Unit 4 - Who am I?

Unit 3 presents information that reinforces much of the content previously detailed in the course this year. Students encounter information that invites them to connect God to today's world, recognizing how He is ever-present and celebrated in daily activities, as well as how He is ignored and rejected.

The notion of individual identity is described in Theme 10, offering a secular viewpoint of what the self is and how society can present a "me first" attitude that can be quite destructive. Popular culture and media messages will again be covered in this theme, as was the case in Units 1 and 2, demonstrating their power and influences - both healthy and unhealthy. This will compare with how God calls us to view ourselves as His perfect creation, as well as how we are called to live as individuals but as part of a greater community.

Theme 11 will focus on a deeper meaning of the world, exploring what we as humans seek profoundly in our lives. Again, this will complement and strengthen materials covered in previous chapters, analyzing what Mother Theresa termed a "thirst" for something and someone greater than our earthly existence.

Theme 10

Text Reading

Comprehension Questions

Video - Perils of Technology

This video shows how individuals can easily isolate themselves from others when overly dependent on technology. This reinforces subject matter in Theme 10 and previous chapters in the course, detailing the value of community and how God reveals Himself through others around us. Listening attentively to the words shared in this video will further encourage students to better appreciate the importance and essence of the world around them, and the beautiful experiences God offers them through these opportunities.

Individuality & Community (click on picture below)

This picture of a chocolate chip cookie shows how each chip is unique and special in its own right, but reminds us that all chips are necessary to make a cookie completely rich and tasty in chocolate flavor. Without any particular chip, the cookie lacks flavor and is not as delicious. Similarly, each person has his or her own unique self-identity that must be validated and celebrated. However, each individual is also responsible to contribute to the greater whole and common good, bettering the general community at large. We must strive to give to God and others our very best, allowing society to benefit from each person, while encouraging improvement within each of us, also.

Our True Reflection as Image of God (click on picture below)

This picture demonstrates a key message of Theme 10 and previous themes in the course. As children of God, we are made and born in the image and likeness of a perfect Creator. We are called, therefore, to shine as brightly as possible and to fulfill our God-given potential, rather than shrink to a level of mediocrity or sub-par standard. We are called to make manifest the glory of God by reflecting Him in our thoughts, words and deeds, and to always strive to be bigger and better, until we are united with God in His Kingdom of Heaven.

Theme 11

Text Reading

Note - Liberty with God

Video - Jesus & Woman at the Well

Video - What Love Really Means