Classroom Assessments

Please complete all assessments for the Classroom module by joining Google Classroom with code.

Participants will receive all Classroom codes at the end of the previous module's Classroom stream (i.e. - Classroom module code is the last post of the "Module 1: Drive" stream). If you have questions, please email the instructor for your course and specify your section (HS/MS/ES/Hopi/Summer):

HS Fall/Hopi/Summer: Vicki Anderson (

MS Fall: Amy Downs (

ES Fall: Lauren Grancagnolo (

Do not attempt to complete assessments from this page! Go to the Classroom for all directions and to submit work for PD credit.

This page contains only a description of each Assessment for the module to help you gauge if you are ready, but all of this information and more is also in the Classroom. Please follow all directions, and refer back to the Tutorials if you need instruction. Don't hesitate to contact your instructor if you have questions.

PLEASE READ: For assessments in this module, you will work from your own practice Classroom classes, and your course instructor will view them as a student and/or as a co-teacher. Please create detailed and realistic assignments, as you would do for your students at school. Part of the instructor's role will be to provide feedback on your postings to assist you in making them easy for students to understand. You will still need to complete assignments in the course Classroom for this module in order to let your instructor know when to check your work and give you credit.

  1. Create 2 new Classrooms for practice purposes. Give each Classroom a different title and theme (header image). Your instructor for this course will join one of your classes as a student and one as a co-teacher.
  2. Study terms and take the quiz over classroom settings, Drive storage, getting students into your classroom, and other Classroom topics.
  3. In your practice Classrooms, create a few different assignments, announcements, and discussion posts.
    • Please make your posts detailed and easy to follow, and use each of the posting types for each class. Pay attention to every field, including due date.
    • Add a Google doc template to at least one assignment and select "Send a copy to each student."
    • Post at least one assignment to both classes at the same time.
    • Add a YouTube video to at least one post and a link to at least one post.
    • When you are ready for the course instructor to view all of your posts and provide feedback, invite her through the Students tab, then open Assignment 3 in the module Classroom and mark as done.
  4. After your instructor joins the class, go to the Students page of one of your practice classrooms, click on your instructor's name, and use the Actions button to send an email.
  5. Fill out the About page in at least one of your practice Classrooms including title, description, and adding at least one material/resource/link at the bottom of the page.
  6. From the About page, open the class calendar in Google Calendar and add a new calendar entry to that calendar. Take a screenshot to submit
  7. When you have completed the steps below, invite your course instructor as a co-teacher from the About page, then follow the steps below:
    • Re-use a post from your other practice class which was not originally posted in the current class.
    • Move the post from the bottom of your Stream page to the top.

After your course instructor has given you feedback on assignments and you have no further questions, remove her as a student from both classes from the same tabs where you sent the invitations.

Please do not neglect to go back to the "Module 2: Classroom" landing page and click on the Feedback icon when you have completed this module.