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Good Spotting!
Writing a Script
On a Google Doc, write a script for yourself to use as your voice recording for your animation. Be sure to follow the instructions listed on our Integrated Learning page.
Be sure to:
1. Introduce the concept of states of matter.
2. Explain how tight or lose the particles are stuck together in the different states (solid, liquid and gas).
3. Explain how different real-life objects move and change in regards to their particles.
Share your script with Mrs. Moala so that you can conference with her prior to recording your voice over.
Spend some time looking over what you have animated.
-Have you included all the essential elements?
-Is there anything you could/should add?
It's that time of the term! Our animations describing States of Matter should be nearly done!
Walt: write a script to narrate an animation.

Free Write
Walt: tell a story in our own way.
This past week, we have all had adventures of our own. Either write a recount describing your favourite part of camp (Year 6s) or write a story that takes place either at camp or Motat (Year 5s).
Be creative!
Think about when your story takes place. Is it at night? Where would you go to sleep? Why?
What would you do if you were there all alone? Or is someone else there with you?
What kind of problem do you encounter?
Film Festival Blog Commenting
Walt: write quality blog comments.
YEA! It's film festival week! The movies from across Manaiakalani will go live on classroom blogs Wednesday morning while we are at Sylvia Park! This means, we will be able to spend time when we return commenting on the blogs of our favourite movies! We will also be spending some time looking at movies from across the cluster that we did not view during our session at Hoyts.
Using this form, please leave comments on three blogs as described in the form. Once you are finished, you may continue watching movies and leaving comments on your own.
Click on the image above to link to the movie page.
e-AsTTle Writing test
Walt: write a narrative.
Planning and Writing Doc (This link will go live just before the test begins)
3. You will have 40 minutes. You will not be allowed to go back into your doc once time is up.
1. Follow your teacher instructions
2. This is a test, and must be completed at school.
Tuhi mai, tuhi atu - write to me, write to others
1. This week we are going to be commenting on Classroom Blogs. With a friend:
Choose a Pt. England Class Blog to explore.
Look through their blog.
Find out what year level these students are.
2. Complete this task: Blog Commenting and Replying Presentation.
Walt: write quality blog comments
Walt: respond to blog comments
Through the Tunnel
Walt: write a narrative
Walt: demonstrate understanding of a number of strategies and skills for writing (for example, use of paragraphs, a range of sentence types, descriptive language, punctuation, spelling).
1. This week, you are going to write a narrative of your own. You have been given an overall theme for your story.
2. You will need to:
Create your own plan
Think about how you are going to:
Develop the orientation (characters and setting)
Develop and solve the problem
Link your ideas and make your writing interesting
3. Make a copy of the Planning and Writing doc and put this into your writing folder.
4. Follow the instructions on the planning and writing doc.
Image Attribution: Image Attribution: Steve Hillebrand/U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Wikipedia
A Netbook Surprise
Walt: write a narrative
Walt: demonstrate understanding of a number of strategies and skills for writing (for example, use of paragraphs, a range of sentence types, descriptive language, punctuation, spelling).
1. This week, you are going to write a narrative of your own. You have been given an overall theme for your story.
2. You will need to:
Create your own plan
Think about how you are going to:
Develop the orientation (characters and setting)
Develop and solve the problem
Link your ideas and make your writing interesting
3. Make a copy of the Planning and Writing doc and put this into your writing folder.
4. Follow the instructions on the planning and writing doc.
Image Attribution: Reference, Stephan Zabel E+ Getty Images