Sample LORMs

Candidates at each level will show the following characteristics:


Level 1 (0-3 marks)

At this level answers will be generalized or with minimal support if any given at all.  Reasoning rather weak and express may be unclear.  A basic answer that has little development.   Answers lack examples or other evidence, or it is so sketchy that it adds little support to the answer.


Level 2 (4-6 marks)

Disagreement or agreement will be supported by appropriate detail. Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full.  Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.  Some examples or other evidence will be presented to support answers in at least one place in the answer.


Level 3 (7-8 marks)

At this level answers will be comprehensive and supported by sound knowledge.  Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported.  Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.  Examples or other evidence to support answers will be extensive.