Gr. 12 Religion - Church & Culture

In this course, students will explore the science of morality in our global society, doing so through the lens of Catholic Church teachings and beliefs. Students will analyze and investigate various moral situations and dilemmas, referencing the Bible as God's Holy Word and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as fundamental sources of guidance and direction for healthy living and moral decision making.

A plethora of controversial and sensitive topics will be covered throughout the course, including abortion & euthanasia, capital punishment, chastity & sexuality, family life, observation & rejection of the 10 Commandments and Jesus' teachings of the Beatitudes. Please note respect and non-judgment are both encouraged and expected, and will always be practiced under the direction of the teacher throughout the semester. Discussion of course materials at home is encouraged, as well as independent consultation with one's religious community.

The HRE4MI course outline can be found here, while each unit's contents can be accessed by navigating through the course tab at the top of this website.