a new signaling pathway important in pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer, a particularly deadly cancer, grows so rapidly that it outpaces growth of blood vessels and subsequently becomes starved for oxygen. HIF1A is a gene that is turned on when cells are starved for oxygen. The Bagchi lab performed experiments in mice and cell lines showing that loss of the HIF1A gene, somewhat surprisingly, caused an increase in the aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer. In these models of pancreatic cancer they identified an unexpected role for the HIF1A protein, which is to inhibit a second protein (PPP1R1B) that functions to destabilize a universal tumor suppressor (p53). The study concluded that pancreatic cancers are more aggressive when they lose expression of HIF1A because the loss of HIF1A leads to an increase in PP1R1B, which then destabilizes p53, resulting in a more aggressive tumor. The Starr lab contributed to this study by assisting with the analysis that applied these findings to human tumors to show that patients with pancreatic cancer have a worse prognosis when PPP1R1B levels rise and HIF1A levels decrease. These findings were published in the journal Gastroenterology in August of 2020.

September 2020: The Starr lab collaborates with the Harris lab to prove that the APOBEC3A protein can exacerbate GI tract cancers

The APOBEC3 family of proteins normally function to control viruses attempting to infect cells. The APOBEC3 proteins are capable of mutating viral DNA in a very precise manner to block the ability of the virus to replicate. Dr. Rueben Harris is a leading expert in the field and has studied this family of proteins for decades. The Harris lab demonstrated that, in addition to its anti-viral function, the protein is also responsible for creating many of the mutations found in cancers. It was unknown, however, if these mutations were driving the cancer or were merely a byproduct. The Starr lab assisted the Harris lab with developing a mouse model of GI tract cancer that over-expressed one of the APOBEC3 proteins in the intestines. This model clearly demonstrated that APOBEC3 contributes to increased aggressiveness of the tumors.

These findings were published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine in September of 2020.

August 2020: The Starr lab collaborates with the Waldron lab from the City University of New York to propose a new model of ovarian cancer evolution

Understanding the molecular drivers of ovarian cancer could help in the discovery of new treatment modalities. Many groups have proposed that there are ~ 4 molecular subtypes of ovarian cancer. This hypothesis is based on a comparison of gene expression patterns found in ovarian cancer samples taken from many women. However, the ability to assign ovarian cancer patients into one of these four groups has not translated into improvements in therapy. Using sophisticated single cell sequencing techniques to explore gene expression patterns within individual cells, along with an analysis of copy number changes in ovarian cancer samples, the Waldron and Starr labs propose a new way of thinking about molecular subtypes. Instead of ovarian cancers being static, the molecular subtypes might represent stages in the evolution of the cancer. This could explain why assigning a molecular subtype based on a single snapshot of gene expression taken from the patient at time of surgery might not be directly useful for changing the therapeutic approach. The image on the left shows a 3-D graphic of 4,000 cells from a single patient.

These findings were published in Cancer Research in August 2020.

March 2020: The Starr lab collaborates with the Prabha lab to demonstrate that a promising new cell therapy could be used to treat ovarian cancer

Dr. Starr and Dr. Prahba teamed up to test a novel cell therapy in an ovarian cancer mouse model. The novel cell therapy was developed in the Prabha lab and consists of mesenchymal stem cells engineered to grab onto nanoparticles loaded with chemotherapy. Using advanced mouse models of ovarian cancer developed in the Starr lab, the team tested this novel therapy for its ability to control ovarian cancer. They found that simultaneous treatment with the mesenchymal stem cells and the chemotherapy-loaded nanoparticles could prolong survival in a patient-derived xenograft mouse model. The treatment works because the mesenchymal stem cells naturally traffic to the tumor. When the nanoparticles loaded with chemotherapy pass through the tumor in blood vessels, they attach to the mesenchymal cells and then release their payload, killing the cancer cells. The hope is that this therapy can create a high concentration of chemotherapy right where it is needed in the tumor, and will be better than traditional system administration of chemotherapy.

These findings were published in the journal Cancer in April of 2020.

January 2020: Dr. Starr awarded a grant from the Randy Shaver Caner Research and Community Fund to find new cures for ovarian cancer

Dr. Starr received funding from the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund on his grant titled "Gene-edited natural killer cells for ovarian cancer therapy." The Goal of this grant is to develop novel natural killer (NK) cell therapy to treat ovarian cancer by targeting NK cells to ovarian tumors using NK specific chimeric antigen receptors and combining CAR-NK with loss of PD1 to enhance NK cell cytotoxicity.

July 2019: The Starr lab and the Wang lab team up to develop improved methods of understanding ovarian cancer at the single cell level

New technologies have given us the unprecedented ability to analyze gene expression at the level of the single cell. Dr. Starr co-leads a group at the University of Minnesota that is using these new technologies to understand how ovarian cancer develops and becomes resistant to chemotherapy. The data produced by these new technologies, however, can be overwhelming and hard to interpret. Dr. Starr has teamed up with Dr. Jinhua Wang's group, which specializes in high level bioinformatic analyses, to develop a new method that can identify what cell types are present in an ovarian cancer based on single cell gene expression data. The method they developed, ccFindR, combines nonnegative matrix factorization, which takes advantage of the sparse and nonnegative nature of single-cell RNA count data, with Bayesian model comparison enabling de novo prediction of the depth of heterogeneity. Using this new approach, the team is analyzing ovarian cancer samples from women who graciously have agreed to participate in this Ovarian Cancer Precision Medicine Initiative.

The method was published in the journal Life Science Alliance in July 2020.

March 2019: Dr. Starr featured in University of Minnesota Discovery article about the Chainbreaker Grant and the goal of manipulating the microbiome to improve treatment of colorectal cancer

The University of Minnesota's spring 2019 issue of Discovery, featured an article on Dr. Starr and team's work on how the microbiome affects cancer and treatments.

Read the full article here.

February 2019: Dr. Starr and lab members at the Minnesota Science Museum

The Starr lab staffed a booth at the Minnesota Science Museum on Saturday as part of the Cancer and the Human Body exhibit designed by the Masonic Cancer Center ( ) Their booth provided fun educational activities for anyone visiting their table to test their cancer knowledge and learn more about cancer research.

February 2019: Dr. Starr spoke at the Blue Moon Gala, a fund raiser for colon cancer research sponsored by the MN Colorectal Cancer Research Fund

Along with Emil Lou, Deanna Teoh, and Robert Madoff, we attended the Blue Moon Gala, a fundraising event for the MN Colorectal Cancer Research Fund ( ) which raised over $100,000 that one night with over 400 guests.

Dr. Starr was up on stage for a little while talking about the research we do in our lab and the importance of the MCCRF.

January 2019: Dr. Starr publishes a compilation of methods for discovering genetic drivers of cancer

Dr. Starr published a new book that can be used by cancer researchers worldwide to conduct experiments aimed at identifying genetic drivers of cancer. The book, entitled: "Cancer Driver Genes: Methods and Protocols" was published by Springer Science. Dr. Starr's book presents protocols and methods for identification of genetic driver genes for cancer. It starts with a brief history of cancer gene discovery before segueing into guides for experiments that include a list of necessary materials for each experiment, followed by step-by-step instructions, protocols and tips to avoid possible pitfalls. As of September, 2020, the protocols published in Dr. Starr's book have been downloaded by other cancer researchers over 20,000 times.

Find out more about this book at the Springer Website by clicking on this link.

October 2018: Chris Clark, a PhD student in the Starr lab, identifies a new genetic driver of colorectal cancer

Dr. Chris Clark, a PhD student in the Starr lab, was reviewing previous work done in the Starr lab when he noticed there was a gene whose expression seemed to correlate with aggressiveness of colorectal cancer. He decided to pursue the study of this gene for his thesis work and he found that the gene, TM9SF2, functions to promote colorectal cancer, both in mouse models and in human datasets. This finding advances our knowledge of the underlying genetic causes of colorectal cancer. Hopefully, this knowledge can be used to develop new therapies that directly counteract the genetic changes occurring in this deadly disease.

August 2018: The Starr lab booth at the MN State Fair

Dr. Starr at the MN State Fair

Dr. Starr and PhD Student - Chris Clark.

The Starr lab had a booth at the MN State Fair in the UMN building as a part of the Masonic Cancer Center's Goldy Fights Cancer day. The booth was staffed by Dr. Starr and his lab members and had fun stations such as identifying cancerous organs versus their healthy counterparts; looking a cancerous mouse tumors under the microscope. Dr. Starr was also invited on to the stage outside the UMN building to take part in a fun activity with Dr. Emil Lou of the Division of Hematology Oncology.

August 2018: Dr. Starr interviewed for article on Single Cell Sequencing

Dr. Tim Starr was interviewed about his work in single cell sequencing research for Technology Networks. As one of the three labs featured in this article, Dr. Starr focused on his work with Dr. Boris Winterhoff on sequencing ovarian cancer cells. Read more here.

August 2018: Dr. Starr part of the team awarded the inaugural Chainbreaker Breakthrough Cancer Research grant for 1.2 million from the Masonic Cancer Center

Dr. Tim Starr is a part of a team of 13 other UMN faculty members who were awarded $1.2 million as part of the first Chainbreaker Breakthrough Cancer Research Grant by the Masonic Cancer Center. The team, lead by Dr. Starr and Dr. Alexander Khoruts, will explore the role of intestinal microbiome in colon cancer development and the outcomes of bone marrow stem cell transplantation. Their study aims to change the current paradigms of cancer care in both the diagnostic stage and in treatment. Chainbreaker is a bike-a-thon whose goal is to provide the Masonic Cancer Center's doctors and researchers with the necessary resources to discover the cures for all cancer. One hundred percent of rider-raised dollars go directly to the cause. Read more here.

June 2018: The Moriarity Lab and Starr Lab receive a $275,000 R21 grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to study genetically modified natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy.

The Moriarity lab and Starr lab were recently awarded a $275,000 R21 grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to study genetically modified natural killer (NK) cells for treating patients with ovarian cancer. Their labs will concentrate on generating optimized methods for editing the NK cells while not compromising the cells ability to be used in many different situations. They will then test whether the NK cells that they modified to see if they enhance killing of the cancer cells and improve survival rates in in vitro and in vivo experiments.

February 2018: The Starr lab received a $50,000 grant from the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund to study natural killer cells.

The Starr lab was recently awarded a $50,000 grant from the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund to study natural killer cells for treating patients with ovarian cancer. Natural killer cells are part of the body's immune defense system against invading viruses, and Dr. Starr's lab works on utilizing them to combat cancer.

July, 2017: The Starr Lab received a $25,000 grant from the Mezin-Koats Colon Cancer Fund to study a new possible therapeutic target in colon cancer.

The Starr lab was recently awarded a $25,000 grant from the Mezin-Koats Colon Cancer Fund to study WAC, a novel colorectal cancer gene and possible therapeutic target. Colorectal cancer is caused by multiple changes affecting DNA. We understand some of the deleterious changes, but have not been able to develop drugs to counteract these changes. Our lab has discovered many changes that are only present in a small percentage of patients. We plan to study one of these changes, disruption of the WAC gene, with the goal of identifying therapies that counteract change.

January, 2017: The Starr lab receives a $35,000 grant from the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund to study natural killer cells as therapy for ovarian cancer

The Starr lab, in collaboration with Drs. Branden Moriarity and Melissa Geller, was recently awarded a $35,000 grant from the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund to study the possibility of using the body's own "natural killer" cells to treat ovarian cancer. Natural killer cells are part of the body's immune defense system against invading viruses. In this study we will attempt to trick natural killer cells into killing tumor cells by genetically engineering the cells to be more potent killers and to avoid the suppressive techniques used by tumor cells to block the natural killer cells. Dr. Melissa Geller, a member of the research team, is the first Gynecologic Oncologist to test natural killer cells in ovarian cancer patients in a clinical trial. By genetically engineering human natural killer cells we will be able to test their improved killing ability and use this data to initiate new clinical trials using these potential tumor-killers. Pictured to the left are luminescent human ovarian cancer cells growing in a mouse model of ovarian cancer. The top three mice did not receive natural killer cells, while the bottom three did. The lower level of luminescence indicates that the natural killer cells can kill ovarian cancer in a mouse model.

The Starr lab recently used state-of-the art technology to analyze gene expression in 66 single cells extracted from a tumor sample taken directly from an ovarian cancer patient. The patient graciously consented to allow us to use her tumor as part of a clinical trial using mouse models and genomic analysis to study why ovarian cancers frequently become resistant to chemotherapy. By using special machines that were developed in the last few years, we were able to measure the expression of thousands of genes in each of the 66 cells. By analyzing which genes were "turned on", we could predict what type of cells were present in the cancer. We were able to identify cancer cells and supporting "stromal" cells as well as

potential cancer stem cells. The long-term goal of this study is to use this technology to understand the complexity within a single tumor and identify which cells might be contributing to chemo-resistance and how we can develop therapies that kill these cells. Pictured to the left is a figure from their paper in the Journal of Gynecologic Oncology visually depicting each of the 66 cells, color coded based on the cell type. Contributing to this effort were Drs. Boris Winterhoff, Martina Bazzaro, Melissa Geller, Molly Klein and Sally Mullany from the Dept. of Ob-Gyn & Women's Health.

January, 2017: Chris Clark, a PhD candidate in the Starr lab, receives the Norm Wells $50,000 fellowship from the Minnesota Colorectal Cancer Research Fund to study a protein involved in colorectal cancer

Chris Clark, a PhD student in the Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology Graduate program, was awarded the first ever Norm Wells Memorial Colorectal Cancer Fellowship, sponsored by the Minnesota Colorectal Cancer Research Fund. Norm Wells, who died from rectal cancer in 2016, was a generous and enthusiastic supporter of colorectal cancer research. This fellowship serves as a legacy to his life and his battle with rectal cancer. Mr. Clark will use the fellowship to support his training as PhD scientist studying the genetic causes of colorectal cancer. As part of his research, Mr. Clark discovered a protein that appears to be important for curbing the growth of colorectal cancer cells. He is currently conducting experiments to determine the exact function of this novel protein and how it contributes to colon cancer cell growth. Pictured to the left is the result of one of Mr. Clark's experiments demonstrating that by lowering the levels of this protein, colon cancer tumors grow more rapidly in a mouse model.

November 7, 2016: In collaboration with scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the Starr lab helps identify potential targets for colorectal cancer therapy

Using a technique developed by the Starr lab, a research team led by William Grady and Shelli Morris at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, performed a series of experiments in mice that led to the discovery of many genes that potentially contribute to colorectal cancer. The research used special "transgenic" mice that were genetically engineered to experience random mutations because of jumping gene called "Sleeping Beauty" in their intestines. In a few cells, these random mutations caused intestinal cancer. In collaboration with Grady's team we analyzed the DNA sequences in the tumors and were able to find the "Sleeping Beauty" jumping gene, which led to the discovery of cancer-causing gene mutations. This research will aid in the development of new targeted therapies. Pictured to the left is a figure from the paper in the International Journal of Cancer depicting specific genes that were discovered in this research.

September, 2016: Department of Defense awards $600,000 grant to the Starr lab and Moriarity lab for colorectal cancer research

The Starr lab and Moriarity lab jointly received a "Special Ideas" award from the Department of Defense to study the use of gold nanoparticles for treating metastatic colorectal cancer. The idea involves attaching multiple anti-tumor agents along with a molecule that can stimulate the immune system to the gold nanoparticles. They will test the efficacy of these "functionalized" nanoparticles in advanced mouse models of colorectal cancer and in models using human colorectal cancer cell lines. Gold nanoparticles represent a unique delivery agent because they are extremely well-tolerated by humans, are easily modified to carry multiple molecules, and naturally concentrate in tumor tissue, due to the large number of "leaky" blood vessels in tumors. Drs. Starr and Moriarity hope to prove the efficacy of this approach in mouse models, which will provide the rationale for moving this therapy into clinical trials. Pictured on the left is a diagrammatic depictio of a gold nanoparticle carrying therapeutic molecules.

October 5, 2015: Mayo Clinic awards $50,000 grant to Starr lab for ovarian cancer research

The Starr lab, in collaboration with Dr. Reuben Harris's lab, was awarded $50,000 to study the role of a protein that can cause a large number of mutations when it is activated in cancer. The protein, known as APOBEC3B, was identified by the Harris lab as a major cause of mutations in breast cancer. The Starr lab will construct genetically engineered mice to test the role of APOBEC3B in ovarian cancer, a cancer that is very similar to breast cancer. These mice can also be used to test new therapeutic agents that target APOBEC3B. The grant was awarded as part of a much larger grant, a Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) grant, obtained by the Mayo Clinic from the National Cancer Institute to study ovarian cancer. Pictured to the left is the molecular structure of the APOBEC3B protein.

The Starr lab used the Sleeping Beauty transposon as a mutagenic agent in mice in an attempt to find genes that cause lung cancer. This can be compared to smoking in humans, except that the Sleeping Beauty transposon does not cause as many mutations, making it easier to find the mutated genes that are causing the tumor to grow. In this study they identified 76 genes that are potential drivers of lung cancer and could possibly be targeted by drugs, representing new avenues for treating lung cancer patients. To test their findings, they deliberately mutated one of the genes they discovered in a human lung cancer cell and demonstrated that the cells with the mutated gene (Cullin3) grew faster and behaved more like metastatic cells than the same cells without the mutation.

The Starr Lab had it's 3 minutes of fame trying to win a Light Cycler PCR machine from Roche. Thanks to Kanchan Hulasare and Brandon Zinda for writing the lyrics, Brie des Jardins for providing vocals and Mitch Tiedke, Erik Nyre, Chris Clark, Makayla Maile, Elizabeth Smith, and Katherine Wageman for performing. Even though we didn't win, Roche gave us a consolation prize by selling us a used version of their LightCycler96 PCR machine for half price. Thanks again to the generosity of the Mezin-Koats Colon Cancer Research Fund for a $4,000 donation towards purchasing the machine. And finally, thanks to the >2,500 people who viewed the youtube video and tweeted our video.

Danna Mezin's fight with colon cancer ended in March of 2015, shortly after the inaugural Gala she hosted to raise money for the Mezin-Koats Colon Cancer Research Fund, which she founded with her husband, Dick Koats. In the short time between when Danna was diagnosed with stage IV colon and her untimely passing, they were able to raise over $250,000 for colon cancer research. Her story is featured in this news story broadcast on Kare11.

June 20, 2014: Mezin-Koats Colon Cancer Research Fund awards The Starr Lab $25,000 for colon cancer research

The Mezin-Koats Colon Cancer Research Fund was started by Danna Mezin and Dick Koats to fund research at the University of Minnesota focused on improving treatment for patients with colon cancer. The Mezin-Koats fund awarded their first $25,000 to The Starr Lab for research we are doing to understand the genetics of colon cancer with the ultimate goal of developing more precise and effective methods of treating the disease. The project is titled "Developing personalized, targeted therapy for colorectal cancer patients" and the goal is to generate mouse models of colon cancer with defined genetic causes and then use these mouse models to test novel targeted therapies.