Unit 1 - Being Human

Unit 1 focuses on key aspects of what it means to be human. Students will analyze the dignity of all human beings, as well as explore the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. Topics such as abortion and euthanasia can be discussed in detail, along with homosexuality and other subjects, comparing Catholic Church teachings to a secular world's outlook.

Students will also examine the power and importance of community, and how there is need for community in every branch of society today. Figures such as Jean Vanier will be studied, challenging individual mindsets and how they contrast with broader, inclusive approaches.

Finally, Unit 1 will cover the significance and difficulty of forgiveness and how it plays such a strong part in our world. The idea of how forgiveness enables peace and love - further growing goodness in the world - will challenge students in this unit.

Theme 1

Text Reading

Text Reading - Google Doc version

Introduction Questions

Activity - Dignity of a Human Being

Comprehension Questions

Article - Dignity of a Human Being: The Sacredness of a Baby's Life

In this link, students learn about the challenges of a newborn baby due to a rare health condition limiting his long-term survival. Students also gain appreciation for the difficulty for his parents, as well as the exhilarating joy they feel in welcoming such a blessing of God into the world. Through this reading, students can better understand the value and sacredness of all life and how we are called to promote and celebrate such aspects.

Video - Dignity of a Human Being: A Living Example

In this link, students are directed to a video describing a local homeless teenager, living on the streets and struggling with a bi-polar mental health condition. Students are reminded of how all people, including this young man, are still to be treated with love, respect and dignity. Students are also encouraged to note how it is crucial for all of us to assist in helping others, be it through financial aid, shelter, food, social company and/or prayer.

Video - March for Life vs. Abortion & Euthanasia Proponents

Video - What is God's Will?

In this link, students are directed to a video from the website Skitguys.com, detailing God's will as compared to our own individual will. This topic ties to Theme 1's discussion of personal free will as a gift from God which can only lead to complete happiness and perfection when united with the One who is perfect (God).

Catechism of Catholic Church Explanations: The 5th Commandment

God & Ice Cream (click on picture below)

This picture of an ice cream sundae demonstrates the various appealing aspects of a popular dessert. However, what is most important is the most essential ingredient. While all toppings (syrup, cherry, sprinkles, chocolate bits, etc.) are tasty and desired, it is the ice cream that serves as the foundation and essence of the dessert, while the toppings merely enhance it. Similarly, while we may enjoy many diverse aspects of life and find them important (family, friendships, activities, work, material goods & possessions, etc.), none of them can offer the true joy and complete fulfillment of life that only God can provide. Those items can certainly complement and represent Him, but can never - and should never - replace God in our hearts, minds and being.

Assignment - Dignity of Humanity in Action

Theme 2

Text Reading

Comprehension Questions

Note - Community

Handout - Jean Vanier & L'Arche

Article - Jean Vanier & L'Arche

Video - L'Arche Ottawa

Article - L'Arche & Community: An Important Perspective

Video - Jean Vanier (short)

Video - Jean Vanier (long)

Activity - Society & Youth

Analysis re: Activity - Society & Youth

Assignment - Humanity & Community

Theme 3

Text Reading

Comprehension Questions

Worksheet - Genesis 1-2 Comparisons

Pope Francis & St. Francis of Assisi (click on picture below)

This picture depicts Pope Francis serving the example laid out by St. Francis of Assisi in assisting the poor and marginalized. This photo relates to the discussions in Theme 3 centering around the readings Rencontre avec le lépreux and Mère Teresa, le clochard et moi.

Video - Pope Francis & Disfigured Man

Note - Goodness of World

Original Sin of Adam & Eve (click on picture below)

This picture depicts the Original sin of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, as told in Genesis 3:1-24. Such concepts covered in this class discussion include the notion of taking responsibility for our sinful actions versus laying blame on others, the eternal presence of God at our side (the dove), the qualities of innocence and freedom versus shame and guilt felt after our sins, as well as the unconditional love of God for us despite our punishment for our sins.

Note - Grace of God

Note - Virtues & Vices

Video - Power of Forgiveness

This link directs students to a clip of the movie Gridiron Gang. It details the value of forgiveness, which liberates us from the imprisonment we feel when we allow resentment and anger to take hold of us. This relates to our reading and discussion of the article Tradédie à Taber, detailing the importance of forgiveness and God's healing graces bestowed upon us when we release anger from within us.

Video - Importance of Forgiveness in Making Peace

This video encourages students to appreciate the value of forgiveness as an act of making peace - with God, others and ourselves.