
Jandals are the typical Kiwi summer footwear. Don't forget them when you're going to the beach and walking on that hot sand!

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Best Mates

The Special Ride

Our Rocks Rock!

A Bit of a Laugh

More than a Mountaineer

Good Spotting!

Best Mates

WALT: Use prior knowledge with information from the text to help our understanding

WALT: Identify the problem and offer appropriate advice

Best Mates is a story found in School Journal August 2015 and written by Paora Tibble

Activity One - An Advice Column. Here are some examples.

One, Two, Three

Your job is to identify the problem. Pretend you are Mana and write a letter to advise that you need help and why.

Then you are to come up with a solution by writing a letter back giving Mana appropriate tips and ideas on what he could do to solve the problem.

Fast Finishers: Complete any unfinished literacy tasks, animations, blog commenting and Reading Eggs

Advice Column for Mana

More than a Mountaineer

WALT: Use relevant parts of the text to help us answer questions

WALT: Use cues and prior knowledge to help us understand new words

Activity One - Using the facts you've read so far create a fact file about him. Why is he famous? How old is he? How old was he when he climbed Mt Everest? And any other interesting facts.

Share your facts on this google draw card and create a 1:30 second movie of these facts. Both movie and google post to your blog with the WALT and a brief paragraph that explains your learning.

Useful Links here: Wikipedia

A Bit of a Laugh

WALT: Make inferences and respond to key information from the text

WALT: Share facts and information about Mt Taranaki

Mount Taranaki

Activity One

Use google maps to find out more information about Mt Taranaki

Where is it? How big is it? When was the last time it erupted?

Activity Two

What was the main message from the story?

What did the author David Hill, want us to learn from this story?

What is the deeper meaning of the text?

Our Rocks Rock!

WALT: Use relevant parts of the text to help us answer questions

WALT: Use cues and prior knowledge to help us understand new words

Match the word with the meaning by using the line tool to connect them. Discuss them with a buddy in your group.

The Special Ride

Walt: Identify the main ideas in the text

Find which sentence best shows the picture

Answer the questions

1. Explain (1 sentence) what a ‘bike track’ is

2. Why did they ride their bikes in single file along the track?

3. Explain where their track started and finished

4. List three main ideas that you have read so far

Use sumopaint to draw a picture of a bike track insert an image of a mountain bike. Post your pictures and your questions and answers to your blog with the WALT.

Activity Two:

What was the problem in the story?

Explain what a flying fox is

Complete the activity. You will need the book for this to show your understanding and proof.

Google Presentation

Jandals/ Camouflage

Walt: Find out more interesting facts about Jandals


Complete all parts of your activity and post to your blog

Copy your URL code to the Literacy Blog Log


WALT: Read and understand why creatures are camouflage and how it helps them in it’s environment

Jandals Activity


You have three parts to your activity. Read all instructions carefully.

Complete all parts.

Part One: Questions and Answers

Part Two: Fact File

Part Three: Sumopaint picture

Blog Posting Instructions:

Give your post an appropriate title

Write a short paragraph with 3-5 sentences that explains what you have learned about Crocodile Creche

Embed your Fact File presentation and your image to your post

Copy your URL and paste it into Miss Lavakula’s Literacy Blog Log