Unit 2 - Who has Culture?

Unit 2 focuses on culture and its many forms and impacts in society. Students will examine in great detail the real presence of popular culture on humanity, the meaning of conformity and the role celebrities can play in proudly displaying their faith. The unit will also present explanations differentiating faith from religion, along with the power of symbols, rituals and rites, and the Catholic Church's seven sacraments. Finally, we will explore the role of church celebration, the results of privatization of religion and various examples of faith in public.

A variety of presentations will be shared with students in order to help them more appreciate the value of culture, as well as the specific - and important - culture of the Catholic Church. Discussions will also be held to emphasize to students the effect of a changing world on such matters as cultural beliefs and practices, whether tied to family, religion, government or any other institution.

Students are invited to take a closer examination of their personal cultures, shared and lived within their homes and their faith lives, as well as analyze how their individual feelings regarding culture are affected by surrounding factors and influences.

Theme 4

Text Reading

Text Reading - Google Doc Version

Comprehension Questions

Outline - 3 Components of Culture

Note - Presence & Impact of Culture

Activity - Consumption of Popular Culture

Video - Skit Guys & The Foundation

In this video, students can see a modern depiction of Jesus' parable of the two foundations on which we can build our lives, as told in Biblical passages such as Luke 6:46-49.

Video - Parable of House on Rock vs. House on Sand

In this link, students are directed to an animated depiction of Jesus' parable about a house built on a foundation of rock versus a house built on a foundation of sand (Matthew Chapter 7). We are challenged to compare this parable to modern-day society, which offers different cultures that are both true and healthy, as well as temporary and destructive in our lives.

Note - Effects of Popular Culture

Video - Conformity in Culture

In this link, students are directed to a video demonstrating how social culture can pressure us to conform to popular beliefs or behaviors - even if at the expense of our own true convictions (e.g. faith & family values). Students are reminded that God leads us to be true to Him and to His teachings and will, and that we must remain strong in our journey through life, no matter the social pressures facing us. Making healthy decisions and conforming if done so for positive reasons and results can help us attain this objective.

Article - Celebrities & Faith

Video - I am Second (Mike Fisher)

In this video, students are directed to the testimony of NHL player Mike Fisher and his faith witness. This sharing reminds us of the power of faith and the importance of living out our beliefs in God, while tying together the relationship between faith and religion.

Note - Faith & Religion

Video - Faith & Fellowship in a Secular World

In this video, students are reminded of many items and references of popular culture that can easily dissuade us from following God's teaching and path by diverting our attention towards secular distractions. This message reinforces lessons covered in Theme 4 about building our lives on a true and permanent foundation in order to be worthy of salvation.

Note - God's Omni Qualities

Video - Joe Canadian

Assignment - Personal Identity

Theme 5

Text Reading

Text Reading - Google Doc Version

Comprehension Questions

Note - Rituals & Symbols

Note - 7 Sacraments

Video - Baptism 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Baptism, as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Article - Meaning & Significance of Baptism

This article details the history, symbolism and importance of the sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church.

Video - Confession 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Reconciliation, as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Video - Holy Communion 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Communion), as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Video - Holy Communion 201

In this video, students are given a more in-depth explanation about the significance and meaning of the sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Communion), including such Catholic Church teachings and beliefs as transubstantiation and conditions of Holy Communion.

Video - Confirmation 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Confirmation, as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Video - Marriage 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Marriage), as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Video - Holy Orders 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Holy Orders (Ordination), as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Video - Anointing of the Sick 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites), as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Assignment - Symbols

Theme 6

Text Reading

Text Reading - Google Doc Version

Comprehension Questions

Note - Religion in Life & Privatization

Note - Something Missing Without God

Worksheet - Celebrations & How Celebrated (Religion & Secular)

Catholic Church Statistics - Then & Now

Article - Is the Internet Killing Religion?

Note - Examples of Neighborhood Churches/Sacred Places of Worship

Article - I Won't Force My Kids to go to Church

Video - Jesus & Religion Part 1

Video - Jesus & Religion Part 2

Video - Jesus & Religion Part 3

Video - Jesus Is

Note - Privatization of Religion & Effects on Society

Video - A "Godless" Generation

Video - Heaven is for Real (A Boy's Personal Account)

Video - Cosby Show Part 1

Video - Cosby Show Part 2

Video - Cosby Show Part 3

Assignment - Promotion of Church