Gr. 11 Religion - World Religions

In this course, students will be introduced to different religions recognized throughout the world. The course will provide glimpses into several religions, but will focus primarily on Aboriginal Spirituality, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Throughout the course, students will learn important information about each non-Christian religion, while also comparing such material to the Catholic-Christian faith studied in previous Religion courses.

Study of these religions will focus on such aspects as origins, beliefs, practices & rituals, symbols & rites of passage, special feasts & festivals, sacred texts, groups & institutions, and cultural impact. The course will also provide students with a fuller understanding of religions less familiar to them, while demonstrating how religions both differ from and relate similarly to one another. It is is also hoped students will develop a deeper appreciation for each religion, including the Catholic-Christian faith of our school system.

The HRT3MI course outline can be found here, while each unit's contents can be accessed by navigating through the course tab at the top of this website.