

Engagement in online blogs such as, but not limited to, MySpace.com®, Xanga®, Friendster®, 

Facebook®, Twitter etc. may result in disciplinary actions if the content of the student’s blog includes 

defamatory comments regarding the school, the faculty, other students, the Parish, or Parish officials. 


Personal Devices/Cell Phones: 

In the past student use of personal devices and or cell phones has been a problem during the 

school day. Teachers have spent an inordinate amount of time policing use, even though it is not 

allowed. Starting for the 2013-2014 school year all Middle School Students will place their device 

or phone in a box which teachers will secure for the remainder of the day. Students will be 

responsible for picking them up after school. This policy will be at the teacher’s discretion in grades 

K-5. Students who do not place their device in the box and are caught using it on campus will lose 

the privilege of having a phone or device at school on the first violation. 


Students needing to call home for an emergency can do it the old fashion way, use a land line 

phone in the classroom with teacher supervision or come to the office. 



Students should at no time, be involved in texting during the course of the school day and will not be 

able to due to the rule regarding personal devices. Students involved in possession or transmission of 

inappropriate photos on their cell phones or other electronic devices face suspension and/or 

expulsion. This includes use of personal devices outside of school time directed in an inappropriate 

manner towards other students or staff. 

The school encourages parents to monitor their children’s social media and text messaging as in 

some cases use is inappropriate, and impacts the school and or students at the school. In today’s 

modern technology based world, any communication (text, social media, video) sent on-line will be 

recorded forever and could impact students in future years. 


Virtual Reality Sites: 

Virtual Reality Sites such as, but not limited to, www.there.com® and www.secondlife.com® pose a 

developmental and moral risk to the life of a student. Parents are cautioned to be aware of the 

online sites visited by their children, knowing that often predators are not living in a neighborhood, but 

within the home via a computer. 


Bullying and Cyber-Bullying 

St. Stanislaus Catholic School attempts to provide a safe environment for all individuals. Verbal or 

written threats or statements made which are demeaning against the physical or emotional well-

being of any individual are taken seriously. As a Catholic School that has a foundation centered on 

Catholic teaching, and the teaching of Jesus, such behavior whether at school or on-line away from 

school that impacts others will face serious disciplinary consequences. 


Students and parents will be provided a “Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy” that must be 

read and signed before students can use computers at school. 


Student use of school computers and technology devices fall under all the above guidelines.