
MakerBot is a type of 3D printers. After designing an object on a computer 3D printers can make you a physical object out of plastic.

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Tui in a Tree

Giant Giraffe

Androcles and the Lion

Spitting to survive

Good Spotting!

Humans in the Roof

WALT: Inference - Find clues to help us work out what isn’t told to us in the story.


This week we are going to continue learning how to inference when reading.

1. Read text 1 thinking carefully about what is happening in the story.

2. Open the Padlet: Hyperduinos: Humans in the Roof. In a group discuss answers to the questions. Then each person needs to give an answer for each question.

3. Coming soon

Text 1: Humans in the Roof

Miri & Raru

WALT: Inference - Find clues to help us work out what isn’t told to us in the story.


We are going to look at how texts, especially comics require us to inference lots to understand the story. The author doesn’t tell us everything but we need to work it out. We are going to learn use clues in the text and what we know to work out what is actually happening in the text.

1. Read text 1 thinking carefully about what is happening in the story.

2. Miri and Raru Discussion Doc

- Get into a pair from this group.

- You will need to share this doc between you so that you all have editing rights.

- You MUST SIT WITH YOU PAIR OR THREE and discuss the doc.

- Don't write in the answer until everyone has discussed and agreed.

3. Moster Advice Blog

- Open the template

- Read the letter sent to you and try to work out what questions need answering.

- Check with a buddy after you have written your letter to check you have answered all that was needed.

Text 1: Miri & Raru

Level Ten

WALT: Inference - Find clues to help us work out what isn’t told to us in the story.


We are going to look at how texts, especially comics require us to inference lots to understand the story. The author doesn’t tell us everything but we need to work it out.

1. Read text 1 thinking carefully about what is happening in the story.

2. Open the Padlet, Hyperduinos - Level Ten. In a group discuss answers to the questions. Then each person needs to give an answer for each question.

3. Make a copy of the doc, Level 10: Agree/ Disagree. Follow the instructions and use the text answer each question.

Text 1: Level Ten


WALT: Inference what authors want us to think about the characters.

WALT: Understand different perspectives and viewpoints.


This week we are going to look at how authors want us to think about their characters in different ways. What clues do they give to describe the personality of the characters. What prior knowledge helps us understand this?

1. Read text 1 thinking carefully about the characters.

2. Make a copy of Advice blog - How to be a Knight. You will need to read the instructions carefully and use your text to give some good advice. Delete all the red writing and post to your blog and blog log.

3. Make a copy of the drawing Compare and Contrast - Knights. Once you have finished reading the whole text follow your teacher's instructions to complete this task. Once you have finished this task post it to your blog and the blog log.

5. Explore the Extras!

Text 1: Bumblesfest

Spitting to Survive

Walt: Search texts to find key information


1. Make a copy and read the text Spitting to Survive carefully by yourself.

2. Answer the questions by looking back through the text.

3. Create a google presentation or drawing that shows 3 creatures that spit to survive.

Androcles and the Lion

WALT: Connect themes from multiple texts to them form our own ideas.

WALT: Understand different perspectives and viewpoints.


This week we are going to read a couple of different stories and find a common theme in them. Then we are going to create our own ideas (story) from this theme.

1. Read text 1 carefully with your teacher.

2. Make a copy of Androcles and the Lion Discussion Doc. In pairs use the text to discuss and complete the questions. You don't need to share this on your blog.

3. Read text 2, then as a group you will have a discussion with your teacher about the two texts.

4. Make a copy of the drawing Comic Strip: Repaying Kindness. Follow your teacher's instructions to create your own comic strip. Once you have finished this task take a screenshot, post it to your blog and the blog log.

5. Explore the Extras!

Text 1: Androcles and the Lion

Text 2: The Lion and the Mouse

Giant Giraffe

Walt: Search texts to find key information


1. Make a copy and read the text Giant Giraffe carefully by yourself.

2. Answer the questions by looking back through the text.

3. Create a google presentation or drawing that shares 3+ facts about giraffes using the text.

Tui in a Tree

Walt: Understand different perspectives and viewpoints.

Walt: Use the context of the text to help us understand unfamiliar words.


This week we are going to be learning all about how different characters in stories have different perspectives and viewpoints.

1. Read the text as directed by your teacher.

2. Open the Padlet and post your comments about the perspective of the birds.

3. Your task is to make a short comic strip about what might the birds say to each other in the big tree? Open and make a copy of the task Comic Strip: The Tree Debate. Then move, add and copy the characters to make a short comic strip. Use the speech bubbles to comment on what the birds say.

Text: Tui in a Tree