08. Coral Reefs

Interesting facts on coral reef:


Where are coral reefs found?

•      Between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn where there is warm water with temperatures between 18–27°C 

•     Close to the coastal areas where there is shallow water; not more than 60 metres deep so that sunlight is able to penetrate the water  

•     water free from sediment/clear/not polluted/clean;  so that sunlight is able to penetrate the water  

The map below shows where coral reefs are found.  

Describe and account for the distribution of coral reefs shown in the map.

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Rich Biodiversity

Photos above taken by Pamela Tan @ Phuket, Thailand 2019

Do you know that there are some beautiful coral reefs in Singapore? Click on the images below for a the enlarged image.


How does more intensified typhoons affect coral reefs in the Phillipines?
Where is the area which the coral reefs are affected by climate change?
What other activities affect the coral reefs?

Watch the video below to see how coral reefs are in danger:

Watch the video below on the dangers to coral reefs

What is coral bleaching? 

What cause coral bleaching?

How would coral bleaching affects us?

Climate change affects the growth and survival of coral reefs as it rapidly changes the sea temperature making it warmer water temperatures can result in coral bleaching. When water is too warm, corals will expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing the coral to turn completely white.Bleaching of coral in the Seychelles archipelago says as much as 90 percent of corals in shallow waters are now bleached significantly with signs of mortality. 

Rising sea level may be faster than the ability of the reefs and their associated life forms to adjust. In addition, at a local scale, rising sea level will lead to higher sedimentation of sea causing corals to be suffocated. 

Read the article on the following link to find out more::


Read the following article on how coral reef conservation is carried out:


Human activities bringing harm to the coral reef ecosystem

Threats to coral reefs

Human activities protecting the coral reef ecosystem

An interesting case study of conservation of the coral reef where resort owner works with the local community in Tagaqe village. 
