Publications 2020
Publications 2020
WOODS BJQ, Duarte VN, Fredrickson ED, et al.,
HIROOKA Y, Ono M, Maingi R, K. et al,
NUCLEAR FUSION 60 017001 (January 2020)
LOOBY T, Reinke M, Donovan D, et al,
Convolutional Neural Networks for Heat Flux Model Validation on NSTX-U
IEEE TRANS. PLASMA SCI. 48 3 (January 2020)
SCOTTI F, Zweben S, Myra J, et al.,
Disconnection of SOL turbulence between the outer midplane and divertor target plate in NSTX
NUCLEAR FUSION 60 026004 (February 2020)
REN Y, Wang WX, Guttenfelder W, et al.,
Exploring the regime of validity of global gyrokinetic simulations with spherical tokamak plasmas
NUCLEAR FUSION 60 026005 (February 2020)
WHITE RB, Duarte VN, Gorelenkov NN, et al.,
Phase-space dynamics of Alfvén mode chirping
PHYS. PLASMAS 27 022108 (February 2020)
WHITE RB, Duarte VN, Gorelenkov NN, et al.,
Conditions for the onset of Alfv ́enic avalanches in NSTX
PHYS. PLASMAS 27 022117 (February 2020)
LESTZ J, Gorelenkov NN, Belova EV, et al.,
PHYS PLASMAS 27 022513 (February 2020)
LESTZ J, Gorelenkov NN, Belova EV, et al.,
PHYS PLASMAS 27 022512 (February 2020)
RAMAN R, Sweeney R, Moyer RA, et al.,
Shattered pellet penetration in low and highenergy plasmas on DIII-D
NUCLEAR FUSION 60 036014 (March 2020)
ELSERAFY H, Hanada K, Kojima Set al., ,
Electron Bernstein wave conversion of high-field side injected X-modes in QUEST
JARDIN SC, Krebs I, Ferraro N
A new explanation of the sawtooth phenomena in tokamaks
PHYS PLASMAS 27 032509 (March 2020)
PICCIONE A, Berkery JW, Sabbagh S, et al.
NUCLEAR FUSION 60 046033 (April 2020)
ZWEBEN SJ, Fredrickson ED, Myra JR, et al.,
PHYS PLASMAS 27 052505 (May 2020)
ZHAI Y, Kalish M, Neumeyer C, et al.,
Design and analysis of NSTX-U inner poloidal field coils
IEEE TRANS. PLASMA SCI. 48 1415 (June 2020)
FANG J, Ellis R, Titus P,
Thermal and structural analysis of outboard divertor row 1&2 tiles for NSTX-U
IEEE TRANS. PLASMA SCI. 48 1468 (June 2020)
CAI D, Blanchard W, Cropper M,
Wall conditionng systems for the NSTX-U fusion device
IEEE TRANS. PLASMA SCI. 48 1591 (June 2020)
YANG F, Menard J
PyISOLVER - a fast OOP implementation of LRDFIT model
IEEE TRANS. PLASMA SCI. 48 1793 (June 2020)
BERTELLI N, Shiraiwa S, Kramer GJ, et al.,
3D full wave fast wave modeling with realistic antenna geometry and SOL plasma
AIP Conf. Proceedings, 23rd Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas, Hefei, China, May 14-17, 2019
2254 030001 (June 2020)
ONO M, Bertelli N, Idei H, et al.,
AIP Conf. Proceedings, 23rd Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas, Hefei, China, May 14-179
2254 090001 (June 2020)
LUMSDAINE A, Maingi R, Field KG, S.
Perspectives on the FESAC transformative enabling capabilities: Priorities, plans, and Status
FUSION ENG. DESIGN 155 111529 (June 2020)
Toward fusion plasma scenario planning for NSTX-U using machine-learning-accelerated models
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, PMLR 120:698-707, (June 2020)
RUIZ RUIZ J, Guttenfelder W, White AE, et al.,
BATTAGLIA DJ, Guttenfelder W, Bell R, et al.,
Enhanced Pedestal H-mode at low edge ion collisionality on NSTX
PHYS PLASMAS 27 072511 (July 2020)
XU W, Hu JS, Sun Z, et al.,
Effect of lithium coating on long pulse high performance plasma discharges in EAST
PLASMA PHYS. CONTROLLED FUSION 62 085012 (August 2020)
BERKERY JW, Xia G, Sabbagh SA, et al,
Projected global stability of high beta MAST-U Spherical Tokamak plasmas,
PLASMA PHYS. CONTROLLED FUSION 62 085007 (August 2020)
BOYER, MD, Yuan X, Ahn JH, et al.,
Model predictive control of KSTAR equilibrium parameters enabled by TRANSP
NUCLEAR FUSION 60 096007 (September 2020)
GEIGER B, et al.,
Progress in modelling fast-ion D alpha spectra and NPA fluxes using FIDASIM
PLASMA PHYS. CONTROLLED FUSION 62 105008 (October 2020)
ONO M, Raman R,
Active radiative liquid lithium divertor for handling transient high heat flux event
J FUSION ENERGY 39 402 (October 2020)
MAINGI R, Hu JS, Sun Z, et al.,
ELM suppression by boron powder injection and comparison with lithium powder injection on EAST
J FUSION ENERGY 39 429 (October 2020)
GUO HY, Thio YCF, Binderbauer MW, et al.,
Innovative approaches towards an economic fusion reactor
WANG ZR, Glasser AH, Brennan D, et al.,
Modeling of resistive plasma response in toroidal geometry using an asymptotic matching approach
PHYS PLASMAS 27 122503 (December 2020)
HAO GZ, Heidbrink WH, Liu YQ, et al.,
Centrifugal force driven low frequency mode in spherical tokamak
MYERS CE, Ferraro NM, Park J-K, et al.,
Catastrophic locking of the m/n=1/1 mode in sawtoothing tokamak discharges
Submitted to NUCLEAR FUSION LETT. (2020)
SUN Z, Diallo A, Maingi R, et al,
Suppression of edge localized mode using boron injection in a tokamak tungsten divertor
Submitted to PHYS. REV. LETT. (2020)