|  4| Grashof + Rayleigh Numbers

Grashof number: relates the gravity body forces and the viscous forces


L is the length scale and is  the thermal expansion coefficient

A high Grashof number, Gr > 1, means that the flow is going to cycle a lot since the buoyancy forces are dominating. If the Grashof number is low, Gr < 1, then the viscous forces dominate the buoyancy forces, meaning that the fluid will not circulate very much and hence less convection occurs.

When air is subject to a high temperature gradient, the Grashof number tends to be high and the air cycles freely, due to a low viscosity. Contrastingly if wax is subject to a high temperature gradient, the Grashof number will tend to be low due to larger viscous forces.

Rayleigh number: relates inertial force to the buoyancy force

This is often used for studying things like wind, where the wind provides a driven flow and buoyancy is introduced by convection.

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|5| Mixed Convection