Publications 2001

TAYLOR G, Efthimion PC, Jones B, et al., 

Electron Bernstein wave research on CDX-U and NSTX 

AIP Conf. Proc. 595 282 (2001)

MENON M, Barry RE, Slotwinski A et al.,

Remote metrology, mapping, and motion sensing of plasma facing components using FM coherent laser radar

FUSION ENG. DES. 58 495 (November 2001)

SABBAGH SA, Kaye SM, Menard J, et al.,

Equilibrium properties of spherical torus plasmas in NSTX

NUCL. FUSION 41 1601 (November 2001)

RYAN PM, Wilson JR, Swain DW,

Initial operation of the NSTX phased array for launching high harmonic fast waves

FUSION ENG. DES. 56 569 (October 2001)

NEUMEYER C, et al.,

National Spherical Torus Experiment: engineering overview and research results 1999–2000

FUSION ENG. DES. 56 807 (October 2001)

ONO M, Bell MG, Bell RE, et al.,

Overview of the initial NSTX experimental results

NUCL. FUSION 41 1435 (October 2001)

MENARD JE, LeBlanc BP, Sabbagh SA, et al.,

Ohmic flux consumption during initial operation of the NSTX spherical torus

NUCL. FUSION 41 1197 (September 2001)

RAMAN R, Jarboe TR, Mueller D, et al.,

Non-inductive current generation in NSTX using coaxial helicity injection

NUCL. FUSION 41 1081 (August 2001)

SUGIYAMA LE, Park W, Strauss HR, et al.,

Studies of spherical tori, stellarators and anisotropic pressure with the M3D code

NUCL. FUSION 41 739 (June 2001)

KAYE SM, Bell MG, Bell RE, et al.,

Initial physics results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment 

PHYS. PLASMAS 8 1977 (May 2001)

NEUMEYER C, et al.,

National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) Engineering Overview & Research Results 1999–2000

FUS. TECH. 39 469 (2001) 

YING AY, Abdou M, Smolentsev S, et al.,

MHD and Heat Transfer Issues and Characteristics for Li Free Surface Flows under NSTX Conditions

FUS. TECH. 39 739 (2001) 

STRAND PI, Houlberg A,

Solution Techniques for Magnetic Flux Evolution in Toroidal Plasmas

FUS. TECH. 39 1091 (2001) 

RENSINK ME, Kugel H, Maingi R, et al.,

Simulation of power and particle flows in the NSTX edge plasma

J. NUCL. MAT. 290 706 (March 2001)

KUGEL HW, Maingi R, Wampler W, et al.,

Overview of impurity control and wall conditioning in NSTX

J. NUCL. MAT. 290 1185 (March 2001)

YAVORSKIJ VA, Schoepf K, Andrushchenko ZN, et al.,

Analytical models of axisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields with non-circular flux surfaces

PLASMA PHYS. CONTROL. FUSION 43 249 (March 2001)

RAMAN R, Jarboe TR, Mueller D, et al.,

Initial results from coaxial helicity injection experiments in NSTX

PLASMA PHYS. CONTROL. FUSION 43 305 (March 2001)

NEUMEYER C, Heitzenroeder P, Spitzer J, et al.,

Engineering design of the National Spherical Torus Experiment

FUSION ENG. DES. 56 807 (February 2001)

KUBOTA S, Nguyen XV, Peebles WA, et al.,

Millimeter-wave reflectometry for electron density profile and fluctuation measurements on NSTX

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 72 348 (January 2001)

KUGEL HW, Loesser D, Roquemore AL, et al.,

Precision metrology of NSTX surfaces using coherent laser radar ranging

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 72 533 (January 2001)

MAQUEDA RJ, Wurden GA, Zweben S, et al., 

Edge turbulence measurements in NSTX by gas puff imaging

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 72 931 (January 2001)

JOHNSON DW, LeBlanc BP, Long DL, et al.,

APD detector electronics for the NSTX Thomson scattering system

REV. SCI. INSTRUM. 72 1129 (January 2001)