Refrigerators & Heat Pumps

Heat transfers spontaneously from an object with a high temperature to an object with a lower temperature.

The opposite process is not possible naturally, which requires the use of refrigerators.

A Heat Pump is a Refrigerator in reverse.

The only difference is the desired output. 

Refrigerators purpose it to deliver a 'cool' output.

Heat Pumps purpose is to deliver a 'warm' output.

Coefficient of Performance COP = Efficiency of how well a refrigerator or a heat pump performs. 

Both these processes require a work input, Wnet,in

The efficiency of the heat pump / refrigerator can be expressed as:

By using the conservation of energy principle, the energy balance for each system can be represented as:

COPR can be greater than 1, which means that:

"The amount of heat removed from the refrigerated space is greater than the work input."

For fixed values of QL and QH:

This means the COP of a heat pump is always greater than 1, since COP for a refrigerator is greater than 1.

So, at worst, a heat pump will simply supply as much energy as it electrically consumes.


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