07. Climographs

To identify the location of places experiencing the 3 types of climate and analyse the climographs.

Equatorial - between 10°N and 10°S of the equator

Tropical Monsoon - between 10 to 20 °N/S

Cool temperate - between 40 to 60°N/S

Watch the video to understand what is a climograph


  1. Visit World Climate to retrieve the temperature and rainfall data from http://www.worldclimate.com/ of Singapore India and Vancouver, Canada,

  2. Using the chart wizard in Google Sheet, create a combo chart using the 24 hr average temperature and average rainfall data to show the climate graphs of the two cities.

  3. Identify and explain the types of climate shown with reference to the three climate graphs.

Questions to consider

  • What is the amount of total annual precipitation? Add up all the monthly precipitation.

  • Is there a distinct wet and dry season? Which months do most precipitation fall?

  • What is the highest temperature? Which month has the highest temperature?

  • What is the lowest temperature? Which month has the lowest temperature?

  • What is the mean annual temperature? Is it high or low?

  • What is the annual temperature range? Is it small or large?

  • What might be the worst time to visit this city? Why?

Creating a Climograph using a Combo Chart with two Y-axes

Example of a climograph created using Google sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y0jjusBUyi8RbZIkiZvlfngDb_DPnLXJdrc-W6fyn1A/edit?usp=sharing

You can get the rainfall and temperature data from http://www.worldclimate.com/