2020 Virtual Coastal GI and fieldwork simulation

Updated 20 Oct 2020

Updated below is my Sec 3 virtual Coastal GI. Making use of Google Earth to help them see the authenticity of their "fieldwork", simulated GI with measurement using samples, model, video clips etc at 7 stations in school! The students collaborated in the collection of data using Google Sheets and represent their data using Google slides.

Google Earth allowed my students to "fly over" to East Coast Park and Tanjong Rimau in Sentosa which will not be possible without the use of technology. It had definitely redefined the tasks. You can download the kmz file at the bottom of this page.

Google Earth

You can make a copy of the Google Earth kmz file which the students used to record their measurements.


The 5 stations at East Coast Park, Singapore.

he 2 stations at Tanjong Rimau in Sentosa.

Explanation on the data collection methods before getting the group's to rotate on the 7 stations.

Virtual flight to ECP via Google Earth. Students took a screen shot and annotate to explain their observation on coastal process, coastal features and human intervention.

Measuring the wave frequency from recorded video taken at ECP. Students imagine themselves to be at ECP looking at the place mark on Google Earth.

Sediment size analysis for larger sediment using a vernier caliper.

Sediment size analysis for finer sediment using a weighing scale and sieves.

Measuring the slope of the beach facing the updrift and downdrift.

My HOD helped me to guide the students in using the ranging poles and clinometer in measuring the beach profile.

Cliff survey at the parade square. Measuring the height of the classroom block in place of the cliff.

You can make a copy of the Google sheet which the students used to record their measurements.
