Unit 2

Chapter 4

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Introduction to New Ethical Response

Video - God's Chisel

Through this link, students are directed to a video that presents how God aims to shape us in His image by eliminating all obstacles we place between us and Him. As He chisels us into His perfect creation, we discover how we must invite and allow God to rid us of our qualities and practices that cause us to drift away from Him. Further, students can also appreciate how a sense of liberty and relief can overcome us once we surrender to God and open our minds, bodies, hearts and spirit to receiving and being one with God.

Video - The Call of Moses Part 1

This video depicts the first encounter Moses has with God, revealed through a burning bush, as told in the Bible's Book of Exodus. Students can appreciate the significance of God's love and ultimate plan for good, as Moses will soon become the leader of God's Chosen People.

Video - The Call of Moses Part 2

In this video, students can hear commentary analyzing the significance of God's calling of Moses through the burning bush. Various points are provided, helping students more effectively understand the power of this encounter.

Video - The Call of Moses Part 3

This video demonstrates important information about Moses' background at the time of his calling from God. Students can remark Moses' reluctance and doubt in God's plan at first, as well as his eventual discovery and acceptance of his true identity as a child of God. Through God's messages to Moses, students can also develop greater appreciation for the ultimate good God carries in His watching over His People.

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Describing a Prophet

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Qualities of a Prophet

Video - Veggie Tales (based on Bible reading - Prophet Gideon)

Chapter 5

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Exegesis and Hermeneutics

Video - Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)

Commentary - Gospel of Matthew

Video - Jesus' Beatitudes

Video - Jesus' Beatitudes: A Full Explanation

Assignment - Modern-day Sermon on the Mount