
Welcome to Mr. Charbonneau's website for Religion classes at Sacred Heart Catholic High School (Ottawa, Ont.). Through this site, you can access Mr. Charbonneau's specific websites for his Religion courses taught in grades 9-12.

Students and parents are encouraged to visit and peruse their respective course website frequently in order to stay current with class information, including but not limited to daily class summaries; homework; important class notes and discussion points; upcoming assignments, projects and quizzes/tests.

Students are reminded of Mr. Charbonneau's availability outside of class time (e.g. lunchtime & after school) for further insights into course information, explanation of class content, clarification regarding evaluations and other items. Parents are also invited to keep communication lines open and are welcomed to contact Mr. Charbonneau at any time by calling the school (613-831-6643) or e-mailing matt.charbonneau@ocsb.ca with any questions or concerns.

Thank you and have a wonderful year.

God bless,

Mr. Charbonneau