St. Stanislaus Catholic Preschool will provide a safe environment to all children. The discipline policy is as follows:


What is an incident? An incident is a behavior that disrupts the normal function of the group, or teacher. It is a non-physical, non-violent act. For example: breaking class rules, disobeying teachers, disrupting the other students, and choosing to not follow routine.


We hold a ZERO tolerance policy for violence of any kind: the safety of the children and staff is most important. If a child becomes a possible threat to him or herself, another child, a staff member or any adult- parent will be called and child will be dismissed early.


What is violent behavior? Violent behavior is threatening, cursing, and physically assaulting a classmate or teacher. This also includes: throwing chairs, objects, or classroom toys that resulted in injury and exposing of private parts or speaking vulgarly. ONE VIOLENT behavior equals an offense.


What is an offense? An offense means the child will be sent home and a formal documentation will be in child’s file. The first and second offense after 3 incidents in one day- is a phone call to parents for early pick up.





The third offense may be a one day suspension from St. Stanislaus Catholic Preschool with documentation being placed in your child’s file. A meeting with the Director to discuss strategies to help best your child.


The fourth offense is a meeting with the Director and Principal to discuss behavior issues and implement new goals for child.


The fifth and final offense may result in termination from the preschool program with documentation being placed in your child’s file. Termination from the school must have approval of both the Principal and Pastor.