Pre-Forum Meetings

Meeting #2 - Operations/Diagnostic + XMP/XP status meeting

January 28-29, 2015 (Wed and Thu)

11AM-12:30PM then 1:30PM-4:30PM Eastern each day

B318 at PPPL

This pre-forum experimental preparation/planning meeting is meant to help ensure that NSTX-U scientific research can begin is soon as possible and that FY2015 research / JRT milestones are successfully met.

Files for this meeting are downloadable from here.

January 28 - Operations / Diagnostics / Software Support status update

The goal of Jan 28 presentations is to provide materials for team members to use in writing XMP/XPs prior to the forum - in particular estimates of which NSTX-U capabilities will be available and when.


Gerhardt (Research Operations): 11:00-11:15

- Intro

- Status of magnetic and halo current diagnostics

- other topics

von Halle (Engineering Operations): 11:15-11:45

- Status of power systems, EE parts of the control system, NBI

- Summary of the ORA

- Update on anticipated CD-4 date

- CODAC status

Mueller (Physics Operations): 11:45-12:15

- Status of NCS/PCS suite of codes, key algorithms

- Physics operator training plans

- Status of gas injection system and massive gas injection

Kaita (Boundary Operations): 1:30-2:15

- Status of GDC system, LITER, LGI, TMB

- Status of Boundary Diagnostics, LPs on inner/outer targets (installation/electronics), MAPP, Fast TCs

Stratton (Diagnostic Operations): 2:15-3:15

- All diagnostics except those covered by Gerhardt, Kaita and Hosea.

Hosea (RF Operations): 3:15-3:45

- Status of the RF waveguide installation, RF sources, RF LPs and camera views

- Plans for conditioning/commissioning the system.

Davis (Software and Analysis Tools Overview): 3:45-4:05

- MDS+ Update, Plotting options like reviewPlus, jScope, Scope,…

- Web Tools, Database tools

January 29 - Program Update + Commissioning / initial ops XMP/XP preparation status update

The goal of the Jan 29 meeting is to discuss topics, titles, and nominal authors of XMPs and XPs to cover the commissioning phase (run month #1) and first research phase (run month #2) of NSTX-U operation.  Additional preliminary guidance on the assumed operational capabilities for the first two run months of NSTX-U is providedhere.  Detailed experimental justification/motivation slides and detailed shot plans are not needed for this day of the meeting - such information can/should be presented at the Forum.


Program Issues:

11:00-11:15 - Menard - Update on Task Forces and Working Groups, recap initial NSTX-U capabilities

Commissioning phase XMPs/XPs (run weeks 1-4)

11:15-11:45 - Battaglia - Plan for machine commissioning and fiducial shot development

Particle Control Task Force

11:45-12:30 - Maingi - Particle control XMPs/XPs, criteria for transitioning from B-only to Li coatings

XMPs/XPs for end of commissioning phase, first science experiments (run weeks 3-8):

Core Science Group

Integrated Scenarios Group:

Boundary Science Group

Meeting #1 - Organizational Structure + Recommissioning XMP/XP discussion

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

10:30AM-1PM Eastern

B318 at PPPL

Files for this meeting are downloadable from:


Remote connection info for pre-forum meetings #1 and #2

The conference call number for the meeting is: 877-336-1839

Access Code: 1388819#

We will use ReadyTalk for web-based viewing of presentation slides:

From a Web browser go to:

Under “Join A Meeting” enter the Access Code: 9143499

Direct connection to ReadyTalk web presentation