The Woodwind Family

ACTIVITY: Download worksheet 3 and answer the following questions:

1) Instruments of the woodwind family in an orchestra consists of:

Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, Cor Anglais, Soprano Saxophone, Clarinet and Bassoon. here

2) Read here

3) Listen and write the tonal qualities of each instrument.

a) Piccolo- here

b) Flute- here

c) Oboe-here

d) Cor Anglais- here

e) Clarinet- here

f) Soprano saxophone- here

g) Bassoon- here

3) Analyse the music of 'Travel Notes 2' by Richard Rodney Bennet here

4) Expressive Techniques on Woodwind

Slurred- All notes are played smoothly from one note to another. here

Tonguing- All notes are played detached. here

Flutter Tonguing- (Used by flutes) Rapid movement of of the 'r' sound. here

Pitch Bending- Making a note sharp of flat for a short time. here

Singing/Speaking into the instrument-here

Multiphonics- creating sounds of 2 or more notes are the same time. Produced by forcefully blowing into the

instrument or blowing and vocalising simultaneously. here

5) What expressive techniques can you hear from Will Offermans - Honami (Zimmerman)? here

Using the resources above answer the questions on worksheet 3.