Daily Announcements

A summary of each class follows below, including discussion topics & work covered, along with assigned homework. Students are expected to review class materials regularly and come prepared after having missed any classes due to absence for any reason.

Monday, January 22 - Wednesday, January 24
- Rich Summative Task
- Details of RST available via Workspace in RST section or here
- Examples available in class
- Homework: RST scheduled for January 22-24; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, January 19
- Discussion re: Unit 2 quiz
- Discussion re: Rich Summative Task
- Dates of RST - Monday, June 22 - Wednesday, June 24
- Details of RST available via Workspace in RST section or here
- Examples available in class
- PowerPoint slideshow re: love (here)
- Study of St. Paul's letter to Corinthians re: love & ways love is followed or broken
- Musical interpretation here
- Unit 4 Theme 4 text pg. 215-216 (here)
- Discussion re: Catholic Church teachings re: homosexuality
- Catechism of Catholic Church teachings (here) & summary notes (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Reminder of Catholic Church teachings re: pro-life & unconditional love for all life as sacred creation of God
- Distinction between acceptance of person (sinner) vs. discouragement/disapproval of action (sin)
- Hate the sin, love the sinner
- Video re: Catholic Church teachings re: chastity & homosexuality (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here)
- Discussion re: factors that endanger love & their impact on all parties involved
- Catechism of Catholic Church teachings (here)
- Topics such as adultery, separation, divorce, polygamy & common-law co-habitation are discussed with sensitivity

        - Catholic Church teachings re: annulment of marriages
- Note re: love placed in danger (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Church's desire for love to conquer all evil & for love to be ultimate goal
- Homework: Watch video re: Catholic Church teachings re: marriage (here); Video re: Catholic Church teachings re: chastity & homosexuality (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Read Unit 4 Theme 4 text pg. 217 (here); RST scheduled for January 22-24; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, January 18
- Review re: Unit 4 Themes 1-2
- Video re: Jesus' unconditional love & forgiveness of sin (here)
- Links to key points of Unit 4 & other teachings covered in course
- Introduction re: Unit 4 Themes 3-4
- Sacredness of all life from conception to natural death (and everything in between)
- Catholic Church pro-life teaching & belief
- Importance of treating all people with love, respect & dignity despite differing or opposing viewpoints
- Analysis re: chastity & relation to Catholic Church & modern world
- Chart La chasteté - Tableau
- Available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here
- Style of living applicable to everyone
- Call for self-control & discipline
- Revealed through words, actions, thoughts, clothing, etc.
- Demonstration of respect, innocence, purity & honesty
- Note La chasteté
- Available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here
- Discussion re: chastity & links to virtues
- Examples of instances requiring self-control & chastity
- Proper demonstrations of emotions (e.g. happiness, anger, etc.)
- Responsibility in completing tasks & avoiding distractions (e.g. homework, studying, etc.)
- Food habits (e.g. types of food consumed, amounts of food consumed, etc.)
- Body language (e.g. rolling eyes, slouched posture in formal settings, public, yawning, etc.)
- Dress attire (e.g. respectful, revealing, appropriate vs. inappropriate content, etc.)
- Respect towards authority
- Consideration re: healthy displays of self-control vs. unhealthy lack of self-control
- Actions & their consequences (positive vs. negative) & effects (positive vs. negative)
- Analysis re: chastity & teachings re: Catholic Church beliefs
- Relation between abstinence, virginity & chastity
- Relationship between chastity & sexual intercourse
- Reminder re: pro-life teachings of Catholic Church & sacredness of all life from conception to natural death
- Reminder of God-given free will & importance of respect for all people & Christ-like support & encouragement NOT judgment or condemnation
- Analysis re: chastity & relation to Catholic Church & modern world
- Discussion re: importance of chastity in daily living for all people (here)
- Role of & need for chastity in romantic relationships
- Relationship between chastity & sexual intercourse
- Note re: love, sexuality & chastity (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Importance of chastity in love (here)
- Importance of Trinitarian relationship between husband, wife & God (here & here & here)
- Catholic Church beliefs re: alliance & covenant of marriage
- Intimate nature of sex as act of making love
- Intimacy = into me see
- Simultaneous roles of unitive & pro-creative nature of sex
- Challenging & controversial topics not aligned with Catholic Church teachings
- Examples: sex outside of marriage, rape, incest, abortion, artificial contraception, in-vitro fertilization, cohabitation before marriage, homosexual relations/marriage
- Discussion re: Catholic Church's support for marriage
- Trinitarian relationship between God, husband & wife (here & here & here)
- Marriage Preparation courses provided to engaged couples
- Discussion re: difference between artificial contraception & Natural Family Planning
- NFP as Church-endorsed & approved practice (here)
- Discussion re: dangers to chastity & practices negatively impacting healthy & fruitful relationships in love
- Topics such as masturbation, fornication, lust, pornography, prostitution, rape & incest discussed with great reference to Catechism of Catholic Church teachings (here)
- Homework: Read Unit 4 Theme 3 text pg. 198-201 À propos du sexe (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here) & make links to previous homework re: reading Unit 4 Theme 3 material re: Catholic Church teachings re: marriage & chastity (here & here); RST scheduled for January 22-24; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, January 17
- Analysis re: Unit 4 Theme 2 key points
- Correction & discussion re: handout pg. 178-181 (distributed in class)
- Conscience as voice of God speaking to us
- Free will to follow God's teachings or ignore God & follow self-interests
- God's desire & challenge to grow us into becoming best version of self & full reflection of God (here)
- Factors for healthy & strong development of conscience
- Bible
- Catechism of Catholic Church teachings & explanation of Church beliefs
- Catholic Church leadership (pope, cardinals, bishops, priests)
- Prayer
- Community encouragement
- Influence of peers
- Personal experience
- Social culture
- Moral decision-making & important elements to help us during moral dilemmas
- See, Judge, Act & Evaluate model
- Impact of sin & our responsibility following sin
- Unconditional love shown through forgiveness of sin
- Forgiveness but not acceptance
- Process of repentance following sin
- Available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here
- Notes La prise d'une bonne décision morale & La prise d'une bonne décision morale - Tableau
- Available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here & here
- Analysis re: Unit 4 Theme 2 re: sin
- Important points re: sin
- Sin as offense against God's will
- Actions, words or thoughts that go against God's teachings
- Rupture in relationship with God, others & self
- Sin as act of commission (ie. thinking or saying or doing something wrong) or omission (failing to do the right thing – e.g. not helping someone in a time of need)
- Different degrees of sin but shared nature & identity of sin
- Examples: a tiny lie to a parent vs. committing perjury in court; stealing someone’s pen or ballcap vs. bank robbery
- Steps required for reconciliation & repentance
- Admit mistake
- Ask for forgiveness
- Make reparations & effort to improve
- Note Les étapes après un péché (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Sacrament of reconciliation in Catholic Church (here & here & complete reflection reading here)
- Holy authority & Jesus' grace given to priest for absolution of our sins
- Catholic Christian prayer Act of Contrition (here)
- Complete readings of Catechism of Catholic Church teachings re: sin (here) & Unit 4 Theme 2 text pg. 176 re: sin
- CCC reading available via Workspace in Unit 4 – Be Loving section under Helpful Resources column or here
- Unit 4 Theme 2 text reading pg. 176 available via Workspace in Unit 4 – Be Loving section under Notes & Information column or here
- Videos L'impact du péché & Cherchons l'amour (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here & here)
- Homework: Extra research re: God's unconditional love (Jesus' Parable of Prodigal Son - Complete Bible reading Luke 15:11-32 here; Watch video interpretation here; Compose personal reflection re: how parable & messages resonate with self in today's society living); Read Unit 4 Theme 3 material re: Catholic Church teachings re: marriage & chastity (here & here); RST scheduled for January 22-24; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, January 16
- Review re: Unit 4 Theme 1 key points
- Video L'amour inconditionnel & Unit 4 text reading pg. 154-156 Un dérapage de trop via & all questions pg. 156
- Video available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section via Notes & Information section or here
- Video L'amour inconditionnel - Chanson re: true meaning of love
- Available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Work period:
- Unit 4 Theme 2 text reading pg. 170-173 DĂ©velopper sa conscience
- Unit 4 Theme 2 text reading pg. 174-175 Prendre la meilleure décision
- Unit 4 Theme 2 text reading pg. 176 Qu'est-ce que le péché
- Complete Unit 4 Theme 2 handout pg. 178-181 (distributed in class)
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section via Notes & Information section or here
- Homework: Complete today's assigned work; RST scheduled for January 22-24; All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, January 15
- Quiz Unit 2
- Work period:
- Note C'est quoi l'amour?
- Important points of Catholic Church teachings re: love
- Note Les types d'amour
- Discussion re: types of love & examples in society
- Storgè: family love
- Philia: friendship love
- Eros: sexual love
- Agape: unconditional love
- Analysis re: unconditional love
- Unit 4 text reading pg. 154-156 Un dérapage de trop via & questions pg. 156
- Available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section via Notes & Information section or here

- Discussion re: Jesus as ultimate standard & model of unconditional love

- Video L'amour de Dieu (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here)

- Unconditional love of God despite humanity's decision to sin via free will

- Sin as separation from God but God's endless presence & desire to forgive & reunite

- Parable of lost sheep & Jesus as Good Shepherd
- Homework: Watch video L'amour inconditionnel (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Finish Unit 4 text reading pg. 154-156 Un dérapage de trop via & all questions pg. 156 (available via Workspace in Unit 4 - Be Loving section via Notes & Information section or here); RST scheduled for January 22-24; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, January 12
- Analysis re: Unit 2 Theme 4 text pg. 103-104 Le monde entier est une scène
- Links to course content re: inclusion & exclusion
- Inclusion: feelings of belonging & appreciation & validation
- Exclusion: feelings of sadness & loneliness & rejection
- Links to Catholic Church teachings re: inclusion
- Reminder re: board note L'inclusion & l'acceptation
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under Notes & Information column or here
- Importance of including everyone & offering all a chance for contribution
- God's work in mysterious ways & connections to text reading
- Activity re: invitation to party
- Invitation of 10 people (dead/alive, real/fictitious; famous/common, known/unknown) to personal party
- Analysis re: secular world focus on celebrity & popular culture icons vs. faith values & focus on loved ones & religious figures of mentorship & encouragement
- Video Jésus & la générosité pour tous re: social attitudes vs. God's teachings
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Discussion & videos re: Jesus' welcome & love & acceptance towards everyone
- Call of first apostles & Biblical passage Luke 5:1-11 (here & here)
- Love for common worker (e.g. fisherman) & forgiveness of sinners (e.g. St. Peter)
- Healing of leper & Biblical passage Mark 1:40-45 (here & here)
- Judgment of world vs. unconditional love of Jesus
- Conversion of St. Matthew & his following of Jesus (here)
- Christ's invitation to tax collector regardless of attitudes of popular culture & secularism
- Christ's introduction to elite of society (e.g. Nicodemus here & here & here)
- God's Kingdom & forgiveness of sin available to all people
- Humility of Jesus & desire to help others discover true blessing & joy
- Biblical passage John 3:16 (here)
- Jesus inviting all people to know His love & healing (here)
- Discussion re: Unit 2 Theme 4 text pg. 109-110 Qui s'assoira Ă  la table? & pg. 111 # 1-5 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Commentary re: today's society & meaningful experiences
- Focus on celebrities over loved ones & holy figures
- Social ranking of people (here) based on particular qualities (e.g. wealth or social fame)
- Perception & exclusion of others not in particular categories
- Social arrangement of priority or superiority
- Biblical times of banquet table & inclusion of elite guests only (here) vs. Catholic Christian teachings
- Comparison to life & teachings of Jesus - inclusion of & love for all people (no matter their differences or limitations)
- Review re: Jesus' approach & lifestyle of inclusion vs. social practice of preferential treatment towards certain people
- Various communities & individuals who are often excluded in society
- Jesus' inclusion of all people - especially poor & marginalized/rejected
- Significance of circle as symbol of equality, unity & eternity (here)
- Danger & impact of cliques (here)
- Separation & division vs. welcome & togetherness of community
- Homework: Review videos re: Jesus' welcome & love & acceptance towards everyone (shown in today's class); Unit 2 Theme 4 text pg. 106-108 Pas seulement une partie du problème & answer questions pg. 108 # 1-6 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here); Read Unit 2 Theme 4 text pg. 109-110 Qui s'assoira à la table? & answer questions pg. 111 # 1-5 (text available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here); Quiz Unit 2 Monday, January 15; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, January 11
- Discussion re: Unit 2 Theme 3 text Le journal intime pg. 85-88 & questions pg. 89
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here
- Links to Unit 2 Theme 3 re: passions & emotions
- Need to recognize & validate emotions but also to manage & properly display emotions
- Analysis re: importance of controlling emotions vs. letting emotions control oneself
- Importance of involving consideration of emotions in daily living (e.g. thoughts, words & actions)
- Examples: driving when angry could lead to speeding ticket or accident or death; unsatisfied hunger could result in irritability or impatience & subsequent effect on relationships
- Situations where bad emotions are good/bad & good emotions are good/bad
- Examples: feeling pity, guilt or sympathy for homeless & feeling compelled to help; anger towards social injustice (e.g. discrimination, poverty, abuse, etc.); feeling joy in others' sadness (e.g. sports loss, unpleasant grade, etc.); joyful celebration during funeral or others' personal suffering
- Links to 10 Commandments, Jesus' Beatitudes & Golden Rule, virtues & vices
- Introduction to Unit 2 Theme 4 re: inclusion & acceptance
- Board note L'inclusion & l'acceptation (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Jesus' example of loving & welcoming all people (here & here)
- Missionary call as Christians to invite & love & welcome all people (Golden Rule)
- Virtues as tools showing Christ-like love for all & drawing us closer to God
- Review re: Unit 2 key materials & content
- Quiz Unit 2 Monday, January 15;
- Work period:
- Unit 2 Theme 4 text pg. 103-104 Le monde entier est une scène & answer questions pg. 105 # 1-7
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Homework: Finish Unit 2 Theme 4 text pg. 103-104 Le monde entier est une scène & answer questions pg. 105 # 1-7 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here); Quiz Unit 2 Monday, January 15; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, January 10
- Slideshow re: 7 forms of intelligence & God's work in mysterious ways
- Presentation Le plan de Dieu pour nous tous (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under Notes & Information column & here)
- Reflection re: sentiments
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under Evidence column & here
- Analysis re: Unit 2 Theme 3 & discussion re: passions & emotions
- Different types of emotions (here & here)
- Impact of emotions on our thoughts, words & actions
- Effect of emotions on relationship with God, others & self
- Importance of revealing emotions
- Creations of God as human beings NOT robots (here & here)
- Liberty of releasing emotions vs. self-imprisonment (here & here)
- God's comfort & guidance no matter what emotions felt
- Reminder of temptation to allow emotions to lead us to evil or motivate us to control our emotions & follow God's path of goodness (here)
- Links to virtues & path of righteousness vs. vices & path of sin
- Board note re: emotions
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under Notes & Information column & here
- Homework: Read Unit 2 Theme 3 text Le journal intime pg. 85-88 & answer all questions pg. 89 (# 1-10 in written form & # 1-3 via non-written personal reflection; Text available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, January 9
- Small group discussion re: previous homework
- Unit 2 Theme 2 text pg. 69-72 re: 7 types of intelligence & pg. 72 # 1-4
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Review re: 7 types of intelligence
a - habileté artistique = intelligence spatiale
b - habileté interpersonnelle = intelligence des relations
c - habileté musicale = intelligence rythmée
d - habileté personnelle = intelligence de soi
e - habileté linguistique = intelligence verbale
f - habileté numérique = intelligence logique
g - habileté corporelle = intelligence physique
- Key points re: 7 types of intelligence
- Importance of God's communication & mysterious revelation to humanity
- Development & application of all 7 forms of intelligence in order to know God & fully receive His blessings
- God's mysterious ways & communication to all people through different means
- Importance of being open to discovering God in all aspects & applying abilities fully in order to receive God's blessings in abundance
- Video re: different types of intelligence & how God communicates with each of us uniquely
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 2-4) section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Interconnectedness of all 7 types of intelligence (here)
- Analysis re: connection between 7 types of intelligence & faith
- Note re: L'intelligence et la foi
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 2 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Unit 2 Theme 2 text pg. 73
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Homework: Watch all videos re: 7 types of intelligence & compose list of all intelligences demonstrated in videos (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Themes 2-4) section under A/V Aids for Lessons column (Theme 2) or here & here & here & here); Identify examples of each of 7 types of intelligence in world today (dead/alive, real/fictional); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, January 8
- Reflection re: New Year's resolutions & link to relationship with God (here)
- Discussion re: Unit 2 Theme 2 re: intelligences & personal abilities
- Activity re: personal identity
- Individual survey via Unit 2 Theme 2 text pg. 75-76 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Discussion re: results & how related to personal identity
a - habileté artistique = intelligence spatiale
b - habileté interpersonnelle = intelligence des relations
c - habileté musicale = intelligence rythmée
d - habileté personnelle = intelligence de soi
e - habileté linguistique = intelligence verbale
f - habileté numérique = intelligence logique
g - habileté corporelle = intelligence physique
- Note re: 7 types of intelligence
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 2 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Discussion re: different types of intelligence beyond academic success in math or science
- God's call for all of us to pursue His calling for us & apply ourselves to our fullest God-given potential
- Homework: Read note re: 7 types of intelligence (available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 2 section under Notes & Information column or here); Read Unit 2 Theme 2 text pg. 69-72 & answer pg. 72 # 1-4 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here); Watch video re: 7 types of intelligence (available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 2 section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, January 1 - Friday, January 5
- No school: Christmas holiday
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, December 25 - Friday, December 29
- No school: Christmas holiday
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, December 22
- Work period:
- Completion of past work assigned & covered in class
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday - Thursday, December 20-21
- Work period: (** This will be a serious class filled with sensitive material. Students should work quietly and diligently, taking breaks individually if/as needed.)
1. Watch video re: Catholic Church teachings re: abortion (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here)
- Students should already have read the Catechism of Catholic Church teachings/beliefs re: abortion (here - articles 2270-2275)
- Video should be watched with earphones or sound on a low setting so as not to disturb other students
2. Read/explore PowerPoint presentation re: pregnancy & stages of life (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Special attention should be paid to each point of pregnancy & a baby’s development in the womb (e.g. 24 weeks, 6 weeks, etc.) as well as statistical information towards the end of the slideshow (abortion stats vs. other stats in Canadian history)
- Reminder of Catholic Church teachings/beliefs re: sacredness of all human life no matter what size or stage of development (here)
- Reminder of moral teaching Just because we could do something doesn't mean we should do something
3. Read note re: common arguments in society for abortion vs. counter-arguments (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Points to consider:
- Catholic Church teaching re: pro-life position & therefore cannot accept or encourage or support anything contrary to pro-life promotion
- Sacredness of all human life & importance of love, dignity & respect for all human life (from conception to natural death)
- Belief re: ends justifying means (e.g. stealing food in order to eat, abortion in order to avoid difficulty)
- Importance of 10 Commandments, Beatitudes & virtues as foundation for healthy & prosperous life
- Prudence & fortitude & self-discipline
- Chastity & abstinence
- Difference between artificial contraception & Natural Family Planning
- NFP as scientific method & Church-endorsed & approved practice (here & here)
- Marriage at right time & for right reasons
- Sexual intimacy as part of marriage
- Benefits of adoption & encouragement of adoption within Catholic Church teachings/beliefs
4. Read note re: short- & long-term effects of abortion on women & community
- Information re: negative impact of abortion on women & society (here)
5. Read articles & watch video re: Jaxon Buell (available via Workspace or here & here & here)
6. Important overall points to remember & consider
- Consideration of intentions, desires & motivations when evaluating nature of living (moral vs. immoral, healthy vs. unhealthy, righteous vs. sinful)
- Destruction of human life (desired & intentional) vs. preservation & nurturing of God's created life
- All life is sacred from conception to natural death, no matter the size (here)
- Discussion re: stages of unborn life in womb equal to all other stages of human life after birth
- Unborn baby (embroyo developing into fetus, leading to birth) preceding birth (baby, toddler, infant, teenager, adult, elderly)
- Impact of social culture & attitudes (messages become more common THEN more normal THEN more accepted)
- Just because we could do something doesn't mean we should do something
- Natural law (God's law & teachings) not always upheld or supported by civil law (government & social teachings; e.g. abortion as legal in Canada since 1969)
- Peruse photo slideshow re: pro-life pictures & messages (here)
- Watch videos re: encouragement & opportunity for unknown future of unborn life (here & here)
- Special need for prayer, support & comfort for all people who have endured or have been impacted by abortion (e.g. women, men, family/friends, medical professionals, etc.)
- Video re: importance of moving forward & seeking comfort & forgiveness from God & community (here)
7. Homework: Read articles here & here & consider materials
** Any questions and/or discussion points are welcome to be presented in class on Thursday, should students wish.

Tuesday, December 19
- Analysis re: euthanasia & Catholic Church teachings

- Catechism of Catholic Church teachings & beliefs (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Helpful Resources column or here)

- Consideration of intentions, desires & motivations when evaluating treatment of sick & dying (moral vs. immoral, healthy vs. unhealthy, righteous vs. sinful, God's will vs. self-interest)

- Destruction of human life (desired & intentional) vs. preservation & nurturing of God's created life

- All life is sacred from conception to natural death, no matter the size (here)

- Respect for all life - especially sick, disabled, elderly & dying

- Analysis re: Catholic Church teachings re: different types/practices of euthanasia

- Direct (active) vs. Indirect (passive) euthanasia

- Distinctions & details re: both types

- Teachings/beliefs of Catholic Church

- Intention of terminating life (or assisting with that) vs. intention to help care for life despite ill or dying state
- Importance of & need for journeying with person as reflection of Christ (here)

- Impact of social culture & attitudes (messages become more common THEN more normal THEN more accepted)

- Stats re: euthanasia in Canada since legalization in June 2016

- Just because we could do something doesn't mean we should do something

- Natural law (God's law & teachings) not always upheld or supported by civil law (government & social teachings)

- Photo slideshow re: pro-life pictures & messages re: euthanasia (here)
- Catholic Church teachings re: organ donation (here & here & here & explanation here)
- Homework: Watch video re: euthanasia (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, December 18
- Analysis re: suicide & Catholic Church teachings

- Catechism of Catholic Church teachings & beliefs (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Helpful Resources column or here)

- Life = God's gift to humanity

- How we live life = humanity's gift to God

- Body to be treated as temple of God from conception to natural death
- God as creator of all life & Alpha & Omega of life
- God is to decide life as created & completed

- Impact of suicide on surviving family, friends, colleagues, peers, etc.

- Importance of prudence & virtuous living in order to keep healthy mindset
- Impact of positive self-identity (perception, esteem, confidence & acceptance of self)

- Importance of reaching out to community in time of need & to serve as helping hand to those in need

- Need for prayer for all deceased (including from suicide) for God to show mercy & provide salvation

- Connection re: need to address spiritual well-being & health in life

- Link to course content re: importance of mind, body, heart & soul
- Soul as foundation of healthy living
- Video describing Catholic Church teachings re: suicide available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section in Helpful Resources column or here
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, December 15
- Video re: importance of seeking God for self-affirmation vs. living with guilt or shame (here)
- Analylsis re: self-identity
- Silent reflection re: how we see ourselves
- Discussion re: self-appreciation vs. self-critique
- Importance of living true identity of self
- Comparison to others vs. comparison to God (here)
- Secular society messages vs. Godly messages
- Need for proper & healthy value of self (here)
- Factors affecting development or harm of self-identity (ie. positive or negative self-image)
- Self-perception
- Self-esteem
- Self-confidence
- Self-acceptance
- Discussion re: challenges & influences affecting healthy vs. unhealthy self-identity
- Media, peers, loved ones, influencers, experiences, culture, upbringing, music & personal interests
- Difficulties in living out proper & positive self-identity
- Examples: eating disorders & media (here & here)
- Natural beauty & satisfaction with self vs. constant seeking for perfection & approval
- Examples: cosmetic surgery (here & here)
- Homework: Watch video re: Paul Potts (here) & video re: Most Amazing Mother (here) & video re: Laura Klock (here); Write personal reflection (min. 2 paragraphs) re: connections to Unit 2 Theme 1 content (self-identity, sacredness & value of all life, danger of judgment based only on surface-level appearance, contribution of all people & impact of others & experiences on self-identity); All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, December 14
- Discussion re: identity of self & importance of self-worth
- Need for healthy self-worth in order to see positive value in others
- Reflection inspiration here
- Analysis re: Catechism of Catholic Church teachings re: war & just war doctrine

- Examples of war in world history (World War I & II, Vietnam War, Gulf War, present-day wars)

- Criteria for war to be considered as acceptable solution

- Catholic Church just war doctrine & teachings re: peace
- Moral responsibility to encourage peace & avoid violence as much as possible
- Treatment of all people - including prisoners of war - with dignity as sacred creations of God
- Catholic Church teaching & belief hate the sin, love the sinner
- All people have value & can contribute to society & deserve opportunity in life
- Conditions for war to be considered justified
- Sacredness of all life warrants war to be avoided as much as possible
- Information available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Helpful Resources column or here
- Video explanation of Catechism of Catholic Church teachings re: just war available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Helpful Resources column or here
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, December 13
- Discussion re: Jesus & God's incarnation in world in human form
- Sacred identity as divine & human
- Humanity's identity as unique creations & united children of God
- Video Superman Returns as demonstration of God's incarnation as Jesus & Biblical passage John 3:16 (here)
- Review & analysis re: Catechism of Catholic Church teachings re: capital punishment (ie. death penalty)
- Role of prison system for convicted criminals
- Penance for actions & deterrent for further crime
- Protection of community & common good
- Opportunity for reflection & reform
- Aim to rehabilitate & improve
- Punishment to be fair & reflective of crimes
- Never to be excessive
- Hypocrisy of human execution while following 5th Commandment & dignity of person
- Danger of wrongful conviction (e.g. new evidence, dismissed accusation, wrong criminal charged, etc.)
- Sacredness of all life warrants capital punishment to be avoided as much as possible
- Teachings available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here & here & here re: capital punishment (ie. death penalty)
- Introduction to Catholic Church teaching re: war & just war doctrine
- Information available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here & here
- Homework: Review information available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here & here; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, December 12
- Discussion re: Our Lady of Guadalupe (here & here)
- Feast Day & significance of miraculous apparition to St. Juan Diego
- Impact of God's presence & supernatural moments re: transformation of heart & conversion
- Discussion re: sacredness of all life
- Karen's Story (here)
- Links to course content re: Unit 2 & Unit 3 study
- Pre-judgment in society
- Power & conviction of faith in God
- Small group discussions re: course connections
- Review re: voluntary & involuntary homicide (discussed in previous class)
- Voluntary & involuntary homicide
- Links to previous content re: spirit & intent
- Analysis re: deeper interpretation of 5th Commandment
- Personal needs vs. desires
- Virtues of prudence & temperance/moderation
- Necessities vs. excess
- Spirit of choices & actions
- Intentions & motivations of thoughts, words & deeds
- Serving God vs. serving self
- Article re: modern-day case (here)
- Catechism of Catholic Church teachings available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here & here & here
- Analysis re: Catechism of Catholic Church teachings re: capital punishment (ie. death penalty)
- Role of prison system for convicted criminals
- Penance for actions & deterrent for further crime
- Protection of community & common good
- Opportunity for reflection & reform
- Aim to rehabilitate & improve
- Punishment to be fair & reflective of crimes
- Never to be excessive
- Hypocrisy of human execution while following 5th Commandment & dignity of person
- Danger of wrongful conviction (e.g. new evidence, dismissed accusation, wrong criminal charged, etc.)
- Sacredness of all life warrants capital punishment to be avoided as much as possible
- Homework: Review today's materials & consult Catechism of Catholic Church teachings available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here & here & here re: capital punishment (ie. death penalty); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, December 11
- Discussion re: conformity & setting godly & healthy standards in life vs. popular culture (here)
- Review key points re: Unit 2 Theme 1 re: sacredness of human life
- Human body as sacred temple of God to be cared for as way of honoring God
- All human life is sacred from conception to natural death
- Worthy of & to be treated with love, dignity & respect
- Need for actions & treatment of body to be legal & healthy simultaneously
- Examples: drugs, excessive eating
- Relationship between body & mind & heart & soul
- Compromised state of mind or heart can influence healthy treatment of body
- Links to self-esteem & mental health
- Examples: eating disorders & self-harm
- Importance of seeking help when struggling (e.g. prayer, family, Guidance, counselling, doctors)
- Importance of providing care & encouragement to those who struggle
- 5th Commandment & intentional killing of life
- Literal (e.g. murder) & figurative (e.g. bullying) meanings
- Direct desire & attempt to harm human life
- Motivation
- Voluntary choice
- Decision with free will
- Serving God vs. serving self
- What is necessary vs. what is excessive or desired
- Examples: tattoos & piercings
- Importance of always practicing virtues in personal decisions (e.g. prudence & temperance)
- Analysis re: Catechism of Catholic Church re: 5th Commandment
- Official teachings & beliefs re: sacredness of human life
- Cain & Abel & first act of murder in Holy Bible
- Biblical teachings re: murder & killing in Old Testament & New Testament
- Moses & 10 Commandments
- Jesus & Golden Rule & Beatitudes
- Self-defence
- Voluntary & involuntary homicide
- Information available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column or here
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, December 8
- No class: PD Day
- Homework: Watch videos re: sacredness of all human life & make connections to today's materials discussed in class (videos sent to students via previous e-mail & available here & here & here); Read Le Cathéchisme de l'Église Catholique - Le 5e Commandement (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column & here) & compose handwritten chart identifying materials under 3 headings (What I already knew, What I learned & What I would like to explore more); All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, December 7
- Review re: human body as sacred temple of God to be cared for as way of honoring God
- All human life is sacred from conception to natural death
- Worthy of & to be treated with love, dignity & respect
- Need for actions & treatment of body to be legal & healthy simultaneously
- Examples: drugs, excessive eating
- Relationship between body & mind & heart & soul
- Compromised state of mind or heart can influence healthy treatment of body
- Links to self-esteem & mental health
- Examples: eating disorders & self-harm
- Importance of seeking help when struggling (e.g. prayer, family, Guidance, counselling, doctors)
- Importance of providing care & encouragement to those who struggle
- Review re: 5th Commandment & intentional killing of life
- Literal (e.g. murder) & figurative (e.g. bullying) meanings
- Direct desire & attempt to harm human life
- Motivation
- Voluntary choice
- Decision with free will
- Serving God vs. serving self
- What is necessary vs. what is excessive or desired
- Examples: tattoos & piercings
- Importance of always practicing virtues in personal decisions (e.g. prudence & temperance)
- Small-group analysis re: picture slideshows (available via e-mail sent to students previously) & links to today's materials
- Dignity of Person (here)
- 5th Commandment (here)
- Homework: Watch videos re: sacredness of all human life & make connections to today's materials discussed in class (videos sent to students via previous e-mail & available here & here & here); Read Le Cathéchisme de l'Église Catholique - Le 5e Commandement (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Theme 1 section under Helpful Resources column & here) & compose handwritten chart identifying materials under 3 headings (What I already knew, What I learned & What I would like to explore more); All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, December 6
- Discussion re: St. Nicholas & his Feast Day of December 6
- Giving nature & care for children & poor (profile here)
- Biographical information about his life & legacy (video here)
- Commercialism of St. Nicholas as Santa Claus (here & here)
- Discussion re: Nick Vujicic & dignity of person
- Sacred nature of all human life from conception to natural death
- God-given potential of all people despite any & all limitations or obstacles (here & here & here)
- Life testimony re: power of God in providing direction & happiness (here)
- Review re: human body as sacred temple of God to be cared for as way of honoring God
- Need for actions & treatment of body to be legal & healthy simultaneously
- Examples: drugs, excessive eating
- Relationship between body & mind & heart & soul
- Compromised state of mind or heart can influence healthy treatment of body
- Links to self-esteem & mental health
- Examples: eating disorders & self-harm
- Importance of seeking help when struggling (e.g. prayer, family, Guidance, counselling, doctors)
- Importance of providing care & encouragement to those who struggle
- Analysis re: 5th Commandment
- Review re: intentional killing of life
- Literal (e.g. murder) & figurative (e.g. bullying) meanings
- Direct desire & attempt to harm human life
- Motivation
- Voluntary choice
- Decision with free will
- Serving God vs. serving self
- What is necessary vs. what is excessive
- Examples: tattoos & piercings
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, December 5
- Discussion re: Jesus & significance of His many names & titles
- Examples: Jesus (God saves), Emmanuel (God with us), Christ (Chosen One, Messiah), Prince of Peace, Savior
- Song O Come Divine Messiah (here)
- Review re: key points re: 5th Commandment
- 10 Commandments given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai
- Jesus' teaching of 10 Commandments through succinct fashion
- Teaching # 1 = Commandments 1-3
- Love & honor God with entire mind, body, heart & soul
- Teaching # 2 = Commandments 4-10
- Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated & love others as God loves us
- Moral teachings to guide life on earth en route to eternal salvation in Heaven
- Jesus as God incarnate in human form to have full relationship with humanity on earth
- Review re: Catholic Church teaching of all life being sacred
- Analysis re: 5th Commandment
- Note Le 5e Commandement (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive - Theme 1 section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Life begins at conception & is to last until natural death
- All life to be treated with love, respect & dignity
- Examples of lives in society not always receiving these values (e.g. baby in womb, unwanted baby discarded, foster children, immigrants, homeless, people with schizophrenia or mentally challenged, addicts – e.g. drug, alcohol, etc., patients in hospitals for long-term care, dying, etc.)
- Personal needs vs. desires
- Necessities vs. excess
- Intentions & motivations of personal choices & actions
- Serving God vs. serving self
- Care for body (ours & others') as temple of God to be honored
- Life & free will = God's gifts to us
- Our living of life = our gift to God
- Vocational call to live free will aligned with God's will
- God does not bend His plan to fit our preference; We must bend our will to fit His
- Review re: Unit 2 Theme 1 text pg. 46 questions # 1-3
- Avaliable via Workspace under Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, December 4
- No class: Buses cancelled
- Homework: Unit 3 cake project due today (Monday, December 4); All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, December 1
- Quiz Unit 3
- Work period:
- Unit 2 Theme 1 text reading pg. 46 Le Cinquième Commandement & questions pg. 46 # 1-3 (handwritten form)
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive section under Notes & Information column or here
- Note re: Le Cinquième Commandement (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive section under Notes & Information column or here
- Homework: Complete today's assigned work; Unit 3 cake project due Monday, December 4; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, November 30
- Discussion re: hope in God & God's provision for us (here)
- Links to Unit 1 (virtues) & Unit 3 (faith & prayer)
- Analysis re: humanity as reflection of God
- Importance of seeing self as reflection of Jesus & serving as reflection of Jesus to world (here & here)
- Need to compare self only to God & not to others in society (here)
- Honoring God by living our best life & best version of self (true to God & His teachings)
- Analysis re: victims of discrimination in world
- Importance of fair treatment of others no matter what differences
- Emphasis on discovering & living out one's true identity as child of God
- Need to celebrate similarities and matters in common & not focus too much on differences as cause for separation
- Importance of appreciating differences & honoring commonalities
- Need in society for not allowing differences to cause division
- God's will for world to live in harmony, appreciation & unity with respect & patience & sharing
- All people = children of God & to be treated as fellow brothers & sisters in Christ
- Biblical passage 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 (here)
- Family of God throughout entire world, held in God's hands (here & here)
- All life to be treated as sacred & with love, respect & dignity
- Analysis re: Nicene Creed
- Catholic Christian prayer as proclamation of faith
- Summary of Church beliefs & teachings
- Links to future study re: Jesus' incarnation (God in human form)
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Analysis re: incarnation of Jesus
- God appearing in world in human form (Jesus Christ)
- Analogy of texting/phone calls/virtual meetings vs. face-to-face/in-person contact & communication
- God’s love for world is so great, it extends far beyond surface level
- God's desire to be with us up close & in person for intimate relationship
- God’s display of how important we are to Him by having personal relationship with us
- God's sharing His holy & sacred identity with us through Jesus on earth
- Note L'incarnation
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Comparison between God & Superman (here)
- Jesus is both human & super-human at same time
- Jesus' dual role as human & divine is never separated
- Liar, Madman & Messiah perspectives re: Jesus Christ (here)
- Analysis re: God's covenant with His People & complete sharing of love for world through Jesus
- Watch video Alliance & Incarnation available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 1 section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Homework: Watch videos re: Liar, Madman & Messiah perspectives re: Jesus Christ (here) & re: God's covenant with His People & complete sharing of love for world through Jesus (Alliance & Incarnation available via Workspace in Unit 2 Theme 1 section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Unit 3 quiz Friday, December 1; Unit 3 cake project due Monday, December 4; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, November 29
- Preview of Unit 2 Theme 1 re: identity
- Identity as self, child of God & member of society
- Sacredness of all life as God's creation
- All human life deserving of love, dignity & respect from conception to natural death
- Video re: judgment & importance of being open to others (here)
- Imitation of Jesus in daily living
- Jesus' model of forgiveness & love vs. society's negative judgment or criticism
- Modern lifestyle of condemnation or condoning unhealthy behavior vs. positive teaching & empowerment in order for self-improvement
- Personal discernment of video content (ie. no written work required)
- Analysis re: Unit 2 Theme 1 text pg. 43-44 La parfaite réflexion & comprehension questions pg. 48 # 1-4, 7-9
- Available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive (Theme 1) section under Notes & Information column & here
- Review re: identity & need for unity amidst differences
- Importance of fair treatment of others no matter what differences
- Emphasis on discovering & living out one's true identity as children of God
- Need to celebrate similarities and matters in common & not focus too much on differences as cause for separation
- Importance of appreciating differences & honoring commonalities
- Need in society for not allowing differences to cause division
- Links to sacredness of all life from conception to natural death
- Additional summary notes here
- Small group discussion
- Compose list re: examples of people in society discriminated against unjustly based on differences & provide brief description re: impact of such discrimination on world
- Homework: Complete list re: examples of people in society discriminated against unjustly based on differences & provide brief description re: impact of such discrimination on world; Unit 3 quiz Friday, December 1; Unit 3 cake project due Monday, December 4; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, November 28
- Discussion re: joy & laughter & God's call for us in daily living
- Jesus laughing (here)
- Discussion re: Biblical figures & events from humorous standpoint
- Examples: Creation of world, Jesus clearing the Temple, Doubting Thomas, Three Wise Men, Moses & 10 Commandments, Israelites' wandering in desert in search of Promised Land, Jesus' Resurrection, Jesus fish symbol, significance of Hannukah & menorah candles
- Unit 2 introduction
- Unit 2 Theme 1 reading pg. 43-44 La parfaite réflexion & pg. 45 L'incarnation & questions pg. 48 # 1-4, 7-9 & pg. 45 # 1-2 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Homework: Unit 2 Theme 1 reading pg. 43-44 La parfaite réflexion & pg. 45 L'incarnation & questions pg. 48 # 1-4, 7-9 & pg. 45 # 1-2 (available via Workspace in Unit 2 - Be Alive section under Notes & Information column or here); Unit 3 quiz Friday, December 1; Unit 3 cake project due Monday, December 4; All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, November 27
- Discussion re: Christ the King (here & here)
- Discussion re: previous class episode of Joan of Arcadia (link here) & building of boat
- Boat for sailing adventures or fishing
- Boat for protection in storm (e.g. Noah's Ark)
- God's protection & direction over us in times of difficulty (song here)
- Reflection re: cake & God's mysterious ways (here)
- Links to previous class slideshow presentation re: God's mysterious plans & ultimate results of good for all people
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section or under Notes & Information column or here
Discussion re: Unit 3 assignment (visual product & oral presentation - video format)
- Recipe for healthy & strong relationship with God (& others & self)
- Ingredients, instructions & detailed connections to course content
- Examples here & here & here & here
- Due Monday, December 4
- Analysis & review re: Unit 3
- Faith as belief without proof
- God will always provide (in His time & in His way)
- God's mysterious ways beyond our understanding
- Need for personal trust in God
- Impact of science on faith & religion
- Constant seeking to learn but still so much undiscovered in world
- Secular world influence on faith practice
- Skepticism vs. counter-cultural living
- Importance of seeking God more in order to discover God more
- Everything available from God but our free will to take it
- Happiness, health & holiness on earth & in Heaven
- Need to live out 10 Commandments, Beatitudes & virtues in daily living
- Prayer as communication with God
- Importance of prayer in good times & in bad times
- Need for prayer as opportunity to feed relationship with God (like any other social relationship)
- God's answers to our prayers (never "No" but always for our greater good)
- Types of prayer when talking with God
- Responsibilities when practicing prayer
- Importance of patience, desire & willingness, discipline, confidence & trust in God for prayer to be effective
- Homework: Unit 3 quiz Friday, December 1; Unit 3 cake project due Monday, December 4; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, November 24
- Work period:
- Watch episode of Joan of Arcadia (link here) & compose personal reflection (min. 1/2 page) re: the following points:
- What is your overall impression of this episode? Explain your opinion clearly and with information linked back to the program.
- What connections can you draw from the episode to the content covered in class so far this year? (e.g. God’s mysterious ways, suffering, relationship, etc.)
- How do you relate to this episode personally? Explain.
* This is to be done individually and with earphones. ** Work to be done in written form (by hand).
- Watch episode of Alpha (link here) & complete all assigned tasks described in worksheet (link here).
- The worksheet is also available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here.
* This is to be done in pairs or groups of 4 people maximum.
- Homework: Complete today's assigned work; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, November 23
- Discussion re: God introducing & teaching life approach counter to popular culture
- Temporary attitudes during specific eras vs. permanent values of God's natural law
- Video L'influence du sécularisme sur le monde (here)
- Analysis re: God's mysterious plans & arrangement of life for ultimate & infinite good of world
- Comparison to constellations (here & here)
- Links to Unit 3 Theme 2 text reading pg. 136-138 Dieu Fournira & questions pg. 139 # 1-5
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Video Bruce Almighty re: God's answers to prayer & His ultimate plan for good (here)
- Cake Presentation re: God's mysterious plans & ultimate results of good for all people
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section or under Notes & Information column or here
- Homework: Watch video L'influence du sécularisme sur le monde (here); Watch cake presentation re: God's mysterious plans & ultimate results of good for all people (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section or under Notes & Information column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, November 22
- Discussion re: ways & simplicity of prayer
- Example: 5-finger prayer
- Review re: 5 types of prayer (here & here & here) & application in daily living
- Video re: God's answers to prayer
- God's mysterious timing & methods of response
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Small group discussion re: previous homework
- Unit 3 Theme 2 text pg. 134-135 Lettres du Tentateur & links to Unit 3 content
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Discussion re: mysterious nature of God & His answers to prayer
- God's ways in arranging goodness in world
- God's use of humanity as instruments to carry out His infinite goodness in world
- Need for humanity's effort & trust in God (here) to make known God's plans
- Video Joan of Arcadia (here; 37:17-39:20 mark)
- Work period:
- Unit 3 Theme 2 text pg. 136-138 Dieu Fournira & questions pg. 139 # 1-5
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Homework: Complete Unit 3 Theme 2 text reading pg. 136-138 Dieu Fournira & questions pg. 139 # 1-5 (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, November 21
- Activity re: faith & being open to discovering unknown
- Analysis re: items measured/calculated vs. unseen but still existent (e.g. potential, wind, future & love of parent)
- Nails activity (here) & link to faith vs. skepticism
- Link to Doubting Thomas (here - 4:30 to 7:55 mark)
- Reflection re: prayer & God's answers to our prayers
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Analysis re: prayer
- Prayer: communication with God
- Importance of dialogue between God & us
- Need for talking to God but also listening to God (ie. conversation = 2 parties)
- God's responses & handling re: our prayers
- Discussion re: having wishes granted in life (e.g. Christmas gift wish list)
- Personal reflection re: outcome(s) & lessons learned when wishes not granted
- Link to Unit 3 Theme 2 content re: prayer
- Note Prayer - Part 1 & Prayer - Part 2 (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here & here)
- Value of God's transcendent nature beyond human comprehension
- Role of human free will re: prayer
- God's constant response to our prayers (always)
- God's response to our prayers beyond our expectations or perspectives
- God's response to our needs NOT our wants/desires
- Our role & responsibility through free will
- God's different answers to our prayers
- Importance of patience, desire & willingness, discipline, confidence & trust in God for prayer to be effective
- Discussion re: 5 types of prayer (here & here & here)
- Homework: Unit 1 project due Wednesday, November 22 (details available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here); Read Unit 3 Theme 2 text pg. 134-135 Lettres du Tentateur (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here); Complete Unit 3 Theme 2 text pg. 144 questionnaire re: prayer; All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, November 20
- Discussion re: school year to date & mid-term report cards forthcoming
- Introduction to Unit 3 Theme 2 re: prayer
- Review re: Unit 3 Theme 1 re: faith
- Prayer as communication with God & opportunity to grow in relationship with God
- Openness to receive love & blessings from God through knowing Him more
- Introduction note re: prayer available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here & here
- Homework: Unit 1 project due Wednesday, November 22 (details available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, November 17
- Review re: Unit 3 Theme 1 concepts
- Board note Le besoin de la foi
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Analysis re: faith as gift offered & invitation to others vs. obligation or experience imposed on others
- Encouragement vs. force
- Importance of faith living & sharing by invitation not force
- Encouragement not obligation or imposition
- Humble not condemnation or judgment
- Open to discovery of God & His daily presence
- Reference to mentions of mustard seed (here & here) & spark (here & here)
- Development of faith throughout life
- Dependent on circumstances, experiences & stages
- Growth vs. decline (here & here & here)
- Discussion re: principle of uncertainty
- Unit 3 Theme 1 text reading pg. 125-126 Croire en ce qui ne peut pas être prouvé & questions pg. 126
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Limitations of humanity & science (e.g. 60 seconds in minute, car speed, board game, etc.)
- Humanity's constant desire to seek, discover & learn more (here & here)
- Example: Naming of stars (here) & Pi in mathematics (here & here)
- Uncertainty in life (e.g. future, reasons for various events, extra-terrestrial life, etc.)
- Humanity's finite nature & Higher Power's (God) transcendence beyond humanity (ie. timeless, immeasurable, mysterious, etc.)
- God as Alpha & Omega of world (ie. beginning & end here)
- Limitless nature of God & capability beyond human capacity & comprehension
- Homework: Unit 1 project due Wednesday, November 22 (details available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, November 16
- Discussion re: creed & Catholic Christian declaration of faith
- Note La science & le credo
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Prayer Apostles' Creed
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Song re: Apostles' Creed
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Introduction re: Unit 3 Theme 1 re: faith
- Faith as belief without proof vs. social attitude re: belief only after proof
- Importance of exploration in order for discovery
- Challenge of living faith in today's world
- Personal decision to be optimist vs. skeptic
- Board note La foi & la croyance
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Analysis re: faith & its benefits in life
- Discussion re: Unit 3 Theme 1 text reading pg. 123-124 Pourquoi chercher la foi?
- Available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Comparison between faith & swimming
- Important/necessary ability & skill to navigate through life’s difficulties
- Manage with faith vs. drown without it
- Faith = tool that helps overcome challenge & deal with suffering effectively
- Life without faith = more suffering encountered & felt
- Value of faith exploration & allowance for growth vs. danger of being closed off to God & His unconditional love available to us
- Comparison to a bear hug (2 persons involved)
- Importance of being open to God & His available love & blessings
- When we have something worth sharing, it is important to pass it along
- Responsibility to share beauty of faith with others while respecting their free will to decline the opportunity
- Invitation with humility & encouragement vs. force & imposition
- Choices when offered a gift
- Accept
- Reject
- Choices when accepting a gift
- Use & application of gift
- Non-use/disposal & waste of gift
- Sharing of gift with others
- Homework: Unit 1 project due Wednesday, November 22 (details available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, November 15
- Analysis re: 10 Commandments (continued)
- Literal vs. figurative interpretation of 10 Commandments
- Importance of appreciation for deeper meaning of 10 Commandments (here)
- Discussion of 10 Commandments as instructed & as lived in modern society (pg. 29 available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Honoring God alone vs. false gods (here & here & here & here & here & here)
- Using the Lord's name with honor & speaking appropriately (here)
- Keeping the Sabbath Day holy (here & here & here & here)
- Honoring our parents (here & here)
- Refrain from killing (here & here & here & here & here & here)
- Dangers of adultery (here & here & here & here)
- Harm of theft (here & here & here)
- Honesty vs. dishonesty (here)
- Envy & jealousy of others - persons & possessions (here & here)
- Class discussions & questions re: impact of following vs. breaking 10 Commandments in daily living
- Discussion re: Unit 1 project
- Details available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here

         - Examples shared with class & available here & here & here
- Due Wednesday, November 22
- Homework: Unit 1 project due Wednesday, November 22 (details available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, November 14
- Literal vs. figurative interpretation of 10 Commandments
- Importance of appreciation for deeper meaning of 10 Commandments (here)
- Discussion of 10 Commandments as instructed & as lived in modern society (pg. 29 available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Honoring God alone vs. false gods (here & here & here & here & here & here)
- Using the Lord's name with honor & speaking appropriately (here)
- Keeping the Sabbath Day holy (here & here & here & here)
- Honoring our parents (here & here)
- Refrain from killing (here & here & here & here & here & here)
- Dangers of adultery (here & here & here & here)
- Harm of theft (here & here & here)
- Honesty vs. dishonesty (here)
- Envy & jealousy of others - persons & possessions (here & here)
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, November 13
- Analysis re: cause & effect
- Impact of thoughts, feelings, words & actions
- Relationship with God, others & self
- Discussion re: 10 Commandments & their impact on life (personal & collective)
- Effects of following vs. breaking 10 Commandments
- Impact on relationships with God, others & self
- Personal free will from God to live as we wish
- Consequences (positive or negative) of following or disobeying 10 Commandments
- Small group discussions re: 10 Commandments in modern-day living
- Analysis re: Catholic interpretation vs. Jewish & Protestant interpretation of order of 10 Commandments
- Homework: Watch videos Les 10 Commandements & Les 10 Commandements - Une explication moderne (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here & here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, November 10
- No class: PD Day
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, November 9
- Slideshow re: Moses & Hebrews' Crossing of Red Sea (here)
- Review re: Moses & his identity
- History of Hebrews' slavery in Egypt
- Background re: Moses' life & conflicts
- Born Hebrew but raised Egyptian in Pharoah’s family
- Witness to Hebrew slave beaten by Egyptian soldier & killed soldier in defense of Hebrew slave
- Fled Egypt to escape in hiding out of fear for killing Egyptian soldier
- Videos re: Moses' introduction to God via burning bush (here & here & here)
- Discovery of real identity as Hebrew & child of God & realization of true calling & purpose
- Liberation of Hebrews following 10 plagues (here)
- Crossing of Red Sea & search for Promised Land (here & here)
- Delivery of 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai (here)
- Note re: Les 10 Commandements (via Workspace under Notes & Information column in Unit 1 - Be With Me section or here)
- Moral code of 10 Commandments in following God's law
- Significance of Decalogue
- Difference between social law (laws of government) & natural law (laws of God; morality)
- Relation of Jesus' Golden Rule to 10 Commandments given to Moses
- Discussion re: Jesus' teachings re: 10 Commandments
- Love for God with complete mind, heart, body & soul (here)
- Links to Commandments # 1-3
- Relationship with God
- Love for neighbor as self
- Golden Rule - Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Links to Commandments # 4-10
- Relationship with God through relationship with others
- Interconnectedness of 10 Commandments
- Following multiple Commandments at same time
- Breaking multiple Commandments simultaneously
- Impact of each Commandment on personal & community living
- Unit 1 text pg. 29 re: 10 Commandments (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, November 8
- Discussion re: Moses & his identity
- History of Hebrews' slavery in Egypt
- Background re: Moses' life & conflicts
- Born Hebrew but raised Egyptian in Pharoah’s family
- Witness to Hebrew slave beaten by Egyptian soldier & killed soldier in defense of Hebrew slave
- Fled Egypt to escape in hiding out of fear for killing Egyptian soldier
- Videos re: Moses' introduction to God via burning bush (here & here & here)
- Discovery of real identity as Hebrew & child of God & realization of true calling & purpose
- Liberation of Hebrews following 10 plagues (here)
- Crossing of Red Sea & search for Promised Land (here & here)
- Delivery of 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai (here)
- Homework: Research 10 plagues; Watch videos Exode - Pt. 1 & Exode - Pt. 2 (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here & here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, November 7
- Gr. 9 Mass @ Holy Spirit Parish
- Discussion re: previous Unit 1 quiz re: Beatitudes, 12 Apostles, virtues & vices
- Activity re: small group work & Unit 1 content learned
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, November 6
- Work period:
- With a partner or two people (ie. max. 3 people in a group, min. 2 people), discuss in French your thoughts/answers re: homework from previous class. Be sure to add to personal answers if others’ information is of help.
- Read Unit 3 Theme 1 text pg. 123-124 Pourquoi chercher la foi? & answer questions pg. 124 # 1-5
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Read Unit 3 Theme 1 text pg. 125 Croire en ce qui ne peut pas être prouvé & answer questions pg. 126 # 1-4
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
** Handwritten copy please
- Complete Unit 3 activity RĂ©flexion Personnelle (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Evidence column or here)
- This can be done via the computer
- Read all three board notes for Unit 3 - Be Loyal Theme 1
- Documents La foi & la croyance, Le besoin de la foi and La science & le credo (all available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here & here & here)
- Watch video Le mystère de Dieu (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here) & write a reflection (min. 2 paragraphs) re:
- Your personal reaction
- How this testimony connects to your life in any way (or not at all… why or why not, how or how not, etc.?)
- How it connects to content in Unit 3 Theme 1 so far
- Homework: Complete all of today's assigned work; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, November 3
- Work period:
- Read Unit 3 Theme 1 text pg. 123-124 Pourquoi chercher la foi? & answer questions pg. 124 # 1-5
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
- Read Unit 3 Theme 1 text pg. 125 Croire en ce qui ne peut pas être prouvé & answer questions pg. 126 # 1-4
- Text available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Notes & Information column or here
** Handwritten copy please
- Complete Unit 3 activity RĂ©flexion Personnelle (available via Workspace in Unit 3 - Be Loyal section under Evidence column or here)
- This can be done via the computer
- Homework: Compose list of examples re: how 10 Commandments are followed & broken in today's society; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, November 2
- Work period:
- In groups no larger than 5 (i.e. groups of 2, 3, 4 or 5), students are to prepare skits referencing the following:
- minimum 4 Beatitudes
- minimum 4 virtues
- minimum 5 10 Commandments
* Students may divide these criteria into various skits (e.g. 1 skit with 2 Beatitudes, 2 virtues and 2 Commandments) or 1 large skit with everything included.
* Skits are to be thorough and precise in both identification and presentation of criteria.
* This is to be considered as preparation and practice for a future evaluation at the conclusion of Unit 1, so students should treat this in-class activity seriously.
- Homework: Compose list of examples re: how 10 Commandments are followed & broken in today's society; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, November 1
- No class: Take Your Kid to Work Day
- Homework: Compose list of examples re: how 10 Commandments are followed & broken in today's society; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, October 31
- Discussion re: Halloween
- Significance of Hallows Eve
- Night before celebrating those who are holy
- November 1 - All Saints Day
- November 2 - All Souls Day
- November as month of remembrance
- November 11 - Remembrance Day
- Analysis re: Beatitudes & virtues & 10 Commandments
- Biblical passage Colossians 3:12-15 (here)
- Video re: God's selection of us as His Chosen People (here)
- Small group discussion re: links between video & Jesus' Beatitudes & virtues in today's society
- Small group discussion re: how 10 Commandments are followed & broken in today's society
- Homework: Compose list of examples re: how 10 Commandments are followed & broken in today's society; All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, October 30
- Discussion re: inviting & welcoming God into our lives
- Kumbaya = Come by here (here & here)
- Quiz re: Jesus' Beatitudes & 12 Apostles & 12 Tribes of Israel & virtues & vices
- Work period:
- Read note re: 10 Commandments (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Read Unit 1 text pg. 29 re: 10 Commandments (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Read Biblical passage Exodus Ch. 19-20 (here)
- Homework: Watch video re: virtues & vices (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Quiz re: Jesus' Beatitudes & 12 Apostles & 12 Tribes of Israel & virtues & vices Monday, October 30; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, October 27
- Discussion & examples re: virtues & vices
- Virtues: qualities that bring us closer to God & help us live more like Him
- Help world live happy, healthy & holy life
- Foundation of strong & good living
- Encourage righteous living by following What Would Jesus Do? lifestyle
- Contradiction to secular mindset of self-oriented living & relativism
- Vices: qualitiies or practices that separate us from God & push us away from Him
- Promote sinful living & prevent achieving full God-given potential (here)
- Lead to further evil (e.g. breaking 10 Commandments)
- 7 deadly sins
- Note available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here
- Links to Beatitudes & 10 Commandments
- Review for quiz re: Jesus' Beatitudes & 12 Apostles & 12 Tribes of Israel & virtues & vices (Monday, October 30)
- Homework: Watch video re: virtues & vices (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Quiz re: Jesus' Beatitudes & 12 Apostles & 12 Tribes of Israel & virtues & vices Monday, October 30; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, October 26
- Reflection re: 12 sons of Jacob
- Joseph sold & betrayed by brothers & comparison to Jesus sold & betrayed by Judas
- Discussion re: history of Judaism & Hebrew People
- King Solomon's construction of holy Temple in Jerusalem (here & here)
- Place of worship & praise to God
- Site near Holy Sepulchre as location of Jesus' burial (here)
- Modern-day proximity to other sacred places of worship
- Co-existence of Judaism, Christianity & Islam (here)
- Remaining structure of Temple of Solomon as Western Wall & Wailing Wall (here & here)
- Introduction to virtues
- Note re: virtues available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here
- Links to Beatitudes & 10 Commandments
- Analysis re: virtues
- Discussion & examples re: virtues
- Virtues: qualities that bring us closer to God & help us live more like Him
- Help world live happy, healthy & holy life
- Foundation of strong & good living
- Encourage righteous living by following What Would Jesus Do? lifestyle
- Contradiction to secular mindset of self-oriented living & relativism
- Homework: Quiz re: Jesus' Beatitudes & 12 Apostles & 12 Tribe of Israel & virtues & vices Monday, October 30; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, October 25
- Discussion re: true meaning of life & search for complete joy
- Humanity designed by God for goodness & love & happiness (here & here & here)
- Reflection re: restless hearts without Good News of Jesus (here)
- Review re: Jacob & 12 sons / 12 Tribes of Israel
- Video re: summary of Jacob's 12 sons & their leadership of People of Israel (here)
- Structure of 12 Tribes of Israel & shaping of nation (here)
- Link between Jesus' choice of 12 Apostles & 12 Sons of Jacob & 12 Tribes of Israel (here)
- Jesus' 12 Apostles as connection to ancestral heritage & Hebrew roots in Old Testament as People of God
- Significance of 12
- Complete union of God's People (all tribes within nation of Israel)
- Comparison to Canada including 10 provinces & 3 territories (here)
- Need for replacement of Judas with Mathias as apostle in order to restore union of apostles & of God's People (nation of Israel)
- Analogies to broken circle, pizza missing slice (here) & shirt missing sleeve (here)
- Discussion of genealogy of Jesus & link to Abraham & People of Israel ancestry (here)
- God as King of world & perfect human being (Jesus)
- Son of Mary (pure, innocent & immaculate) & Joseph (descendant of royalty from lineage of King David)
- Analysis re: notable events with Jesus
- Public condemnation & Jesus' forgiveness of Mary of Magdala re: adultery (here & here)
- Last Supper (here)
- Institution of Holy Eucharist (Communion here & here)
- Washing of the feet (here & here & Biblical passage John 13:1-20 here)
- Teaching of true service & humility (Jesus serving others & NOT being served by others)
- Homework: Read Biblical passage John 13:1-20 here & review today's materials; Quiz re: Jesus' Beatitudes & 12 Apostles & 12 Tribe of Israel & virtues & vices Monday, October 30; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, October 24
- Video re:  Jesus' call of the 12 Apostles (here)
- Great Commission & both honor but challenge of each apostle to be chosen by Jesus
- Immense honor but responsibility to live God's call & spread His Gospel message to world
- Blessing of Jesus over Apostles (video here)
- Link to Psalms & other Sacred Scripture in Old Testament
- Video re: God's blessing over all of His People today (here)
- Personal reflection re: magnitude of message & application in personal life
- Link to 12 Sons of Jacob & 12 Tribes of Israel (here)
- Jesus' choice of 12 Apostles as connection to ancestral heritage & Hebrew roots in Old Testament as People of God
- Significance of 12
- Complete union of God's People (all tribes within nation of Israel)
- Comparison to Canada including 10 provinces & 3 territories (here)
- Need for replacement of Judas with Mathias as apostle in order to restore union of apostles & of God's People (nation of Israel)
- Analogies to broken circle, pizza missing slice & shirt missing sleeve (here)
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, October 23
-  Discussion re: St. Pope John Paul II (here)
- Example of ordinary life living extraordinarily
- God's call for us all to achieve our fullest God-given potential (here)
- Encouragement of youth to answer God's vocational call to discover & celebrate faith
- World Youth Day (here)
- Importance of forgiveness & showing God's unconditional love
- Examples here & here & here & here & here & here & here
- Analysis re: difference between apostles & disciples

         - Apostle: one who is chosen directly by Jesus to go & share/proclaim Good News of Gospel

         - Disciple: one who chooses to follow Jesus & apply His teachings in daily living

         - Apostles identified as first priests sent by God to guide Catholic Church

- Introduction to study re: 12 Apostles (here)
- Analysis re: Jesus' 12 Apostles
- Review re: 12 Apostles (Biblical passage Matthew 10:1-4 here)
- Difference between apostles & disciples
- Names of each apostle (here)
- Significance of identities
- Peter = rock of Jesus' Church & 1st pope; identified Jesus as Messiah of world; denied Jesus 3x (Biblical passage John 13:31-38 here)
- Matthew = former tax collector (Levi) before conversion to following Jesus & new identity thanks to conversion
- John = youngest apostle; with Mary (Virgin Mother of Jesus) & Mary of Magdala at end time of Jesus' Crucifixion; cousin (with brother James, son of Zebedee) of Jesus
- Thomas = doubter of Jesus' Resurrection; belief based on proof alone
- Judas = traitor for 30 pieces of silver (Biblical passage John 13:18-30 here); act of suicide
- Thaddeus (Jude) = cousin of Jesus & patron saint of hopeless causes & miracles
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, October 20
- Work period:
- Watch episode of Joan of Arcadia (link here) & compose personal reflection (min. 1/2 page) re: the following points:
a) What is your overall impression of this episode? Explain your opinion clearly and with information linked back to the program.
b) What connections can you draw from the episode to the content covered in class so far this year? (e.g. miracles, conformity, social pressures, discrimination, etc.)
c) How do you relate to this episode personally? Explain.
** This is to be done individually and with earphones.
** This episode is different from the one covered yesterday.
- Watch episode of Alpha (link here) & complete all assigned tasks described in worksheet (link here). *This is a different episode and link from that of yesterday’s work.
** This is to be done in pairs or groups of 4 people maximum.
** Earphones are recommended for listening while discussion breaks will subsequently take place.
- Homework: Complete today's assigned work; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, October 19
- Work period:
- Watch episode of Joan of Arcadia (link here) & compose personal reflection (min. 1/2 page) re: the following points:
a) What is your overall impression of this episode? Explain your opinion clearly and with information linked back to the program.
b) What connections can you draw from the episode to the content covered in class so far this year? (e.g. God’s mysterious ways, suffering, relationship, etc.)
c) How do you relate to this episode personally? Explain.
** This is to be done individually and with earphones.
- Watch episode of Alpha (link here) & complete all assigned tasks described in worksheet (link here). *The worksheet is also available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Evidence column.
** This is to be done in pairs or groups of 4 people maximum.
** Earphones are recommended for listening while discussion breaks will subsequently take place.
- Homework: Complete today's assigned work; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, October 18
- Review re: Jesus' Beatitudes
- Promises of true happiness & blessing in life on earth & in Heavenly after-life
- Simple attitudes of living but difficult in practice due to modern-day culture & messaging
- Deeper meaning of life beyond surface (here)
- Video re: Jesus' plan of ultimate good beyond our understanding & purpose of suffering as growth & development (here)
- Opportunity for humanity to live as miracles of God beyond any limitation (e.g. Nick Vujicic)
- Analysis re: difference between apostles & disciples
- Apostle: one who is chosen directly by Jesus to go & share/proclaim Good News of Gospel
- Disciple: one who chooses to follow Jesus & apply His teachings in daily living
- Apostles identified as first priests sent by God to guide Catholic Church
- Introduction to study re: 12 Apostles (here)
- Analysis re: Jesus' 12 Apostles
- Review re: 12 Apostles (Biblical passage Matthew 10:1-4 here)
- Difference between apostles & disciples
- Names of each apostle (here)
- Significance of identities
- Peter = rock of Jesus' Church & 1st pope; denied Jesus 3x (Biblical passage John 13:31-38 here)
- Matthew = former tax collector (Levi) before conversion to following Jesus & new identity thanks to conversion
- John = youngest apostle; with Mary (Virgin Mother of Jesus) & Mary of Magdala at end time of Jesus' Crucifixion; cousin (with brother James, son of Zebedee) of Jesus
- Thomas = doubter of Jesus' Resurrection; belief based on proof alone
- Judas = traitor for 30 pieces of silver (Biblical passage John 13:18-30 here); act of suicide
- Thaddeus (Jude) = cousin of Jesus & patron saint of hopeless causes & miracles
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, October 17
- Discussion re: need for God in society (here & here)
- Link to present-day conflicts in world
- Discussion re: prophet Samuel & openness to God's calling (here)
- Review re: previous lesson re: sources of happiness in life on earth
- Examples: food, clothing, materials, relationships, achievements, sports, music, travel
- Discussion re: hole in heart always striving to be filled & can only be complete with Christ
- Note Les BĂ©atitudes - Une vie pleine (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- God as source of permanent & true joy in world
- Jesus as the Way, the Truth & the Life
- Living life rooted in teachings of God as route to true & lasting happiness
- Fullness of true & permanent joy through God vs. earthly joy which is artificial, temporary & superficial
- You can't take it to Heaven (here & here)
- Examples: food (eaten), clothing (too small or out of style), materials (broken or replaced), relationships (ended or modified), achievements (needing to be maintained), sports (come to an end), music (constantly changing), travel (eventually return home)
- All experiences (people, events, materials, etc.) must be representation & reflection of God but NOT replacement for God (ie. branches as extension from tree as rooted foundation)
- Discussion re: needs vs. desires (here)
- Analysis re: God's teachings vs. societal messages
- Natural world values (consistent & constant) vs. popular social culture values (artificial & temporary)
- Danger & impact (personal & collective) of having priorities in disarray (here)
- Reading Unit 1 text pg. 18 & 28 re: Beatitudes (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here or here)
- Analysis re: Jesus' Beatitudes
- Beatitudes as blessings & promises of true happiness
- Jesus' invitation to follow Him as opportunity & invitation NOT forced or obligation
- Opportunity available to world to enjoy life fulfillment on earth & in Heaven
- Path to joy in life & eternal salvation in afterlife
- Fullness of true & permanent joy through God vs. earthly joy which is artificial, temporary & superficial 
- Analysis re: deeper meaning of joy available through Jesus & living of Beatitudes (here)
- Video re: Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (here)
- Homework: Watch video Les BĂ©atitudes de JĂ©sus (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Watch video Les BĂ©atitudes - Une explication (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); Read Biblical passage Matthew 10:1-4 (here) & list names of Jesus' 12 Apostles; Read note Les BĂ©atitudes (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, October 16
- Discussion re: saints in Catholic Church
- God's calling for all people to live saintly life
- Video re: Blessed Carlo Acutis & his path to sainthood (here)
- Inspiration for all adolescents to live life with God
- Life story re: living faith while in secular world
- Following God's way & teachings vs. social/popular culture without God
- Effect of one life on all other lives around us
- Model of respect & admiration
- Positive influence on others through personal expression of free will
- Links to course content
- Life of virtue (e.g. moderation & self-control & humility)
- Belief in unseen (e.g. faith) vs. atheism & agnosticism
- Ordinary life lived in extraordinary fashion (here)
- Small group discussion re: healthy qualities in a relationship & mark of Christian living
- Worksheet Les Béatitudes & l'humanité
- Available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Concrete & modern-day examples of Christian qualities lived in practice
- Small group discussion re: what brings people happiness in life today
- Fullness of true & permanent joy through God vs. earthly joy which is artificial, temporary & superficial
- Examples: food, clothing, materials, relationships, achievements, sports, music, travel
- You can't take it to Heaven (here & here)
- Discussion re: hole in heart always striving to be filled & can only be complete with Christ
- Note Les BĂ©atitudes - Une vie pleine (available via Workspace in Unit 1 - Be With Me section under Notes & Information column or here)
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, October 13
- Discussion re: Martin Luther King, Jr.
- I Have a Dream speech & relation to today's conflicts & discrimination
- Video here
- Discussion re: healthy qualities in a relationship & mark of Christian living
- Worksheet Les Béatitudes & l'humanité
- Available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, October 12
- Discussion re: living as child of God with humility & spreading Jesus' Gospel message to world (here)
- Vocational call to proclaim Good News to everyone with spirit but no ego
- Placing others before self & giving glory to God instead of self
- Power of faith transformation & new identity as follower of God
- Revival of heart & soul as individual (here)
- Impact of sharing personal testimony with others (here)
- Vocation from God to share Good News with everyone (here)
- Practice of Know-Go-Grow & Learn-Show-Share
- Challenge of spreading Gospel message but recognition of goodness & possibility
- All possible with God's guidance (Biblical passage Matthew 19:26 here)
- Personal reflection re: how personal life can change for better by following Jesus
- Discussion re: free will
- God's gifts of life & freedom to humanity
- God's desire for us to follow Him willingly & without being controlled (here)
- Following Way of Jesus by choice & personal decision
- Personal choice to live godly life & healthy qualities in relationship with others
- Free will & classifications
- Thoughts
- Words
- Actions
- Impact & consequences of free will
- Biblical passage Luke 12:48 (here)
- Importance of making prudent choices & exercising responsibility
- Call to align personal will with God's will
- God does not bend His plan to fit our preference. We must bend our will to fit His.
- Video reflection re: life through Jesus & surrender to God's will (here)
- Links to modern society & social attitudes
- Connection to Jesus' teachings & presence of Beatitudes
- Preview to upcoming classes
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, October 11
- Small group discussions re: previous homework
- Worksheet re: friendship qualities
- Handout Les qualités d'une bonne amitié available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Evidence column or here
- Key points shared:
- All characteristics listed are good qualities and are needed for development of strong & healthy relationships
- God calls us to display positive qualities to all people at all times
- Unit 1 text pg. 12-14 Passer du temps ensemble & text questions pg. 25 # 1-5
- Available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Key points shared:
- Importance of spending time together & talking with others (communication NOT mind reading)
- Balance between quality & quantity of time spent with others
- Danger of making judgment without proof & judging based on surface
- Analysis re: Christian way of living in relationship with others
- Unit 1 text pg. 15-16 Une perspective chrétienne & pg. 17 Apprendre à se connaître
- Available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Notes & Information column or here
- Key summary points discussed in class
- Homework: Review Unit 1 text pg. 15-16 Une perspective chrétienne & pg. 17 Apprendre à se connaître & compose personal reflection re: both text readings (min. 1/2 page) re: how this material applies in your own life, your personal reaction to these readings & how you can improve in your own life (text available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Notes & Information column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, October 10
- Discussion re: qualities of healthy living
- Biblical passage Philippians 4 (here & here & here)
- Introduction to Unit 1
- Key foundations of life
- Happiness, health & holiness promised by God
- Holy Bible as God's Word providing direction in life
- Study of key moral principles taught by God
- 10 Commandments (Old Testament)
- Beatitudes (New Testament)
- Virtues (Catholic Church teachings)
- Work period re: friendship qualities
- Handout Les qualités d'une bonne amitié
- Available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Evidence column or here
- Homework: Complete survey re: friendship qualities (handout Les qualités d'une bonne amitié available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Evidence column or here); Read Unit 1 text pg. 12-14 Passer du temps ensemble & answer pg. 25 # 1-5 (in handwritten form; available via Workspace in Unit 1 section under Notes & Information column or here); Oral presentation re: names due today (Tuesday, October 10); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, October 9
- No school: Thanksgiving
- Homework: Oral presentation re: names due Tuesday, October 10; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, October 6
- No school: Christian Community Day (PD Day)
- Homework: Oral presentation re: names due Tuesday, October 10; All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, October 5
- Quiz re: Holy Bible
- Personal study time re: Unit 1 (via Workspace materials)
- Homework: Oral presentation re: names due Tuesday, October 10; All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, October 4
- Discussion re: St. Francis of Assisi & example of living with excellence
- Care for environment & for poor
- Sacrifice of self for benefit of others
- Welcoming of lepers & rejected in society as reflection of Jesus' love & acceptance
- Discussion re: Pope Francis & identity of pope as shepherd of Catholic Church (here)
- Model of St. Francis Assisi & concern for poor
- Change of name as pope to signify new identity & responsibility
- Comparison of Pope Francis & St. Francis in living humbly & with inclusion of poor (here)
- Review for quiz re: Holy Bible
- Format & helpful hints
- Small-group study session
- Homework: Oral presentation re: names due Tuesday, October 10; Quiz re: Holy Bible Thursday, Oct. 5; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, October 3
- Discussion re: I am Second faith testimonial & conversion stories (here & here)
- Discussion re: oral presentation assignment (video format) re: significance of names & identity
- Cultural links (e.g. language, ethnicity, nationality, etc.)
- Religious importance or connection (e.g. Bible, saints, prophets, other religions, etc.)
- Homage to ancestry or heritage (e.g. grandparent, deceased family member, parent's name, honor of loved one, etc.)
- Meaning of names (e.g. translation, significance, etc.)
- Homework: Oral presentation re: names due Tuesday, October 10; Quiz re: Holy Bible Thursday, Oct. 5; All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, October 2
- Discussion re: saints & angels & temptation of the devil
- St. Michael the archangel & his role as protector of Heaven & world vs. evil (here & here & here)
- Satan as fallen angel Lucifer
- Devil's influence in world today (here)
- Discussion & analysis re: Holy Bible
- Acts of Apostles
- Demonstration of the Great Commission (here)
- Jesus' Gospel to be shared universally & not treated like a secret (here)
- Apostles' widespread sharing of Jesus' teachings with others (here & here)
- St. Paul & importance of conversion
- Sharing of personal testimony & God's unconditional love
- Personal transformation & return to God from sin (here)
- Analysis re: faith conversion
- Bible reading Acts 9:1-30 (here) re: conversion of St. Paul from Saul of Tarsus
- Transformation & illumination
- Importance of second chances
- Constant need to be open to God's plan
- Video re: conversion of St. Paul (here)
- Final book Apocalypse as Revelation of end of world & Judgment Day
- Afterlife spent in eternal salvation in Heaven vs. eternal damnation in Hell
- Homework: Quiz re: Holy Bible Thursday, Oct. 5; All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, September 29
- Discussion & analysis re: Holy Bible
- Psalms
- Series of prayers by King David (here & here & here & here & here)
- Prayer as communication with God - talking with & listening to God
- Sharing with God re: various emotions (e.g. joy, pain, sadness, confusion, frustration, gratitude, pride)
- Proverbs
- Pearls of wisdom to guide world in life
- Gospels
- Matthew, Mark, Luke & John as authors sharing Jesus' teachings
- Jesus' Good News for all people & not to be kept secret (here)
- Jesus' promise to always be with us (here)
- Homework: Watch videos re: David (here & here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, September 28
- Discussion re: Biblical history of scapegoats (here)
- Connection to today's society practice of blaming others for errors or failed responsibility of self
- Lack of accountability in modern times & human practice of making excuses
- Historical context of scapegoats in Biblical days in Old Testament's Book of Leviticus
- Jesus' willingness to take on world's sin & offer redemption through Crucifixion and Resurrection
- Discussion & analysis re: Holy Bible
- Prominent figures & tests from God
- Noah & building of ark (here & here & here)
- Jonah & test of trust & faith in God (here & here)
- Job & patience in loyalty to God (here)
- Tests from God aimed as challenges NOT punishments
- Personal development leading to further discovery with & blessing from God
- Strength of God's People through adversity in difficult situations of life (e.g. Israelites' 40 years of search for Promised Land)
- Comparison to modern-day challenges & God's endless presence with us in times of struggle & suffering
- Prophets
- Messengers of God sent to proclaim His teachings
- Interpretation of visions in order to share God with world
- Jeremiah & sharing of God's promise of happiness & prosperity (here)
- Analysis re: prophets & Micah
- Review re: role of prophet
- Messenger of God
- Proclamation of God's Holy Word & teachings
- Messages received from God through visions & dreams
- Micah's prophecy re: prosperous & righteous life
- Living with justice, loving with kindness & mercy & walking humbly with God in life (here & here)
- Homework: Watch videos re: prophets Jonah & Job (here & here & here & here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, September 27
- Discussion re: fulfilling our God-given potential vs. living in fear of God's plans for us
- Comparison between grapes & raisins (here)
- Discussion & analysis re: Holy Bible
- Holy Word of God & God's teachings shared with world
- Sacred Scripture of Christian faith
- Structure of Old Testament & New Testament (here & here & here)
        - How to read Biblical passages (book - chapter & verse)
- Examples: Proverbs 3:5-6 (here) & John 3:16 (here)
- God's Word revealed through various methods
- Nature (e.g. flood, burning bush, plagues, parting of Red Sea, etc.)
- Messengers as prophets (e.g. Moses, Daniel, Isaiah, Ruth, Esther, Jonah, etc.)
- Jesus (God in human form)
- Followers of Jesus today (disciples)
- Key highlights of Holy Bible
- Pentateuch - first five books of Bible
- Genesis as origins & beginnings of world (e.g. story of creation)
- Exodus as Hebrew People's exit from slavery & pursuit of Promised Land
- Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy detailing Hebrew People's search for & discovery of Promised Land
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, September 26
- Discussion & activity re: previous material covered in Introduction unit
- Introduction & analysis re: Holy Bible
- Holy Word of God & God's teachings shared with world
        - Sacred Scripture of Christian faith
- Comparison to other religions' sacred texts (e.g. Torah - Judaism, Qu'ran - Islam, Gita - Hinduism)
        - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth - keys to attaining salvation in Heaven
        - GPS direction & blueprint (here & here) for living
                - Healthy & happy & holy life on earth & in afterlife
- Structure of Old Testament & New Testament (here & here & here)
- How to read Biblical passages (book - chapter & verse)
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, September 25
- Discussion re: sin & temptation (here)
        - Battle between good (God) & evil (Satan) in world
        - Temptation of devil to draw humanity away from Jesus
        - Sin as cause of separation from God
                    - Thoughts
                    - Words
                    - Actions
        - Focus on self-interest instead of will of God
- Discussion re: God's support against sin
        - Strength through Jesus to overcome temptation
        - Virtues & discipline to remain strong in time of weakness
- Analysis re: God's relationship with His People
        - Desire for intimacy & complete union
        - Abba as close & personal God in our lives
        - Holy Trinity as always present with us
                    - Father: Supreme Creator & Eternal God
                    - Son: Living Lord (Jesus) & Savior & Redeemer
                    - Holy Spirit: Constant guide & protective presence
- Discussion re: 4 dimensions of humanity (mind, body, heart & soul)
        - Balance of healthy life (here & here) and how we are called to live invested fully in God (here)
         - Vocation to live our best in all aspects to reap all blessings from God and fulfill God-given potential
        - Importance of uniting personal free will with will of God
- Video re: God serving as life navigation system & pointing us to good road in life (here)

         - Importance of following God's way & listening to heart & conscience (voice of God speaking to us)
        - Need for recalibration & repentance when turning away from God through sin
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Friday, September 22
- Discussion re: comparison between God & dogs (video here)
- Endless loyalty of God to humanity
- Desire of God to be in union with His People (here & here)
- Small group activity re: review of class materials
- Key teachings re: Christianity & Catholic Church
- Vocabulary terms studied from last week & previous weeks
- Analysis re: miracles
- Unexplained events proven as existent & actual but without scientific evidence or human explanation
- Unknown or unexplained ≠ impossible
- Miracles introduced in both Old Testament & New Testament of Bible
- Examples: Moses & burning bush, Parting of Red Sea, David vs. Goliath, Daniel in lions' den (here & here & here), Conception of Jesus, Jesus' many miracles, Holy Resurrection
- Miracles in modern-day society
- Miracle of life (development of body in womb, growth of hair follicles & fingernails, etc.) & nature (sunrise/set, mountains, Niagara Falls, etc.); cancer-free patient despite doctor prognosis & other physical cures (here & here); victorious sports team against all odds (here); Apparition of Jesus' mother Mary in Fatima (here) & other world locations
- Discussion re: Miracle of Lanciano (here & here)
- Video re: Miracle of Buenos Aires (here)
- Links to previous teachings re: transubstantiation & mystery of Catholic Christian faith
- Introduction to assignment re: Miracle of Buenos Aires (available via Workspace in Introduction section under Evidence column or here)
- Assignment must be completed in handwritten form
- Homework: Assignment re: Miracle of Buenos Aires due Monday, September 25 (details available via Workspace in Introduction section under Evidence column or here; Assignment must be completed in handwritten form); All previous work reviewed & completed

Thursday, September 21
- Discussion re: importance of openness to God in order to receive full life of blessing & goodness & joy (here)
- Discussion re: Jesus' Gospel teachings
- Importance of knowing God in intellectual (head) & emotional (heart) sense
- Gospel as Good News teaching of Jesus & direction for life on earth & salvation for after-life
- Note available via Workspace in Introduction section under Notes & Information column or here
- Video re: meaning of Jesus' Good News teachings for the world (here)
- Small group discussions re: program Joan of Arcadia (watched yesterday; video link here)
- Sharing of previous homework
- Personal reaction to program (e.g. I liked it because, I didn’t like it because…)
- The mystery of the unknown in life & the connectedness of God’s plan for ultimate good
- The importance of being open to discovering God’s plan through faith & trust & exploration
- Analysis re: Liturgy of Catholic Mass (here)
- Celebration of faith in ritual & action
- Reading of Bible including Jesus' Gospel & Good News
- Prayers of consecration (here)
- Transubstantiation (here & here)
- Significance of mystical & mysterious transformation as Body & Blood of Jesus Christ
- Homework: All previous work reviewed & completed

Wednesday, September 20
- Work period
- Watch program Joan of Arcadia (video link here)
- After watching the program, students are to compose (in hand-written form) individual reflections (min. 1 / 2 page) re: the following:
- Personal reaction to program (e.g. I liked it because, I didn’t like it because…)
- The mystery of the unknown in life & the connectedness of God’s plan for ultimate good
- The importance of being open to discovering God’s plan through faith & trust & exploration
- Homework: Complete today's assigned work; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, September 19
- Discussion re: leadership & importance of living & demonstrating leadership qualities at all times regardless of role
- Analysis re: leadership of shepherd & importance of sheep following shepherd's guidance
- Jesus as Good Shepherd
- Humanity as sheep being led by God
- God's protection & love in leading us to goodness & safety
- Satan as wolf seeking to capture sheep
- Spiritual war in today's society
- Humanity's free will to choose to follow Jesus or Satan in living our lives
- Discussion re: strength provided through God in times of weakness
- Biblical passage Romans 8:37-39 (here) & video re: our identity as conquerors over darkness (here)
- Activity re: faith & religion
- Distinction & complementary relationship between both
- Analysis re: Christianity
- Meaning of religion of Christianity (ie. followers of Jesus as God in human form)
- Different practices, beliefs, etc., among various groups
- Universal meaning of Catholic Church
- Note available via Workspace in Introduction section under Notes & Information column or here
- Analysis re: historical structure of Christianity
- Schism as introduction of Orthodox Church (here)
- Martin Luther & introduction of Protestant Reformation movement
- Note available via Workspace in Introduction section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here
- Homework: Read article re: Martin Luther (available via Workspace in Introduction section under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, September 18
- Discussion re: forgiveness & loving like God
- WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) as reminder of unconditional love & forgiveness
- Discussion re: social treatment of others & self
- Audio clip here
- Children of God = sons & daughters of King = princes & princesses
- To be treated with respect & great honor & dignity
- Oral presentations re: poster activity (due today)
- Choice of minimum 3 posters
- Appeal of posters (e.g. text, color, etc.)
- Meaning of posters (e.g. importance & sense of messages)
- Links to God & religion & Religious Education class
- Discussion re: importance of complete work & critical thinking
- Difference between surface-level thinking vs. depth of presentation content & connection to course material
- Sandwich vs. slice of bread (here)
- Analysis re: faith & religion
- Note La foi & la religion available via Workspace in Introduction section under Notes & Information column or here
- Faith: set of beliefs (individual or collective) without scientific proof or evidence
- Examples: belief in one God (monotheism) vs. multiple gods (polytheism), belief in sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death
- Religion: celebrated expression & practice of faith in organized & structured fashion as community
- Examples: regular prayer, weekly Mass attendance, pro-life marches, religious festivals & symbols
- Examples of faith & religion discussed with class
- Interconnected & complementary relationship between faith & religion
- Homework: Watch videos re: Christianity & prayer (available via Workspace under A/V Aids for Lessons column or here & here); All previous work reviewed & completed

Monday, September 11 - Friday, September 15
- Discussion re: vocations as callings from God
- Professional
- Personal
- Universal
- Preview of virtues to be discussed throughout course (e.g. wisdom)
- Qualities bringing us closer to God
- Highlights of themes & ideas to be covered in course
- Free will
- Importance of aligning self will with God's will
- God's desire & promise to provide bounty & goodness in our lives on earth & in after-life
- Faith & religion
- Passions & emotions
- Holy Trinity of God in 3 persons (Father, Son & Holy Spirit)
- Comparison to partnership between home, school & Church as community of togetherness & prosperity
- Good Samaritan & concern for poor in all senses
- Discussion re: school chaplaincy website (here) & faith-based direction of school & school board
- Various inspiring & faith-led programs available
- Mission statement of OCSB
- Equity & inclusion of all students & families
- Chaplaincy services
- Academic integrity
- Strength & demonstration of character to make good & healthy decisions
- Discussion re: prayer & benefits of prayer
- Preview of materials to be covered in course
- Communication with God a two-way street (speaking & listening)
- Importance of inviting God to speak with us via our silence & attention to His presence
- God's constant availability & importance of our prayer at all times
- Invitation to pray vs. forced behavior
- Importance of respect for people who pray and for those who don't pray
- Video re: prayer (available via Workspace in A/V Aids for Lessons section or here)
- Discussion re: relationship in order for growth & discovery (here)
- Relationship with God, others & self
- Development of relationships through attention & investment
- Importance of looking up to God for help & guidance
- Discussion re: Feast of Holy Cross as celebration of Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection
- Ultimate sacrifice of self for all others
- Unconditional love by laying life down for world
- Conquering of sin through resurrection after death
- Human & divine nature of Jesus as God
- Introductions of self (oral presentations)
- Student sharing & practice of public speaking
- French language speaking & listening practice
- Presence in front of a group
- Importance of probing more deeply & asking questions in order to learn more information
- Practice of critical thinking & attention to detail
- Preview re: poster activity in classroom (oral presentation)
- Choice of minimum 3 posters
- Appeal of posters (e.g. text, color, etc.)
- Meaning of posters (e.g. importance & sense of messages)
- Links to God & religion & Religious Education class
- Due Monday, Sept. 18
- Homework: Poster activity (oral presentation) due Monday, Sept. 18; All previous work reviewed & completed

Tuesday, September  5 - Friday, September 8
- Welcome to class & course
- Reminders re: school climate & policies
- Student timetable & Guidance Department assistance
- Student belongings & proper use
- Proper use of technology as part of school community
- Information re: student agenda highlights re: school policies & procedures (here)
- Overview of school & course information
- School code of conduct & culture
- General description of course content & direction
- Overview of class management & expectations
- Review & explanation re: class rules
- Overview & layout of course website & Hapara
- Structure of drop-down menu & content
- Course outline & student survey (to be completed & returned)
- Homework: Complete & return student survey due Monday, Sept. 11 (available via Workspace under Evidence column or here); All previous work reviewed & completed