

MakeyMakeys are electronic kits which enable you to control your computer using physical objects as buttons.

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Good Spotting!

Why athletes get sponsored

Walt: Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

Walt: Understand why companies sponsor athletes

Key Concepts:

- Sponsorship is needed for athletes to live, race and win.

- Sponsors only want to sponsor the best athletes.


This is the second lesson of our focus into athletes and sponsorship. This week we are going to explore why companies like Adidas sponsor athletes.

1. Read Text 1: The Big Game

2. Use Text 1 to complete the Padlet, MakeyMakeys: The Chess Champions of Nuhaka

3. Read Text 2: adidas sign Sonny Bill

4. Explore the Extras to do some independent interest learning around sponsorship


Walt: Understand what we read by making inferences by finding clues in the text and using what we already know.

Walt: Understand how athletes need sponsorship

Key Concepts:

- Sponsorship is needed for athletes to live, race and win.

- Sponsors only want to sponsor the best athletes.


This is the first lesson of our mini inquiry into athletes and sponsorship. This week we are going to explore what sponsorship is and why athletes need it.

1. Read Text 1: Swimmer Natalie Coughlin on Pilates, Plums, and Backstroking For Gold

2. Use Text 1 to complete the doc: Natalie Coughlin swimming routine

3. Read Text 2: The Chess Champions of Nuhaka (School Journal, L2, Aug 2016)

4. Explore the Extras to do some independent interest learning around sponsorship

Extreme Cheating

Walt: Find key information and think about what we read.

Walt: Explore how and why some technology is cheating.

Key Concepts:

- Technology is helping athletes go faster & able to break world records.

- Some technology advances in sport are actually cheating.


This is the third lesson of a mini inquiry into technology and the olympics. This week we are going to look at a some technology advances which are cheating. We will continue thinking about why and what technology is cheating.

1. Read Text 1: Ruby’ Sunflower

2. After reading text 1 use the text to answer the questions on the Padlet: MakeyMakeys - Ruby's Sunflower

3. Read Text 2: Justin Gatlin beats Usain Bolt's 100m world record. When reading think about how and why this technology is cheating.

4. Make a copy of the presentation: Advice blog - Justin Gatlin Beats Bolt. Follow the instructions to complete a report on Sarah Pete's cheating.

5. Explore the Extras to do some independent interest learning around technology and the Olympics.

Text 1: Ruby’ Sunflower ( School Journal, Part 1, N5 2001)

Text 2: Justin Gatlin beats Usain Bolt's 100m world record

Doped Bikes

Walt: Find key information and think about what we read.

Walt: Explore how and why some technology is cheating.

Key Concepts:

- Technology is helping athletes go faster & able to break world records.

- Some technology advances in sport are actually cheating.


This is the second lesson of a mini inquiry into technology and the olympics. This week we are going to continue exploring how technology has changed cycling and how bikes have improved. We are also going to look at a technology advance in bikes which is actually cheating and then think about why and what technology is cheating.

1. Read Text 1: Boy on a Bike.

2. After reading text 1 use the text to answer the questions on the Padlet: MakeyMakeys - Boy on a Bike

3. Read Text 2: Doped Bikes. When reading think about how this technology is cheating and other bike design technology is not cheating.

4. Make a copy of the presentation: Investigation Report - Bike Doping. Follow the instructions to complete a report on Sarah Pete's cheating.

5. Explore the Extras to do some independent interest learning around technology and the Olympics.

Text 1: Boy on a Bike ( School Journal, May 2015, Lvl 3)

Text 2: Doped Bikes

Sports Technology

Walt: Discuss what we have read by sharing key information and making connections to what we already know.

Walt: Explore how has technology has changed and improved bicycles.

Key Concepts:

- Technology is helping athletes go faster & able to break world records.

- Some technology advances in sport are actually cheating.


This is the first lesson of our next mini inquiry into how technology has changed sporting by helping athletes to improve their speeds, heights and distances. During this week we are going to think about how bikes have changed and why Olympic bikes are designed the way they are.

1. Read Text 1: Sports Technology. Find one section that is interesting to you and find some facts about what has changed to share with the group.

2. Read Text 2: Beating the Wind.

3. Explore the Extras to do some independent interest learning around technology and cycling.

4. Make a copy of the drawing: How has the bicycle changed? Follow the instructions to show some changes from this bike to the Olympic bikes today.

5. Advice Blog Task (Coming Soon)

Text 1: Sports Technology

Text 2: Beating the Wind

NZ Olympic Mascot

Walt: Discuss what we have read by finding key information and using the things we already know.

Walt: Explore what makes New Zealand unique and special.

Key Concept: Countries have different cultures and things that make them unique/special.


This is the last lesson of our mini inquiry all about Olympic Mascots and how mascots show what makes a country unique/special. The focus of this last lesson is to explore what makes NZ special and unique and in doing so design our own NZ Olympic mascot. To do this we will read lots about different NZ icons and discuss what and why we think they represent NZ.

1. Read Text 1: Kiwiana and think about how the represent NZ.

2. Click Text 2: New Zealand Icons and read through a few designed NZ Mascots.

3. Read Text 3: Any Old Iron, to learn about a real New Zealander who has designed some very cool NZ icons.

4. Make a copy of the Drawing: My NZ Olympic Mascot.

Post to your blog and blog log.

Text 1: Kiwiana

Text 2: New Zealand Icons

Text 3: Any Old Iron (Journal)

Olympic Mascot History

Walt: Discuss what we have read by finding key information and using the things we already know.

Walt: Compare Olympic mascots by looking at what they teach us about each host country.

Key Concept: Countries have different cultures and things that make them unique/special.


In this lesson we will look at the past mascots for the Olympic Games and find out how the represent their host countries.

1. Read Text 1: Olympic Mascots carefully thinking about what each mascot teaches us about the host country?

2. Read Text 2: London 2012 Olympic mascots to learn more about their mascot.

3. Read Text 3: BEIJING 2008 Mascots to learn more about their mascot.

4. Make a copy of the presentation: Matching Task: Olympic Mascots 1972 - 2016. Use what you have read to complete the matching task.

Post to your blog and blog log.

5. Use all you have learned to compare two mascots: Wenlock and another one of your choice. Make a copy and follow the instructions - Drawing: Compare and Contrast - Olympic Mascots

Olympic Mascots

Walt: Find specific information in a text

Key Concept: Countries have different cultures and things that make them unique/special.


Our topic this term is Olympics Exposed. So to begin this exciting topic we are going to learn all about what are the Olympics and then begin exploring everything about the mascot of the 2016 Rio Olympics, Vinicius. Our key question is: What does this mascot teach us about Brazil?

1. To start watch this video, Ancient and Modern Olympics, to learn some facts about the Olympics. Listen carefully because we will discuss what you have learned.

2. Read Text 1: Meet Vinicius, official mascot of Rio 2016. Then in your group you will discuss what is the Rio 2016 mascot, how he was designed and why.

3. Read Text 2: Vinicius - Who am I?. This will give you some more information about Vinicius. There is also audio and a video to listen to.

4. As you are reading through all the texts answer the questions on this padelt: Makeymakeys: Rio Olympic Mascot

5. Make a copy of the presentation: Olympic Mascot Quiz 2016. Follow the instructions to make a quiz about the 2016 Rio Olympic mascot.

Post to your blog and blog log.