Darcy's Law in Pipes

It’s common knowledge that most pipes, if they’re in use, have some kind of fluid flowing in it; and if you’re wondering how flow would be different if your liquid’s a bit dirty or dense with other stuff, don’t worry,

Darcy’s got you covered.

In filtration pipes, Darcy's Law is used to calculate the permeability of filtration layers, or a permeable membrane[1]. Both the filtration layer and the permeable membrane are porous layers. Filtration layers often consist of grains of varying shapes and sizes, whereas a permeable membrane is a thin porous sheet.

At this point you may also be wondering,

“How in dam-nation does Darcy affect me, personally?

"apart from his good looks and physique, of course."

Well, all over your body, you have pipes (over 100,000 km!).

People like to call them blood vessels. They supply the oxygen your body needs and get rid of all the nasty stuff it produces. So they’re quite important, and if they stop transporting blood, you wouldn’t be able to finish reading this article ☹.

Thankfully, these vessels work best under pressure!

These "pipes" can be blood vessels which carry blood [2].

It can also be extracellular space (space between the cells in the body) where interstitial fluids flow [3]

If you have read our secret article (or if you happened to be a Darcian logic genius...), you will know that the volumetric flowrate of "pipes" in a human body can be calculated using Darcy's Law:

Where q is flow rate, G the conductance, and ΔP is the pressure difference. However, on this page, we are going to talk in terms of resistance (R=1/G), therefore,

This equations needs to have two pressures, one is high and one is low. The high pressure is made from the heart, which pumps bloods into your pipes. You can feel this if you find your heart rate. The low pressure, where blood will collect before being pumped round again, is at the other side of your heart after travelling a distance, L, round your body. This resistance is a tricky term, it depends on a quite a few things,

Where η is the dynamic viscosity, L is the Vessel length and r is the radius of the vessel.

So the radius seems to have the biggest impact on the resistance, which is a good thing because our body can simply make a small change to the radius (vasodilation) to make a big change the flow rate, or reduce the pressure, so our vessels don't burst open.

It is also influenced by the viscosity, which is quite complicated, since the composition of blood changes all the time and has lots of things inside it, like red blood cells that are suspended in the fluid. Viscosity depends most however on the amount of water in the blood, so to keep the resistance low, we can drink some more water which will decrease the viscosity, decreasing the resistance.

To make the matter even more complex, the blood system isn’t just one pipe, but rather many combined in series and parallel. So, we need to find the total resistance of the vessels.

However, we can model these vessels just like resistors in electrical circuits. The blood system starts off as one vessel (leaving the heart) and branches into multiple vessels that go to each organ, which then branch off again to supply blood to each area of the organ. We can think of these being resistors in parallel, with a total resistance of one collection of branches being found by,

We can then add two adjacent collection of branches (resistors in series) by,

Eventually, we could find the total resistance and substitute it into the Darcy’s law to find the flow rate at a certain pressure difference.

You may be thinking this is all a bit irrelevant, but your lump of grey-matter is constantly using Darcy's law to calculate the pressure of your blood vessels and which areas of your body need more of that sweet oxygen, consequently making adjustments to the vessels’ radii. It can tell when your blood is getting a bit thick and suggests you to go drink some water to keep your blood flowing smoothly round your body and all the other homeostasis mechanisms.


[1]J. Mulqueen. (2005). "The flow of water through gravels". Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, [online]      (44), pp.83-94. Available:  https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/18440136.pdf [Accessed 20 Mar. 2019].

[2]A. Nasimi. (2012). "Hemodynamics, The Cardiovascular System - Physiology, Diagnostics and Clinical Implications", Dr. David Gaze (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0534-3, InTech, Available: https://www.intechopen.com/books/the-cardiovascular-system-physiology-diagnostics-and-clinical-implications/hemodynamics

[3]A. Wufsus, N. Macera & K. Neeves. (2013). "The Hydraulic Permeability of Blood Clots as a Function of Fibrin and Platelet Density". Biophysical Journal, [online] Vol. 104, issue 8, pp.1812-1823. Available: https://www.cell.com/biophysj/pdf/S0006-3495(13)00329-9.pdf.