Drive Assessments

Please complete all assessments for the Drive module by joining Google Classroom with code.

Participants will receive all Classroom codes at the end of the previous module's Classroom stream (i.e. - Drive module code is the last post of the "Module 0: Getting Started" stream). If you have questions, please email the instructor for your course and specify your section (HS/MS/ES/Hopi/Summer):

HS Fall/Hopi/Summer: Vicki Anderson (

MS Fall: Amy Downs (

ES Fall: Lauren Grancagnolo (

Do not attempt to complete assessments from this page! Go to the Classroom for all directions and to submit work for PD credit.

This page contains only a description of each Assessment for the module to help you gauge if you are ready, but all of this information and more is also in the Classroom. Please follow all directions, and refer back to the Tutorials if you need instruction. Don't hesitate to contact your instructor if you have questions.

  1. Upload a folder to your Drive from any computer hard drive or flash drive. Open sharing permission to "anyone with the link can view."
  2. Create a new Google Doc. Share editing rights to your collaboration buddy. Add a picture to the document and ask your buddy to respond to describe the picture within the document.
  3. Upload a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document. Open the document with the compatible Google document type (Docs or Slides). Check the document formatting. Submit both document types (Word & Docs or PowerPoint & Slides).
  4. Find the Google Doc shared to you by your collaboration buddy in the "Shared With Me" view in Drive. Add the file to your Drive. Take a screenshot of the revision history after you have added to the doc.
  5. Create and color-code at least two folders in your drive. Take a screenshot of your organized Drive screen, save it to your computer or device, and submit the image by selecting the paperclip icon under Add.
  6. Create a Family Tree using Google Drawings. Select any document from your Drive which is private only to you. Submit the link to the blocked document in Assignment 6 by posting the link (Add +
  7. ).
  8. Complete the Google Sheet tutorial assignment. This tutorial is a spreadsheet with multiple pages, and you may skip ones which are not relevant to your situation.
  9. In Classroom, use the Create button to begin a new Google Drawing which will be automatically named the assignment name + your name and be linked to the assignment. Include at least an image, a shape, and an arrow in your drawing. Have some fun experimenting, and turn it in when you are done.
  10. From your Drive, create a new Google Slides presentation and add content including at least a title page and one or more other slides, an embedded YouTube video of your choice, and a Google Drawing. Make a COPY of your presentation without altering the default title, and submit your copy using the Add button.
  11. Open Assignment 10, and use the Create button to make a new Google Slides document. Change the page size to 8.5 x 11" and make a brochure or flyer (at least 2 pages). Download your document as a PDF. Add the PDF version to the assignment in Classroom, and Turn In. (Note that both the original Slides and the PDF will be attached.)
  12. Use an Add-on in Google Docs or Sheets and turn in the result. We suggest trying Easy Accents or MindMeister for Docs or g(Math) for Sheets, but any Add-on which creates visual evidence will do. Describe in the document how you used the Add-on.
  13. Create a Google Form (or use one you already have) with at least 3 different question types, a title, and directions. Submit the link to the live form in Assignment 12.

Please do not neglect to go back to the "Module 1: Drive" landing page and click on the Feedback icon when you have completed this module.