Publications 2005
BROOKS JN, Allain JP, Rognlien RD, et al.,
PSI modeling of liquid lithium divertors for the NSTX tokamak
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 1053 (March 2005)
SHARPE JP, Humrickhouse PW, Skinner CH, et al.,
Characterization of dust collected from NSTX and JT-60U
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 1000 (March 2005)
MAINGI R, Sabbagh SA, Bush CE, et al.,
ELMS and the H-mode pedestal in NSTX
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 727 (March 2005)
KUGEL HW, Maingi R, Bell M, et al.,
Development of NSTX particle control techniques
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 495 (March 2005)
SOUKHANOVSKII VA, Maingi R, Roquemore AL, et al.,
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 475 (March 2005)
PAUL SF, Maingi R, Soukhanovskii V, et al.,
Accounting of the power balance for neutral-beam heated H-mode plasmas in NSTX
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 251 (March 2005)
SKINNER CH, Kugel H, Roquemore AL, et al.,
Time resolved deposition measurements in NSTX
JOURNAL OF NUCL. MAT. 337 129 (March 2005)
REWOLDT G, Budny, RV, Tang WM,
Multispecies density and temperature gradient dependence of quasilinear particle and energy fluxes
PHYS. PLASMAS 12 042505 (April 2005)
ZWEBEN SJ, Bush CE, Maqueda RJ
Images of edge turbulence in NSTX
IEEE TRANS. ON PLASMA SCI. 33 446 (April 2005)
TAYLOR G, Efthimion PC, LeBlanc BP, et al.,
PHYS. PLASMAS 12 052511 (May 2005)
SONTAG AC, Sabbagh SA, Zhu W, et al.,
Resistive wall mode stabilization of high-β plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
PHYS. PLASMAS 12 056112 (May 2005)
HARVEY RW and Taylor G
Electron Bernstein wave-bootstrap current synergy in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
PHYS. PLASMAS 12 052509 (May 2005)
BIEWER TM, Bell RE, DIEM SJ, et al.,
Edge ion heating by launched high harmonic fast waves in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
PHYS. PLASMAS 12 056108 (May 2005)
MENARD, JE, Bell RE, Fredrickson, ED, et al.,
Internal kink mode dynamics in high-β NSTX plasmas
NUCL. FUSION 45 539 (July 2005)
HORTON W, Wong HV, Morrison PJ, et al.,
Temperature gradient driven electron transport in NSTX and Tore Supra
NUCL. FUSION 45 976 (August 2005)
KESSEL CE, Synakowski EJ, Bell ME, et al.,
Advanced ST plasma scenario simulations for NSTX
NUCL. FUSION 45 814 (August 2005)
MAINGI R, Bush CE, Fredrickson ED, et al.,
H-mode pedestal, ELM and power threshold studies in NSTX
NUCL. FUSION 45 1066 (September 2005)
KAYE SM, Bell MG, Bell RE, et al.,
Progress towards high performance plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)
NUCL. FUSION 45 S168 (October 2005)