Video Ad

Here are some sample projects from previous years.

Most of these either won or received a medal at the Tournament of Technology.

Video Advertisement (a 30 second commercial for a local business)

Sunnyside Pizza



Oleas Catering

Here is the EVENT DES​​CR​IPTI​​ON for the 2020 Video Advertisement event.

Brainstorm with your team about what type of business you would like to make a commercial for. You might want to search YouTube for sample commercials to get some ideas.

Then start filling out the Video Advertisement Planning Sheet.

Next you will write your script and start planning your storyboard. (see videos below)

Planning and Storyboarding:



Storyboarding and Sample Camera Angles

Preparing to Film

Filming Basics

Video Editing Tutorials:

Part 1: Importing Clips

Part 2: Trimming and Cutting

Part 3: Adjusting the Audio

Part 4: Adding Narration

Part 5.1: Finding Music Part 5.2: Downloading Music

Part 5.3: Adding Music

Part 6: Adding Titles

Part 7: Adding Credits

Part 8: Transitions

Part 9: Publishing and Sharing


Now you should start practicing for your Live Challenge at the tournament. You will have to work fast to make a 30 second video advertisement for a product.