Unit 2 - Be Alive

Unit 2 covers several aspects applicable to today's society. Students will be introduced to the importance of self-identity, while learning about the value of all life in the world, including humanity, the animal kingdom and nature/environment.

Issues such as abortion and euthanasia will be covered, illustrating the Catholic Church's belief and teaching that all human life is sacred from conception to natural death. Furthermore, students will learn more about our God-given potential and talents in different forms, analyzing various types of intelligence. This unit will also highlight the significance of emotions and detail the power of inclusion and community in society.

Unit 2 Text

Life is Sacred

In this link, students are directed to a video summarizing some key points of this unit. With the Catholic Church's teaching that all life is sacred, we are called and encouraged to treat all lives with love and acceptance, giving our best effort in granting full and fair opportunity to everyone.

Theme 1

Video - Searching for our True Reflection

In this link, students are directed to a video showing various cats & dogs reacting in different ways to their own reflection. This ties to our study of textbook reading La parfaite réflexion, focusing on our discovery of self-identity.

Searching for our True Reflection (click on picture below)

This picture details the difficulty many people have with self-perception and self-acceptance. It links to a class discussion & activity re: self-esteem and appearance, and how these are influenced (positively and negatively) by various factors. Such ideas are highlighted prominently in Theme 1.

Video - Pre-judgment: Appearances & Reality

In this video, students can watch a phone salesman, Paul Potts, amaze both spectators and judges alike in a singing competition. This video is a wonderful example of how our perceptions often deter us from appreciating God's beauty and the talents we possess. The video also shows how each of us can overcome obstacles by discovering God's gifts to us and celebrating them as proudly as possible.

Note - Incarnation

Video - Jesus & Incarnation

This video demonstrates the Catholic-Christian faith that Jesus was and is God in person (human form), detailing the process of incarnation and showing how Jesus is human and divine altogether. This links to our Theme 1 study of incarnation and the celebration of Jesus as God, one with the Father and eternally present through the Holy Spirit.

Note - The 5th Commandment

Video - March for Life vs. Abortion & Euthanasia Proponents

Article - Dignity of a Human Being: The Sacredness of a Baby's Life

In this link, students learn about the challenges of a newborn baby due to a rare health condition limiting his long-term survival. Students also gain appreciation for the difficulty for his parents, as well as the exhilarating joy they feel in welcoming such a blessing of God into the world. Through this reading, students can better understand the value and sacredness of all life and how we are called to promote and celebrate such aspects.

Video - Dignity of a Human Being: The Sacredness of a Baby's Life

This link directs students to a follow-up of Jaxon Buell's story and how life can reveal its beauty as a treasure from God if given the chance.

Article Pt. 2 - Dignity of a Human Being: The Sacredness of a Baby's Life

This article updates students and readers on the life of Jaxon Buell, who passed away at the age of 5 years on April 1, 2020. His life and the love and faith of his parents serve as a beautiful testimony of the sacredness of all humanity.

Video - Most Amazing Mother

This video presents a woman without arms and how she overcomes adversity as a wife, mother and business owner through her daily physical challenges. This video relates to Theme 1's study of the sanctity of all human life, stressing how all life has value and must be treated with love, respect and dignity.

Video - Dove Commercial

Video - Life Without Limbs

Catechism of Catholic Church Explanations: The 5th Commandment

Video - See Life Flash Before our Eyes

Video - Definition of Humanity

This video presents two concrete arguments in defense of a pro-life position, explaining the stages of humanity while in the womb and the ever-changing definition of viability. Students can apply these references when studying the sacredness of all life from conception to natural death in this unit.

Video - Impact of Abortion on All Involved

This video describes the emotional effects (short- & long-term) on parents & children affected by abortion, while presenting some of the possibilities in life that are removed due to abortion. The video also highlights, however, the importance of non-judgment & non-discrimination towards everyone (including those experiencing the practice of abortion).

Video - An Abortion Survivor's Story of Forgiveness

Video - I am Second (Laura Klock)

Slideshow - Pregnancy: Stages of Life

Assignment - Pro-Life Reflection & Analysis

Theme 2

Pie Chart - Forms of Intelligence

Note - Seven Forms of Intelligence

Note - Intelligence & Faith

Video - God's Mysterious Work in All of Us

This video shows students the mysterious ways God does powerful work in all of us. This shy young man and his friend showcase fascinating singing talents to an amazed crowd. More importantly, however, we discover the following: a) God works in mysterious ways, connecting with and touching us in unique manners only we can appreciate; b) The importance of being open to God, discovering His loving grace and how we can grow through His presence; c) The meaning of supportive friends and loved ones, never abandoning those who help and strengthen us.

Video - Multiple Intelligences at Work

Video - Intelligences on Display

In this link, students are directed to a video produced by and starring French Immersion students at Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Ottawa, Ont.). The video shows in a very popular style many different types of intelligences showcased simultaneously, while also promoting the importance and value of the French study, language and culture.

Video - Harlem Globetrotters & STOMP

In this video, students see a creative display of weaving together athletic ability and musical talent, two of the seven forms of intelligences studied in Unit 2's Theme 2. Students can better appreciate the finer gifts God blesses us with, as we can learn from one another and work with one another to create wonderful experiences.

Assignment - Pro-Life Advertisement with Intelligences

Theme 3

Note - Passions & Emotions

Activity - Psalms & Emotions

Theme 4

Note - Inclusion

Assignment - Children's Story

Video - Inclusion of all People & What we Learn from Them