The Harp

The harp is an instrument that has been around 3500 BCE.

It has many strings made out of gut, silk, wire or nylon.

It belongs to the lute family.

In the medieval and renaissance period, the harp was used for self-accompanied singing, storytelling, news-telling and in instrumental groupings. EG 1, EG 2, EG 3

During the Baroque period harps were used by composers such as Handel, Vivaldi, Bach and many more.

Discuss how the role of the harp has changed from the medieval and renaissance period to the baroque.

Listen here -Frederick Handel's Harp Concerto in Bb Major

Read here

Main Expressive Techniques on the Harp

- Glissando- Sliding from one pitch to another. EG 1

- Trill- Rapidly alternating between two notes. EG 1,

- Broken Chord-Playing the notes that are part of the chord separately. EG 1

- Harmonics- Series of notes such as the octave and a octave plus a fifth above from the original tone that is

sounded at the same time. here, EG 1

-Pizzicato- Played by plucking the string.


1. Download and complete worksheet 2.

2. What are some techniques used in the 2 pieces:

a) Aquarium from Carnival of Animals by Camille Saint-Saens here

b) Jupiter from the Planets by G. Holst here