Lesson 7: Googly Vocabulary

Quick Links: L1: Logging In to Google Apps | L2: Getting Back to the Site | L3: Join the Course Classroom | L4: How to Earn PD | L5: How the Modules Work | L6: Collaboration - Find a Buddy | L7: Googly Vocabulary | L8: Designation Icons | L9: Working from Mobile Devices | L10: Functions of Apps


  • Familiarize yourself with the vocabulary used in this courseUse the practice or game tools to study
  • Take a quiz/test to show your mastery for PD credit

If you are already very familiar with Google/tech jargon, please feel free to skip the practice and take the test, but don't neglect to remove "written" questions and refresh.

  1. Click on the image below to access the Quizlet vocabulary list for this module.
  2. Use Flashcards, Learn, or Speller options to STUDY.
  3. Jump to the PLAY options, Scatter & Gravity, for more interactive fun in practicing the terms. (Note that the games will be difficult for beginners and that Scatter does small sets of terms at a time, so you'll need to play again until you've covered them all, but it's fun once you get going. Gravity requires you to write in answers quickly.)
  4. Click on the Test icon when you are ready to try your knowledge. UNCHECK "Written" under question types, then click "Create New Test" before you begin. We recommend that you retry if your score is below 80%. You can retake any quiz in this course and will receive full credit for any score 80% or higher.
  5. Submit your PERCENTAGE score through Classroom as indicated in the assignment.

Take the Quizlet test over this lesson and turn in your score through Classroom to received PD credit.

Next, go to Lesson 8: Designation Icons.