Lesson 3: Join the Course Classroom

Quick Links: L1: Logging In to Google Apps | L2: Getting Back to the Site | L3: Join the Course Classroom | L4: How to Earn PD | L5: How the Modules Work | L6: Collaboration - Find a Buddy | L7: Googly Vocabulary | L8: Designation Icons | L9: Working from Mobile Devices | L10: Functions of Apps


  • Getting to the Google Classroom app & joining the Classroom for this moduleHow we'll be using Classroom for PD credit

Because Module 2 will cover Classroom in more detail, this lesson will focus only on how to get there and how to use the app to turn in your Assessments for this course in order to earn PD credit.

Please do not skip over this lesson.

Getting to the Google Classroom App & Joining the Classroom for This Module

To reach the Classroom app, open the app by typing classroom.google.com into the Omnibox of a new browser tab, or go to Drive and open your Apps Launcher, click "More" and scroll to the bottom, then click on Classroom -- it will automatically open in a new tab. Note that if you are in an app other than Drive, you may not see the Classroom app in the drop-down apps menu.

Once you reach the Classroom app, you will see one of 3 screens:

  • If you have never been to the app before, you'll see an image of 3 people (shown to the right). Scroll down and indicate that you are a TEACHER. This will open a blackboard screen.
  • If you've been to Classroom before but do not have any active classes, you will see the blackboard screen (shown below).
  • If you have active classes, you will see them on tiles with a white background.

When you see one of the latter two screens, click on the plus button in the top right corner and select "Join class." The plus(+) button is next to your username.

Enter the code to join the Classroom for "G Suite Module 1: Getting Started."

Find codes for the current cycle on the "G Suite for Scottsdale" website.

If you are picking up from a previous cycle, you must join the current Classrooms as the past cycles are no longer active.

Instructor: Vicki Anderson (vanderson@susd.org)


How We'll Be Using Classroom for PD Credit - PLEASE READ

The Classroom app is an interface between teachers and their students. It allows students to turn in their work electronically, which is what you will be doing for all assessments in this course. You will receive professional development (PD) credit hours for each assessment you complete which shows your mastery of the concepts.

  • For the "Getting Started" lessons, you will receive credit by completing tasks and taking the Getting Started Quiz after you've completed all lessons.
  • When you reach the Getting Started Classroom, read all directions starting with the first 2 posts.
  • After completing each Getting Started task in Classroom, return to this site for further instruction.
  • For all modules, your work will be "returned" to you once it has been checked by your instructor (like passing back graded papers at school). Once returned, you can open the assignment to see instructor comments and/or your grade indicating the number of hours earned.
  • Again, do NOT unenroll from any Classrooms for this course or the record of your completed hours will be lost!

App Modules:

  • For app module assessments, you will complete task-based assessments similar to those required to become a Google Certified Educator and take a few quizzes.
  • Read and follow all directions, especially the small print. You are welcome to use what you have done in the past as long as it meets the assignment criteria.
  • You can complete the app modules directly from Classroom, but don't forget that this site offers tutorials on everything you are asked to do.
  • You will join a separate Classroom class to complete Assessments for Getting Started and each of the app modules.
  • You are not required to complete modules in order, but you should complete the Getting Started module before trying any of the others so that you will understand how this course and its modules function.
  • All assessments will have point values in Classroom which indicate how many hours you have earned by successfully completing them.

TIP: You can always open more than one Classroom tab at a time by right-clicking on a class and selecting "open in a new tab" - or simply hold down the Ctrl key when you click on the class to open it in a new tab. You can do this with any link or page!