15. National efforts in mitigating climate change

What has been done in Singapore to mitigate climate change?


Check out the ‘Energy Efficient Singapore’ website


Read up on the need for carbon tax to be introduced in 2019


Green Energy


1. You have learned that the emission of the greenhouse gas Co2 is greatest from the burning of fossil fuel. How does Singapore overcome the challenge? Urbanisation and industrialisation results in greater usage of energy so more fossil fuel is burnt. Find out more about the alternate energy source and how it helps to cut down CO2 emission. What are the limitation in the use of alternate energy source?

Learn more about 2012 Green Plan.

Burning of natural gas generates 30% less carbon dioxide (CO2) than fuel oil and 45% less than coal in generating energy.


Updates on Singapore's effort in mitigating climate change

Singapore Green Plan - fuel switch for energy


Alternate energy source -solar farm


Updated 6 Oct 2022:

Domestically, around 95 per cent of our electricity is generated using natural gas. For 2021, around two-thirds of our natural gas is imported as term piped natural gas, while the remaining one-third is imported as term liquefied natural gas (LNG).

One limitation is the increased price. Price of natural gas were up 20 per cent year-on-year in August, while LNG prices were up 50 per cent compared to the same month last year,


2. What is a Green Building? How does it helps in reducing greenhouse gas emission? Learn more about the Green mark scheme in Singapore and discuss its effectiveness.

Read the article on the link below on how City Square achieve its Green Mark:


Singapore Green Mark scheme update 2020


Singapore Green Mark scheme


Updated 6 Oct 2022

The earlier editions of the Green Building Masterplan had set a target of greening 80% of Singapore's buildings (by gross floor area, GFA) by 2030.

As of end 2021, 49% of Singapore's buildings have been greened.


CapitaSpring’s botanical promenade, a Green Oasis with 38,000 plants from over 70 species planted around.

Photo Credit: Zaki 2 April 2022

3. One of the main cause of enhanced global warming is deforestation so would planting more trees help?

On 16 June 1963, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who was then the Prime Minister, planted a tree at Farrer Circus to start Singapore on its greening journey. How effective has the plant-a-tree program helped us mitigate climatic change?

Plant-a-tree programme update 2020


Forest restoration


Effectiveness of National strategies in Singapore

Are the national efforts effective? As shown by the graph below on the carbon emission for the 3 countricountriescountricountriesescountricountriescountricountrieseseses, Singapore's carbon emission per capita was very high in 1994 at 19.12 metric tons per capita. It has fallen to 7 in 2006 and lowest of the 3 countries in 2010 at 2.66 metric tons per capita. This would show that Singapore has been largely successful in its effort to reduce carbon emission.

Look at the graph below - do you think effort to conserving energy to reduce carbon emission is effective in Singapore?

National Effort

Singapore's climate policy is based on three pillars - fuel switching (Green Plan), increasing energy efficiency (E.g. energy efficient buildings under the Green Mark Scheme), and developing renewable energy. Most of Singapore's electricity is already generated by natural gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel. But there are limitations, such as the lack of suitable sites, to tapping renewable energy sources.

Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/environment/singaporeans-using-less-electricity-water

Singapore Green Plan 2030


The Green Plan has five key pillars:

a) City in Nature: to create a green, liveable and sustainable home for Singaporeans;

b) Sustainable Living: to make reducing carbon emissions, keeping our environment clean, and saving resources and energy a way of life in Singapore;

c) Energy Reset: to use cleaner energy and increase our energy efficiency to lower our carbon footprint;

d) Green Economy: to seek green growth opportunities to create new jobs, transform our industries, and harness sustainability as a competitive advantage; and

e) Resilient Future: to build up Singapore’s climate resilience and enhance our food security


Why is there a need for the Singapore Green Plan?

What are the main measures in the Singapore Green Plan 2030?

How does the Green Plan help in sustainable development?

What can you as an individual help in mitigating climate change?