Drone Research Assignment:
Use the link below to research three  drone job opportunities. Look for the "Types of Missions" in each section. Then write a summary paragraph about what you learned, include at least 1 fact about each of the jobs you researched. Use the assignment in Teams.
UAV Coach: Drone Jobs

Drone TRUST Test.
Before you can fly a drone in class, you must complete the TRUST test online. Click on RED Get Started button. Be sure to fill in your information (first name, last name, email) and then Start the Course. Once you finish, be sure to send me your certificate in Teams.

Start by watching this video to install the program and learn the basics of flight. Practice flying the 1 lap race and then try the 3 lap race. You can also try out the other courses. If you get a good time, press Windows + Shift + S to take a screenshot and send it to me in a Teams chat!

Drone Program Getting Started.mp4

Each student must complete 5 laps on Desert and Carpark.

Once you complete 5 laps (WITHOUT CRASHING!), send me a screenshot of your best time on the Desert and Carpark Courses. Each student must send me a picture. Your total time will be a combination of all 4 times. The top 5 teams will advance to the Technology Tournament in April!

Drone High Scores

Virtual Drone Programming:
Use THIS LINK to get to the simulator. The access code is 7429.