Unit 1


PowerPoint Summary Notes - Introduction to Morality

Video - Lord, I Need You

In this video, students are shown a few scenarios depicting how we in society must depend on and call on God for assistance. The situations present the value and need for having God as our base to guide us in our daily living. Otherwise, we can quickly make moral decisions without having God at our core, slipping easily into behavior that is unhealthy and potentially destructive to ourselves, others and our relationship with our Lord.

Video - Rule Breakers

This humorous video shows the importance of rules in society in order to avoid chaos and disorder in the world. While the video describes a specific setting (church youth camp), the examples can easily be expanded and applied to daily scenarios - both simple and more complicated. Students are reminded of the need for order and the observation of structure in society as an effective means to avoid danger and harm in everyday living.

Video - Mr. Accountability

This video shows the value of having people help us remain accountable for our actions, in order to continue living wholesome and virtuous lives of morality. As sinners, we must continue to seek God's light for redemption of our wrongdoing, and encourage one another to follow a path of morality and healthy decision making.

Chapter 1

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Three Approaches to Ethics

Chart - Ethics & Morality Comparison

Analysis - Morality Scenarios & Links to Ethical Thinkers

Summary - Gospel Values

Chapter 2

PowerPoint Summary Notes - General Summary

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Conceptual Framework of Action

Chapter 3

Chart - Process of Making Good Moral Decisions

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Aspect of Self

PowerPoint Summary Notes - Importance of Conscience

Video - Veggie Tales (based on Bible reading - Book of Daniel Chapter 3)