
Operating Systems

In order to provide a consistent & secure environment, ME-IT would prefer to install the operating system on all new computers. 

ME-IT can install the following operating systems:

As of 1/1/2018, ME-IT does not support dual boot operating systems. 

* Devices must already have a valid commercial/OEM Windows license to upgrade to the University's license.

Software at ME

Mechanical Engineering leverages the vast resources provided to faculty, students, and departments from the College of Engineering. 

Due to many license agreements and restrictions, starting on 6/6/2019, ME-IT has closed the software repository to non-faculty. All software requests must be made via ME-IT is happy to install any software, provided the license agreement and restrictions are met. 

ME has access to many software packages that are used within the College. Please see a full listing here -

Please contact for any software requests. 

CAEN (Computer Aided Engineering Network) also provides great software resources to students, faculty, and staff. Information can be found here.

Microsoft Software

As part of the Microsoft Campus Agreement, we are able to distribute selected Microsoft applications for use on machines owned by the department. This software can be borrowed by any student, staff, or faculty member within the department but cannot be installed on personal laptops or any other machine not owned by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The following software titles are available as part of this program:

*Your Microsoft 365 license will expire when your affiliation with the University ends

Microsoft Imagine

Access to many Microsoft software titles is available to College of Engineering students and faculty as part of the MSDNAA program. For more details or to check if you have access, visit the Imagine page on CAEN's website.