Lesson 8: Designation Icons

Understanding How Icons Are Used in This Course

Some icons/images on this site are identifiers while others are designation links. It doesn't hurt to click on one to find out; if you click on an image that is not a link, nothing will happen. You've already been using linked images to reach the Getting Started lesson pages. None of the images on this page contain links, as they are only examples.

Module Icons

On the Modules landing page, you will see module icons which are clickable links to each module. Additional iconic image links are used for navigation to sections of each module from the tutorials landing pages for each topic.

Because some lessons cover too much information for one page, some modules will have additional linked icons within the tutorials. Quick Links are also provided at the top of multi-page tutorials, like Getting Started and Drive, to help you navigate easily between lessons for that module.

Images in Google Sites may be used as links within and outside of the site. As an example of linking images to an outside source, the last lesson of the "Getting Started" page has an infographic image linked to a wonderful Google Apps resource website where the infographic originated. Note that if you click on a link which takes you off of this site, such as a quiz, survey, or outside resource, it will open in a new tab, and this site will remain open in its original tab.

Information in this lesson will be covered in the "Getting Started" quiz for PD credit.

Next, move on to Lesson 9: Working from Mobile Devices.