Results Review 2024

NSTX-U/ST Collaboration Results Review


July 29-30, 2024

Remote Participation Info 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 963 9826 5319

Passcode: 44474939 


Monday, July 29

9:00 AM Stan Kaye Welcome and NSTX-U/ST research

9:20 Stefan Gerhardt Recovery status

9:40 Brent Stratton Overview of Diagnostics for NSTX-U

10:00 Jack Berkery   The highest performance discharges in the NSTX database

11:00      ** PPPL All-hands meeting (in the auditorium) **

12:00 Lunch

1:20 PM James Yang Preview: Fast ions and NTM growth in NSTX and DIII-D 

1:40 Roger Raman (remote)Recent developments in plasma startup and disruption mitigation research

2:00 Elena Belova GAE-induced energetic particle transport in NSTX-U

2:20 BREAK

2:40 Ilker Uzun Kaymak Using NSTX data for a physics-informed machine learning approach to achieving sustained reversed magnetic shear

3:00 Eugenio Schuster High-performance Scenario Development in NSTX-U via Physics-based Modeling and Model-based Control

3:20 Kathreen Thome Development of an Integrated Modeling Framework of NSTX and NSTX-U Plasmas to Achieve High Performance in NSTX-U

3:40 Jong-Kyu Park Progress and plans of the Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus (VEST) research program

4:00 David Hatch (remote) Gyrokinetic Investigations of NSTX Pedestal Scenarios

4:20 Steve Sabbagh Expanded Tokamak Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting Research and Investigation of High Beta Plasmas in MAST-U

Tuesday, July 30

9:00 AM Mate Lampert Temporal evolution of plasma filament shapes in NSTX plasmas

9:20 Kaifu Gan MHD, filaments and heat flux striations

9:40 Jie Chen Design of NSTX-U Radial Interferometer Polarimeter for internal magnetic and density fluctuation measurements at multiple space time scales

10:00 Tanmay Macwan Measurement of internal density and magnetic field fluctuations using Doppler backscattering and cross-polarization scattering in NSTX-U

10:20 Kshitish Barada (remote) An improved fluctuation reflectometer system to measure fast ion and turbulent mode characteristics in NSTX-U

10:40 BREAK

11:00 Andrei Khodak Progress in Design and Analysis of Liquid Lithium Plasma Facing Components for NSTX-U

11:20 Eric Emdee (remote) The Lithium Vapor `Cave': Optimizing the Lithium Vapor Box PFCs for Near-Term Deployment

11:40 Shota Abe Deuterium retention/removal and chemical properties of boronization coating

12:00 LUNCH

1:00 PM     Andreas Kleiner Development of coupled extended-MHD and gyrokinetic simulation capabilities for edge stability in spherical tokamaks

1:20 Jason Parisi Effect of plasma shaping on pedestal width-height scaling and prospects for ELM-free operation at low aspect ratio

1:40 Oak Nelson (remote) Initial Achievement of ELM-free Negative Triangularity in the MAST-U Spherical Tokamak

2:00 Jeff Lestz (remote) Assessing time-dependent temperature profile predictions for high performing NSTX plasmas with TRANSP

2:20 Joey McClenaghan (remote) Effect of parallel magnetic field on CGYRO & QLGYRO NSTX simulations

2:40 BREAK

3:00 Bart Van Compernolle(remote) GENRAY/CQL3D modeling for NSTX-U with combined HHFW and NBI

3:20 Masa Ono Efficient ECCD non-inductive start-up and ramp-up and densification to a sustainment phase for an ST fusion reactor 

3:40 Nicola Bertelli Initial study of the impact of the edge density fluctuations on the HHFW propagation in NSTX-U

4:00 Seung-Gyou Baek High Harmonic Fast Wave Interactions with the edge plasmas 

4:20 Syun'ichi Shiraiwa New non-local dielectric response model for radio-frequency wave and application to electron Bernstein wave mode conversion

4:40 Alvaro Sanchez Villar Robust real-time capable modeling of the HHFW heating in NSTX via machine learning