03. Plate Tectonic interactives

You will need to know the location of the following tectonic plates:

More on the world's major tectonic plates: https://earthhow.com/7-major-tectonic-plates/

Predict the Location of the Landforms

Why do tectonic plates move?

How does it move?

What are the names of the major tectonic plates?

What are the main features and landforms formed by tectonic movements ?

Where are the tectonic features and landforms found?

Play the Tectonic Challenge here! https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth/plates-on-the-move2/game

Plate Tectonic and boundaries


All about plate tectonics


Identify the main tectonic plates via this link -


Describe the patterns of the

1. Topography and bathymetry (where is the high and low terrain? Are there linear or random features? Are features parallel or not? And so on...)

2. Volcanoes (randomly distributed or not? If not, in a line or zone? Wide or narrow? Continuous or intermittent? Refer to the topography/bathymetry, And so on...)

3. Earthquakes (Randomly distributed or not? If not, in a line or zone?Wide or narrow? All the same focus depth or not? If not, is there a pattern to the depths or not? If there is a pattern, describe. Refer to the topography/bathymetry, And so on...)

4. Seafloor age (Younger/older in which directions? Are age bands wide or narrow compared with other areas? Refer to the topography/bathymetry, And so on...)

Then form a hypothesis on:

Where is the plate boundary? What kind of plate boundary is this? How do you know? Support your hypothesis with evidence.

Plate boundary location: Between South American Plate and African Plate

Plate boundary location: Between Australian Plate and Eurasian Plate

Above maps from EOS workshop I attended.

View the gallery on the maps and diagrams on plate tectonics:


Download the following kmz file and looks at the different plate boundaries

Kmz file on Tectonic Plates - please ensure you have already downloaded Google Earth. Click and expand Places on the side menu on your left. You should see the placemarks 1 to 6 classified under the 3 types of plate boundaries. Double click on each placemark to find out more about the landforms formed at the respective plate boundaries.


Visit the following website and click on the legend to find out the location of the different types of boundaries and the distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes along the boundaries.


Below are animations from


How the thickness of each layer in the internal structure of Earth is determined.

Convergent plate boundary - oceanic-continental convergent

Divergent plate boundary - oceanic-oceanic divergent

Transform plate boundary