Unit 1 - Religious Impulse

This picture of an ice cream sundae demonstrates the various appealing aspects of a popular dessert. However, what is most important is the most essential ingredient. While all toppings (syrup, cherry, sprinkles, chocolate bits, etc.) are tasty and desired, it is the ice cream that serves as the foundation and essence of the dessert, while the toppings merely enhance it. Similarly, while we may enjoy many diverse aspects of life and find them important (family, friendships, activities, work, material goods & possessions, etc.), none of them can offer the true joy and complete fulfillment of life that only God can provide. Those items can certainly complement and represent Him, but can never - and should never - replace God in our hearts, minds and being.

Article - Religion & Science

Video - Quality Time with Loved Ones

Video - Power of Media in Social Living

Video - Perils of Technology

Statistics - Breakdown re: Major Religions of World (2005)

Statistics - Top Religious Denominations in Canada (2001)

Statistics - Top Religious Denominations in Canada - Historical (2001)

Religious Landscape of the World - Survey Studies

Catholic Church Statistics - Then & Now

Video - Common features & explanation of religion

Assignment - Religion & the World