Unit 3 - Be Loyal

In Unit 3, students will uncover more about the mysterious and complex nature of faith and religion, while analyzing the difference between the two. The relationship between faith/religion and science will be discussed, along with the vast identity and power of God.

Students will also learn about society's actions in seeking and carrying out God's will. As individuals and as a collective, the class will explore the nature and impact of prayer, along with our responsibilities within prayer.

Unit 3 Text

Theme 1

Note - Faith & Belief

Note - Need for Faith

Video - Skepticism vs. Cynicism

This video details how it is human nature to question and search for answers. Yet, while having doubts may be normal, we must always remain open to discovery through exploration. If we remain closed to the possibilities available with God, we will never realize the potential and wonder He has in store for us to enjoy.

Note - Science & Creed

Prayer - Apostles' Creed

Video - Faith & Fellowship to God in a Secular World

Video - The Certainty of God

Slideshow - Cake Recipe & God's Master Plan

Theme 2

Note - Prayer Part 1

Note - Prayer Part 2

Activity - Reflection Questions re: Relationship with God

Video - God's Answer to Prayer & Our Personal Responsibility

Video - Heaven is for Real - A Boy's Personal Account

Note - God's Omni Qualities

Note - Faith & Religion