Publications 2024

Publications 2024


ONO M and Raman R

Active lithium injection for a real time control of the divertor heat flux for fusion devices

JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY 42 51 (October 2023)

BERNARD TN, Halpern FD, Francisquez M, et al.
Effect of neutral interactions on parallel transport and blob dynamics in gyrokinetic scrape-off layer simulations
PHYS. PLASMAS 30 112501 (November 2023)

AVDEEVA G, Thome KE, Smith SP, et al.,
Energy transport analysis of NSTX plasmas with the TGLF turbulent and NEO neoclassical transport models

NUCLEAR FUSION 63 126020 (December 2023)


Absolute electron density fluctuation reconstruction for two-dimensional hydrogen beam emission spectroscopy

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 94 123501 (December 2023)

SINHA P, Ferraro NM, and Belli EA,

Neoclassical transport of impurities in tokamaks with non-axisymmetric perturbations

PHYS. PLASMAS 30 122506 (December 2023)

BERKERY JW, Betti R, Liu YQ, and Sabbagh SA,

The theory of kinetic effects on resistive wall mode stability in tokamaks

PHYS. PLASMAS 30 120901 (December 2023)

KURODA K, Raman R, Onchi T, et al.,
Demonstration of Transient CHI Startup Using a Floating Biased Electrode Configuration

NUCLEAR FUSION 64 014002 (January 2024)

JARDIN S, Munaretto S, Ferraro NM, et al., 

MHD Stability of Spherical Tokamak Equilibria with non-monotonic q-profiles

PHYS. PLASMAS 31 032503 (2024)

REN Y, Guttenfelder W, Kaye SM, et al., 

Transport from electron-scale turbulence in toroidal magnetic confinement devices


BERKERY JW, Adebayo-Ige PO, Al Khawaldeh H, et al.,
NSTX-U research advancing the physics of spherical tokamaks

NUCL. FUSION 64 112004 (2024

PARISI J, Nelson AO, Gaur R, et al.,

Kinetic-Ballooning-Bifurcation in Tokamak Pedestals Across Shaping and Aspect-Ratio
PHYS. PLASMAS 31 030702 (March 2024)

PODESTA M, Cruz-Zabala JD, Poli,FM, et al.,
NBI optimization on SMART and implications for scenario development
PLASMA PHYS. CONT. FUSION 66 045021 (March 2024)

DOMINSKI J., Guttenfelder W, Hatch D, et al.,
Global micro-tearing modes in the wide-pedestal of an NSTX plasma
PHYS. PLASMAS 31 044501 (April 2024)

PARISI J, Guttenfelder W, Nelson AO, et al.,

Kinetic-Ballooning-Limited Pedestals in Spherical Tokamak Plasmas

NUCL. FUSION 64 054002 (April 2023)

ZAMKOVSKA V, Sabbagh SA, Tobin M, et al.,

DECAF cross-device characterization of disruptions indicated by abnormalities in plasma vertical position and current

NUCL. FUSION 64 066030 (2024)

MUNARETTO S, Liu YQ, Ryan DA, et al.,

Chasing the multi-modal plasma response in MAST-U

PLASMA PHYS. CONT. FUSION 66 065023 (May 2024)

RAFIQ T, Wilson C, Clauser C, et al.,

Predictive Modeling of NSTX Discharges with the Updated Multi-mode Anomalous Transport Module

NUCL. FUSION 64 076024 (June 2024)

ONO M, Berkery JW, Bertelli N, et al.,

Efficient ECCD non-inductive plasma current start-up, ramp-up, and sustainment for an ST fusion reactor

NUCL. FUSION 64 086021 (2024)

PARISI J, Nelson O, Guttenfelder W, et al., 

Stability and Transport of Gyrokinetic Critical Pedestals

NUCL. FUSION 64 086034 (2024)

LEARD B, Wang ZB, Paruchuri ST, et al., 

Hybrid model predictive control techniques for safety factor profile and stored energy regulation while incorporating NBI constraints

NUCL. FUSION 64 086052 (August 2024)

EMDEE E, Goldston RJ, Khodak A, et al.,

Optimization of Lithium Vapor Box Divertor Evaporator Location on NSTX-U Using SOLPS-ITER

NUCL. FUSION 64 086047 (2024)

CHEN J, Brower DL, Li P, et al.,

Design of radial interferometer–polarimeter for internal magnetic and density fluctuation measurements at multiple space–time scales in the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade (NSTX-U)

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 95 083511 (August 2024)

ADEBAYO-IGE PO, Gan KF, Lasnier CJ, et al.
Divertor heat load estimates on NSTX and DIII-D using new and open-source 2D inversion analysis code

NUCL. FUSION 64 096006 (2024)

SANCHEZ-VILLAR A, Bai Z, Bertelli N, et al.,
Real-time capable modeling of ICRF heating on NSTX and WEST via machine learning approaches

NUCL. FUSION 64 096039 (2024)

MACWAN T, Barada K, Kubota S, et al.,

New millimeter-wave diagnostics to locally probe internal density and magnetic field fluctuations in NSTX-U

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 95 083527 (2024)

SUN P, Liu X, Ren Y, et al.,

Millimeter-wave high-wavenumber scattering diagnostic developments on EAST and NSTX-U

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 95 083553 (2024)

Recently Accepted


RAMAN R, Reusch JA, Rogers JA, et al.,
Design considerations for a transient CHI gas injection system for Pegasus-III 


RAMAN R, Lunsford R, Rogers JA, et al.,
Design of the Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) for Tokamak Deployment


LEARD B, Wang Z, Morosohk S, et al.,

Fast Neural-Network Surrogate Model of the Updated Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module for NSTX-U


KHODAK A, Emdee ED, Goldston RJ, et al.,

Design and analysis of liquid lithium plasma facing components


WELANDER AS, Wehner WP, Pajares A, et al.,
Virtual tokamak for test and development of plasma control applied to NSTX-U


TOBIN M, Sabbagh SA, Zamkovska V, et al.,

Vertical Instability Forecasting and Controllability Assessment of Multi-device Tokamak Plasmas in DECAF with Data-driven Optimization

Accepted by PLASMA PHYS. CONT. FUSION (2024)

KAUR M, Diallo A, LeBlanc B, et al., 

Design of a Thomson scattering diagnostic for the SMART tokamak

Accepted by REV. SCI. INSTRUM. (2024)

AVDEEVA G, Thome KE, Berkery JW, et al., 

Accuracy of kinetic equilibrium reconstruction of NSTX and NSTX-U plasmas and its impact on the transport and stability analysis

Accepted by PLASMA PHYS. CONT. FUSION (2024)

LAMPERT M, Anda G, Asztalos O, et al.,

Applicability of Alkali Beam Emission Spectroscopy on NSTX-U

Accepted by REV. SCI. INSTRUM. (2024)

In Review

GALANTE ME, Boyer MD, Uzun-Kaymak I, et al.,
Reversed magnetic shear scenario development in NSTX-U using TRANSP
Submitted to PHYS. PLASMAS (2023)

WALLACE G, et al.,

Predicted Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive Profiles with Fast Surrogate Models Powered by Machine Learning

Submitted to NUCL. FUSION (2024)

PARISI J, Berkery J, Sladkomedova A, et al., 

Geometric Burn Control For Tokamaks

Submitted to PHYS. REV. LETT. (2024)

BELOVA, E., Fredrickson ED, and Crocker NA
Non-linear simulations of GAEs in NSTX-U (2024)

UZUN-KAYMAK IU, Foley EL, Galante ME, et al., 

Forming an MSE Database from NSTX for machine learning purposes

Submitted to PHYS. PLASMAS (2024)

WANG WX, Yoo MG, Startsev EA, et al.,
Plasma self-driven current in tokamaks with magnetic islands

Submitted to NUCL. FUSION (2024)

CLAUSER C, Rafiq T, Parisi J, et al.,

Electron temperature gradient instability and transport analysis in NSTX and NSTX-U plasmas

Submitted to PHYS. PLASMAS (2024)

LAMPERT M, et al.,

Evolution of intermittent filaments in the SOL of NSTX    

Submitted to PHYS. PLASMAS (2024)

MACWAN T, et al., 

New millimeter-wave diagnostics to locally probe internal density and magnetic field fluctuations in NSTX-U

Submitted to Rev. Sci. Inst. (2024)

In Preparation or Planned


Simultaneous Regulation of Kinetic+Magnetic Scalar Plasma Properties in NSTX-U via Model Predictive Control

To be submitted to FUSION ENG. DESIGN (2024)

EDMONDSON A, Albota R, Gallenberger T, et al.,

High Speed FIDA Spectrometer for the NSTX-U Tokamak

KINSEY JE, Staebler GM, Belli E, et al.,

Analysis of the impact of parallel magnetic fluctuations on linear gyrokinetic kinetic ballooning mode stability in NSTX-U and verification of gyro-fluid models

KHODAK A and Maingi R

Liquid Lithium Divertor Configurations Involving a Porous Structure and MHD Drive


KLEINER A, et al.,
EPH-mode peeling-ballooning analysis using M3D-C1

LIU C, Jardin SC, Ferraro M, et al.,
Frequency chirping and zonal flow generation in nonlinear simulation of reversed-shear Alfven eigenmodes

REN, Y, et al.,
Experimental studies of the response of electron-scale turbulence to auxiliary heating cessation in National Spherical Torus Experiment

WANG, W, et al.,
MHD effects in gyrokinetic simulations of NSTX L-mode discharges

HANSON M, Orlov D, Zweben S, et al., 

The Effect of Externally Applied 3D Fields on NSTX Edge Turbulence

CLAUSER C, et al.,

Negative density gradient mode

To be submitted to PHYS. REV. LETT. (2024)

YANG J, Fredrickson ED, Berkery JW, et al.,

Fast ions and NTM growth in NSTX and DIII-D

GAN KF, et al., 

Stationary filaments

GRAY TK, et al.,

Comparison of the Power Scrape-off Width in NSTX and ST40

in preparation (2024)