Unit 4 - Be Loving

In Unit 4, students will explore and analyze the significance of love and all of its forms. The class will also focus on the importance of making sound and healthy moral decisions when faced with ethical dilemmas. The Catholic Church's teachings on chastity will also be covered, in addition to how love can be placed in danger.

Subject matter in this unit can be considered quite sensitive at times, thus inviting students to handle such content with maturity and respect for all others. Parents are encouraged to discuss this class information with their children.

Unit 4 Text

Theme 1

Note - Love

Video - Where is the Love?

Video - Sea Otters in Love

Video - Patrick Henry Hughes

Theme 2

Note - Making Good Moral Decisions

Chart - Making Good Moral Decisions

Theme 3

Note - Catholic Church's Position on Chastity

Chart - Chastity Summary

Chart - Love & Sexuality & Chastity

Video - Marriage 101

In this video, students are given a preliminary description of the holy sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Marriage), as told with Catholic teachings and layman explanation.

Feature - Lolo Jones: Athlete & Virgin Until Marriage

Video - Lolo Jones: Athlete & Virgin Until Marriage - Part 1

Video - Lolo Jones: Athlete & Virgin Until Marriage - Part 2

Video - Lolo Jones: Athlete & Virgin Until Marriage - Part 3

Catechism of Catholic Church Explanations: Marriage

Catechism of Catholic Church Explanations: Chastity, Sexuality & the 6th Commandment

Note - Catholic Church's Position on Homosexuality

Article - Catholic Church's Position on Homosexuality

Article - Catholic Church's Position on Same-Sex Union (Marriage)

Video - Chastity, Marriage, Homosexuality & Love for All

In this video, students are introduced to a plethora of interesting and compelling points about God's love for His People and how we are all called to live. Topics of study from Theme 3 are presented and covered in wide detail, offering students greater insights as they strive to develop fully formed viewpoints.

Video - Catholic Teachings re: Chastity LGBTQ+ Explained
This video shows a priest homily detailing Catholic Church teachings re: the LGBTQ+ lifestyle as well as the Church's doctrine re: how we must live a charitable life of chastity with and towards everyone.

Statistics re: Birth rate in Canada (Natural Population Increase/Decrease)

Theme 4

Note - Types of Love

Note - Types of Love (MS Word format)

Note - Love Gone Wrong

Catechism of Catholic Church Explanations: Sin

Catechism of Catholic Church Explanations: Warnings of Offenses Towards Marriage

Article - Natural Family Planning